Being a whore is just fine

>being a whore is just fine

Is that supposed to be a meta joke?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hating whores

>Not caring if your own daughter ends up as an emotional wreck cum dump likely abused and riddled with STDs.
Please castrate yourself.


>Liking whores
Better a faggot than a cuck

less Sup Forums more sluts

is that your definition of a whore?


If all women are whores and sluts, how do you still manage to be virgins?

Whores and sluts ask for money, anons are poor.

it's the most hilarious thing when someone on Sup Forums unironically calls someone else a degenerate
you frequent a board for children's media, buckaroo. you're not a shining example of adult life either

>it's a Dan Harmon's mental issues and failed marriage seep into the show at the expense of comedy scene

The entire cast of Rick and Morty are emotionally stunted monsters but Sup Forums thinks they're supposed to be a group of role models whose behavior should be mimicked.

An entire generation who get confused between real life and cartoons, what a time to be alive.

So bassically every Beth and Jerry subplot of season 2 and all of season 3 except the Rickwank scenes?

>Not letting your own daughter end up as an emotional wreck cum dump likely abused and riddled with STDs.
jesus user, its like you care about women. haha what a fag

>Is that supposed to be a meta joke?
R&M is literally "millennial the show" and it's core audience completely rejects the idea of self control, especially when it comes to sexuality.

So yeah it's going to be meta to anyone who lacks their special mental disorders

>it's okay for men to have sex with many women
>it's not okay for women to have sex with many men


every woman has a whore phase or at least that is what whores keep telling other people.

This. also its not just Sup Forums, idiots take ricks bull as wisdom

>it's okay for men to have sex with many women
Where did he say that?

If you believe the first you are just as much of a faggot. We’re not Thebes ones putting promiscuity in males ona pedestal, you can blame that one on women.

>men can get pregnant and bring home an unwanted, uncared for child

pretty sure I'd be upset if my son was running around fucking women and risking STDs, unwanted pregnancies, and rape accusations instead of focusing on his own development as a person with his eyes and ears open for someone else who wants to start a relationship with him

>being a whore is fine
>but dumping a girl because you didn't like her tits isn't
Why does this show hate men so much?

Never heard of child support huh?

No, it's actually fine. We humans. Having sex is what we do and our bodies are built to enjoy it. As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure your kids are aware of the consequences of their actions.
My folks gave me pretty much the same talk, and my dad would routinely get me anything I needed to stay safe. The understanding however was that I respected my place in the home and I didn't do stupid shit like bring girls back home to fuck while my younger siblings were around, stayed out late, or that I just left sex stains all over the place. For the most part it was basically "here's some condoms, go have sex outside, in a car, at the girls house, etc. if you want and keep it out there".

>implying that actually happens
I tried a sex once and none of that stuff you mentioned even remotely happened!

>Having sex is what we do and our bodies are built to enjoy it.
Sex isn't inherently bad. But that doesn't mean you don't control that desire. You need to practice self restraint, that's what it means to be a human rather than an animal.

Pair bonding and statistics say exactly that, yes.

...did you read the rest of the post you replied to?

Mind sharing those statistics? Less infographs and more valid working links to quantitative analyses by reputable sources, if you may.

I wasn't disagreeing with the post shitfuck. Take your reddit "..." and gtfo

Women writers

Because most women are only whores and sluts for Chad unless money's involved.

Oh no everyone, user's angry! He used he word reddit!

Its true. It usually lasts from mid tweens to menopause.

if you want to blame someone for this blame women

>If all women are whores and sluts,
incorrect' it's bitches and whores, not whores and sluts

Look, man, I know r/incels is gone and you're looking for a new place to be autistic but could you maybe take this shit somewhere else?

In that case, isn't it OK then? Chad is a genetic superior and money allowing people to be non-virgins sounds like a side effect of the free market working it's magic.
In fact, women being sluts for money arguably drives us further from the evil that is communism. Any non-degenerate should logically embrace this.

>the only picture of slutmmer is in OP
disappointing. who has the comic where she and morty /ss/?

>Having sex is what we do
it is but it is not all we do, not is the center of our universe.
> my dad would routinely get me anything I needed to stay safe. The understanding however was that I respected my place in the home and I didn't do stupid shit like bring girls back home to fuck
he ok with you fucking in a dirty car like some hobo. What if the girl has siblings? Do you think her parents like your cum stains in their house?

Humans instinctively correlate sex and hierarchy. Promiscuous women are of low rank. Promiscuous men are of high rank. It's not far, and it's not right, but it's instinct and it isn't going to change, so get over it.

Child support is actually good grounds for men to not have sex with any woman until she agrees to put a ring on her finger. The way the system is currently arranged, a man can have sex with a woman, never even know he had a child, only to find out years later he has one when that woman is suddenly demanding financial compensation over a child he never had a say on, and which he might never even get to know, because the woman can decide to just milk him for cash while denying him the chance to actually be a father.

Character wise I love Summer she has a believable girl writing but is more woke than most girls...but her's fucking jerry, it dosen't matter how hot her body is, I'm sticking my dick in a long ginger haired jerry...


Maybe so but it has the larger effect of undermining society as a whole.

I was about to say this, yes.
There's also the mechanics of mating. A women always raises her child. There's no way to 'fool' her and put some other woman's kid inside her. A male on the other hand can be fooled and raise another man's child. It is because of this situation that the promiscuity of a women is of far greater importance than that of a man, especially to men.
Their faithfulness directly translates to how sure you can be that your genetic line continues.

Similairly you can track how likely your relationship is to succeed in the long term inverse to the dicks your partner has ridden. Fascinating stuff. Don't even get me started on periodic breeding preference (where women pick different men depending on how fertile they are in their menstruation period to maximise dominant men when fertile and providing men when dormant).

Like the science is there. When you put it all together and look at it objectively women are bleak pathetic fare-weather creatures - who, because of the nature of their breeding, never evolved any sense of loyalty that wasn't societely forced into them. You can also see this in that other tribes or nations who won a war would take the women. Those women who willingly coupled with their spouses killers would be rewarded and that trait reinforced genetically speaking.

God bless the French for marginalising the thots that slept with nazis during their occupation.

Never heard of birth control?

And eating isn't all that we do either, nor is it the center of our universe, but it is something we do, are built to enjoy, and know to take in moderation while being aware of potential consequences. Sex is no different.
And yes, my dad was OK with me fucking in a car, my own car. He specifically told me not to do it in open spaces like parking lots though, to avoid public indecency issues. And if the girl had siblings or parents that disliked cum stains it was on her to clarify that. There were plenty of times I didn't have sex with a girl in her house. It's not like I would just barge in there, bro.

Something tells me you never had sex.

>it's not far, and it's not right
Actually it's both fair and right from multiple different perspectives. Don't be a faggot.
Men need to fuck around less, and as the times were they did. Women still need to fuck around far far less. There's an imperative and the judgements that form that instinctual disdain for thots is long developed and well reasoned.

>undermining society as a whole
Citation needed. Because as far as I am aware, we are living in the most prosperous times in human history in terms of economics, technology, and opportunities. We are also continuing a trend of decreasing overall crime in the US.

The only people truly upset with women in this age are people who are genetically inferior or can't compete in a capitalist society.

almost correct. in my 28 years I only had sex 6 times.

Financially sure but I was speaking culturally. There is no question that we are living in a time where being a slut and hedonism in general is not just accepted but encouraged. Imagine Hedonism bot from Futurama succeeding Nixon's head as President of Earth and having his moral standards enacted into policy globally. That's where we are currently headed.

>whore thread
>only 1 image posted

>ancap faggots post on this board
Free market is as retarded as gommunism. Both people supplant actual culture and interactions for some impossible ideology that serves to propel those in power further along.
There's nothing wrong with seeking your own fortune but to masquerade it as some moral virtue or to accept dominance from some other entity by way of this ideological virtue is some spooked out fucking shit.
>mutts talking about superior genetics
America is a mistake that is now well and truly on the way to correcting itself. I know you're on the way out but of the 4-5 international powers that may prevail in the coming centuries you were like second or third. Time to recede and cede hegemony to someone new, pal. How's that free market taste

>not caring about your daughter being able to attract a mate during her fertile years

father of a library desk clerk & owner of 8 cats I bet

>the chance to actually be a father.
You mean learning all of a sudden that you have a giant-ass responsibility? Yeah, would be good if all the women decided to never give you a chance to discover that.

not only that. They now raise daughters who don't want kids at all and trick other man into not passing along their genetics as well. They say dumb shit like "lets pick a kid from the orphanages,having children is selfish".

I seriously doubt you have reputable sources for a lot of these "facts" and if there is evidence it surely doesn't describe the entire thought processes of all women going back far enough you could draw such conclusions.

The fact that you blame women for having sex with opposing forces in times of war is really fucked up. Did you ever think that there may be other circumstances which led women to sleep with invading army's men? Like threats, security, food, protection for family, etc. It's not because they're genetically unfaithful whores it's because they were in a fucked situation and guys would have slept with someone to escape it too. Also I'm sure you understand many women were and are raped in times of war but I assume you're talking about women who voluntarily had sex.

>but I was speaking culturally
>shifting goalposts
>imagine hedonism bot from futurama
Are you gonna post some numbers that line up with the idea of society faltering and falling apart as a result of sexual ethics in this era, or am I going to have to start playing the world's smallest violin?
People being able to traverse social class via trade/labor and desire to get pussy fuels this whole human progress operation. If women didn't go for the genetically superior guy or the guy with money this whole human race thing would grind to a halt and that's when wed actually be no different from the animals.

>expecting autists not to defend their virginity from a single R&M post

Welcome to Sup Forums. Shit threads like this makes me happy that I'm still dating my furfag high school sweetheart.

>Shit threads like this
I dunno, lack of pictures makes it seem like they're having an intelligent and serious discussion

>free market is as retarded as gommunism
Looks like we got a retard in here
>America is a mistake
>you're on the way out
Cry more, then post some numbers to back up your wild fantasies of anyone challenging daddy.
>how's that free market taste
Delicious. I get shoes from Chinese laborers while the rest of you commie fucks stand in bread lines and company about trucks of peace.

>trying to humanise traitors
Literally none of that shit you say matters. You're at war. Your brothers and fathers have died for you and you spit on them and take their killers into your bed. Pathetic. Your countrymen would die for the nation you shared but you'd not go a moment without trifling securities. Too frail for sacrifice or suffering, instead giving yourself immediately to your captor.

>and guys would have slept with someone to escape it
Patently false. They waged war and didn't surrender sovereignty. They paid with their lives for a chance at freedom.
I feel sorry for whatever country that houses you. They are worse for it.

This is true however it's in the eventual adoption of the victors culture and the raising of their children that the citizen stops being human and starts being a desperate animal.
Those who willingly chose to purse their captors were rewarded with comforts, you're right. Security, food and what have you. They also - as a result of this had more kids and kids who were better off. This similarly meant that the genes of people who were more likely to turn traitor (at least in females) was spread through that off spring. For each and every time this occurred humanity naturally selected for two types of people. Aggressive men who would kill the other tribe's men and submissive women who were relatively amoral and held little to no tribal loyalties beyond coupling with whomever was in power.

That would be personal bias

Society is almost all culture. You can have currency or a barter system but culture is the thing that holds society together. It's not shifting goalposts to say that changing that culture or at worst undermining it poses a danger to society as a whole by exponentially increasing volatility within a culture. Letting people run around to do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want is not good if one seeks to have a stable society, its anarchy. Progress is of course necessary but that doesn't mean every bit of movement from our current state is progress.

>while the rest of you commie fucks stand in bread lines
>you must be a commie if you don't like capitalism
You are demonstrably the 'retard' of this conversation. Not only do you understand the what the other user is talking about but you're incapable of discussing states and their economies without immediately devolving into a commie cappy dichotomy.
You can't comprehend any discussion past black and white and you've got the gall to call me retarded? It must be nice having no self awareness, mutt.

>implying watching children's media is inherently immoral

You got some of dem peer reviewed and replicable scientific/statistical sources?

Not him, but it's completely despicable betraying your people, your husband, your older sons who are probably dying on the frontlines to save your own skin.

And you said guys, only the lowest of men would actually offer his butt to the nazis. I would personally shoot the guy if he was on my unit.

The first one is free.


these things are getting so surreal, in 30 years wojak is going to be considered a new wave of art

Doesn't change the fact that the modern western woman is an active, and leading, figure in the current wave of social upheval in the western world. Reminder of who more reliably votes leftist in elections worldwide. My guess is its the natural maternal instinct reflected in voting paterns that speak to a desire for a large state that can take care (or mother) everyone and take care of all their needs. Anyone who saw that TAWOG ep where Nicole was temporarily usurped as primary caregiver in the Watterson household by an overly doting Granny Jojo can easily see just one of the consequences of that mindset.

>its not shifting goalposts to say...poses a danger to society as a whole by exponentially increasing volatility within a cultire
Earlier in this reply chain the statement was that "it has the larger effect of undermining society as a whole." Meanwhile in the real world, as western society's values have changed, we've moved forward into what is statistically a more prosperous and less crime ridden future.
>progress is of couse necessary but that doesn't mean every bit of movement from our current state is progress
Agreed. However if we've made noted moves over the decades and have continued to see progress, we can effectively rule that those moves are also not negative correlates to progress or not strong negative correlates to progress, otherwise there would have been incapable of progress. Ergo it is best at this point to assume the two are likely not correlated at all, and arguments for liberal sexual tendencies leading to societal collapse are more of a fantasy than anything else.
Unless you want to post some hard numbers like I asked earlier.

Oh, so you ate at Chipotle?

You're lying. Those feces were already there and you just decided to just microwave and eat them. There's no way that flies would be fluttering around you that quickly if the poop still has steam lines, unless they're stink lines which I doubt because they're not green or brown.

>Rationalizing Treachery and disloyalty
A man without conviction is naught more than an animal, fit only to live amoungdt the dirt as one

>natural maternal instinct reflected in voting paterns
You are wrong. It's the incomprability of loyalty on a collective level. When things go wrong men die and women find new men. They have no basis or really even any reason to care about their country. Their entire lives up until recently (although you could argue do still) revolve around finding agreeable cocks to ride in order to capitalise on the resources of that partner.
They vote with the half thought-out 'it's mean to be stern' mentality because they aren't geared to think or act in a way that prioritises collectives, men or even each other.
They are the human equivalent of Remora. If their hosts die they find new hosts. There is no loss other than the potential disparity between the current and previous host.

>Reminder of who more reliably votes leftist in elections worldwide. My guess is its the natural maternal instinct reflected in voting paterns that speak to a desire for a large state that can take care (or mother) everyone and take care of all their needs.

We live in a country where Black former slaves had the right to vote 50 years before women and you wonder why women have mostly been on the more progressive side of politics?

I cannot pirate sex

>tries to portray a worthless man
>describes a woman perfectly
Every time, man.

You do not live in a country like that you dumb ass double nigger.
a) progressivism is a meme and people will (or should) vote for what appeals to them i.e just because progessivism got you a vote doesn't mean you'd agree with the rest of it
b) Women have been allowed to vote in America for ages. It was based on property ownership and it so happened that men held the property. In the cases that women held sufficient land they were given their due electoral privileges.
Typical that an American wouldn't even know their own fucking history.

I think you have a very idealized view of men's role in war and society. There are many reasons men go to war and most of them aren't doing it solely or mostly for the reasons you give. "Die for a chance at freedom." How many wars were for objectively good "freedom" and don't you realize that must mean the opposing side is fighting to the death to remove freedom? If that side's women defected would that be as evil to you? Or is it more about staying with the "in-group" then it's actually about morality? I guess women should just kill themselves if they are unable to carry forward the genetic lineage of the "right" side because that's all they're good for.

Large wars haven't been a thing for very long, those dynamics would have been required in our caveman days for that genetic lineage to exist. And that is certainly possiblebut also not conclusive. Just because we have a genetic predisposition to something doesn't make it inevitable and doesn't remove extenuating individual circumstances. If men are genetically predisposed to rape are all men rapists who can't control themselves? You're using gender dynamics from when we lived in groups of 20 people on the fucking Serengeti. Things have changed and people are different because human brains are very adaptable and society is really good at enforcing certain behaviors. That's kind of the whole thing that makes us special. So I wish you wouldn't chalk up womens' actions as genetics and men's as moral and righteous.

>The empirical evidence is strong that men have
evolved a more powerful desire for a variety of sex
This article suggests that would have been logical for women to offer themselves to foreign invaders in a time a crisis as it's likely to be a source of weakness for the invaders that can help ensure survival. To punish a woman for exploiting that weakness is the same as rewarding a woman for being stupid enough to risk killing herself and her children when there is an option for survival right there in front of her.

Also as a side bar, it would be for this same reason intelligence agencies specifically hire and train female agents as seducers.

And what's the problem with any of that? As an organism, your and your children's survival is most important.

The 'progress' we've made over the last decade or so is not stable. Part of progress is to ensure that a society can continue that progress. Forcing democracy in the Middle east, unlimited refugees into europe and completely open borders means that there are conflicting cultures coming into direct conflict with one another and, rather than assimilation, conflict arises. Those who seek to make our society a monocultured one populated completely by slightly tanned bald people like the future people in that one ep of South Park are in denial about the fact that utopianism doesn't work and that society has rules for a reason. Everyone's idea of progress may be different which is why government is there to decide which way forward is better. This doesn't mean that way is right but it means that the path forward is more stable due to government support. Hedonistic society where everyone simply acts on their desires undermines that sense of unified progress as everyone chases their own happiness and , as in my Hedonismbot example, I don't think any govt should be encouraging that mentality.

If you want behave like an animal, then don’t complain when see you as such.

Why am I required to show loyalty to a country I was born in just because I was born into it? What about women in Nazi Germany? What about women in societies which despise and mistreat women just for their gender where women can't pick their husband or occupation or control anything in their lives? Why should they be loyal to a husband they didn't choose in a country which doesn't treat them like human beings? Just a hypothetical obviously not all countries are like this but you get my point. Also male soldiers having disloyal sex while on duty is commonplace but doesn't seem to evoke this reaction I wonder why.

>many wars were for objectively good "freedom" and don't you realize that must mean the opposing side is fighting to the death to remove freedom
Typical hole. Men (collective) do not start wars. They are told they are in a war and they make a choice. To defend what is threatened or to cower, flee and give it up or live under a new power. That is the choice of freedom. That is the decision given to the men both aggressed and aggressor.
It is not moral righteousness but a mortal imperative come selected trait. That NEED to understand the importance of the collective. Those that did and do, win.
>I guess women should kill themselves
More like that they would be willing to die for something.

>large wars haven't been a thing for very long
Who cares. Men getting wiped and women getting swiped HAVE. Who are you playing bruv?
>dynamics would have been required in cave man days
a) they are present as long as there have been in and out groups
b) no genes aren't so difficulty to alter. Criminality for example is .05% heritable or something to that measure based on monozigotic twin studies.
Again, you are wrong.

A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.

Exactly, who would listen to a govt that's mean. You want a maternal govt who tells you not to worry, that everything will be alright and that you don't have to be afraid of suffering or strife because the gov't will take care of your needs. And like in that TAWOG ep, society atrophies until it becomes a big, droopy, inert couch potato inclined to only act upon your basic whims with no sense of responsibility ie. Richard.

As an organism MY childrens' survival is most important. Women secure their survival and their children are incidental with off-spring with their new partner becoming foremost.
As an organism I should encourage this behaviour to abate by whatever means necessary.

>the progress we've made over the last decade or so is not stable
Sauce. Also the sexual proclivities being discussed have been commonplace and debated for far longer than a decade. We can go back to at least the 60s with this.

>Hedonistic society where everyone simply acts on their desires undermines that sense of unified progress
It's the exact opposite. Capitalism has by far driven us further into prosperity by encouraging people to work hard to get what they want.

Still waiting on hard numbers, btw.

Yeah... this thread doesn't look like it has anything to do with comics

Sure it's that in part but only because they are in broad generality unable to see the essence of what state and government do on a personal level.
It's incidental to them. The results don't affect them so they might as well pick one based on something superficial like what is trendy (appeal to dominance) or what is nice (appeal to feminine bonding patterns).

>Literally none of that shit you say matters. You're at war. Your brothers and fathers have died for you and you spit on them and take their killers into your bed. Pathetic. Your countrymen would die for the nation you shared but you'd not go a moment without trifling securities. Too frail for sacrifice or suffering, instead giving yourself immediately to your captor.

Lmao. Read a fucking book, idiot. The vast majority of wars throughout history were fought by random men kidnapped from their homes and essentially enslaved by the local noble or warlord, they weren't fighting for a fucking cause and they could easily be forced to fight against their "brothers and fathers" if they lived the next town over.

Wanting to survive is to behave like an animal?
But you killing a random woman doesn't ensure your offspring's survival, unless we have statistics proving the woman or her brood would have killed you or your child, if you even had one. In fact, it's arguably worse to do that because you drastically cut your own number of reproductive members and then end up complaining about birth rates and immigrants down the road. You could have avoided that by breeding the women that were smart enough to survive instead of killing them and sitting around twiddling your thumbs with the dumb and scarred ones that managed to survive starvation and are haunted by the memories of their children they let die.

It's about cartoon doofus.

>some people plan on killing you or enslaving you
LMAO how is war even real? Like burn your crops nigga HHAHAHA Like walk out into the street and let your wive and daughters be taken HAHA

How or why a war happened is incidental. Pragmatically speaking there are some clear decisions and sacrifices a man makes for both his personal and collective good. When it is successful he is rewarded and so it is selected by proxy over time. In the same circumstance the less tied to a group or idel a women is the more flexibly she can navigate partners and secure preferable circumstances for herself and her children current and expected.
These create very different mindsets