They're Killing Her Off, Aren't They?

If I know comics, the only reason they would have her and Bruce get married is so they can have some event where she dies and Batman gets pissed off.

I mean, do you think they actually intend to have any character progression in capeshit?

Nah, if Supes can be married with a kid, then so can Bats.

I can definitely see her dying during the ceremony but I don't know if it would motivate Bruce enough to go back into being Batman for the thousandth time. The man needs to find peace and happiness for once in his life.

Comics tend to get reset to a status quo, but what the status quo is DOES change over time.

But Didio says Batfamily characters can't get married because they have to be sad all the time. That's why Batwoman couldn't marry Sawyer.

The only way they can make Batman sad again is by killing Catwoman off. Or revealing that Amanda Waller blackmailed her into being a spy on Batman.

But it will probably be the death thing so that they can give The Joker another edgy thing to do, or establish that the newest villain of the month is a big deal to Batman.

Somebody ask Tom King if this is what he's planning, so that we can point to the tweet as evidence of how predictable the Big Two are when the issue is inevitably released

Oh fuck off. This isn't Marvel, where a functioning relationships are less common than the mutant gene. New staus quo, just like Superfamily. Hell, Selina is the only woman that would put up with Bruce's shit, and with her around Damian has a chance of not being a complete fuckup like his dad

the fucking annual flashforwarded to show them as old and still married so no?

It was looney tunes universe.

>This guy doesn't want Elmer Fudd canon

They are not fridgeing Selina. Just as likely that this is where they FINALLY retire Bruce Wayne

Or it's going to be undone by the end of Doomsday Clock. If the defeat of Manhattan leads to a reality changing, DC could just wipe this away.

Well, last time she married Batman (on Earth-Two) she died, so why not now?

>That's why Batwoman couldn't marry Sawyer
Nah, that was a company-wide ban on marriages when the N52 started

Holy shit why do i have a fucking name and why is it SELF ADVERTISING
what the fuck

As if death means shit in comics.

>and with her around Damian has a chance of not being a complete fuckup like his dad
>a fuckup
>somehow not a fuckup

Reminder that Catfags have completely ruined Batman's character for their waifu. For that reason alone, Catwoman does not deserve Batman, the other being that she's still a criminal.

Batman and his world is nothing like Superman. Batman being with sweet lady Gotgam will always triumph

Here are some absolutely true spoilers for what's going to happen with Catwoman:
It will be revealed she was completely evil the whole time. Her entire relationship with Batman up to this point was the longest of cons. All so she could find and steal something important that the Wayne family secreted away somewhere. Once she has it and her betrayal revealed, she'll be shown in a variation of one of her purple costumes and return to being a criminal mastermind type villain in Gotham. Also there will be a vague hint that she may have some ulterior protective motive, but that's just a potential out for later if they need it.

Worse. She will be pregnant and there will be an entire arc about her dealing with pregnancy.

This sounds too good to be true.

I'd be down for that. She'd also have leverage over Bruce/Batman which would be huge.

>tfw catman is the father.

No it sounds like more of the same old same old
“She’s evil Bruce is sad batman is sad”
Bruce should be retired

The course of the evil future is still set in stone, no?

And here's an absolutely truer spoiler for what happens:
The something important that is secreted away is Damian's virginity. In a comic-book first, we will see a graphic sex scene depicting an adult woman and a male minor. Selina will be discovered, exposed, and branded a pedophile by the media. Young boys around Gotham will stalk the night, hoping to be attacked by Catwoman next. The ulterior protective motive is that Damian's seed is necessary for the elixir-milk of eternal youth, and Selina needs to store it in her uterus for safe keeping.

She's going to steal his heart isn't she or Damian.

>and Selina needs to store it in her uterus for safe keeping

I... I don't know if that's plausible anymore...

>not being a girl (male) that got operated before Batman ever lslept with her
Im disappointed user