This movie desperately needed a villain

This movie desperately needed a villain.

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joy was the villain
and so was the little girl

Wrong. Not everything needs a defined antagonist

It's pretty funny how everyone was declaring this as the best movie ever, but it's forgotten already.

but we're talking about it right now

Also they should have had to defuse some sort of device in the third act

>tiny people inside head.

it's pretty forgettable already, even the ear worm joke

It's still my favorite animated film of the last decade. Everything in it works so well

Joy was best emotion.

I thought it was going to be Bing Bong or whatever the fuck his name was when he first showed up


The Beano should have sued

What it needs is more disgust lewds.


her ass needed to be tamed

The movie sucked, let it go.

A great movie, one of my favourites.

You, sir, have officially shit taste.

Feel like the "villain" is the attempt to be happy all the time while suppressing negative emotions, resulting in an empty person grasping at shallow happiness.

It was also missing a car chase. That was quite a bummer.

Thst would've been interesting. Amber Alert issued, police start tracking her phone, as they close in on her, Riley, in a desperate state of mind attempts to jack the bus when everyone is off hsving a smoke/bite to eat/etc.

Fuck you, Pinkie Pie is great

I really don't like people like you. If a movie isn't being talked about nonstop or brought up in every conversation it's "forgotten". Just fuck off with that buzzword ass phrase, there's several threads a week on this movie.

Well there was a villain planned called "gloom". Remember the climax where the board stopped working altogether? that was supposed to be it. A force of never ending misery born from the mental instability of a little girl. If they had kept Gloom, then the ending would have been radically different, with the girl going inside her own head with the emotions and fighting Gloom head on. The writers stopped this though line of thought because they thought it was too silly (retarded) for a pretty serious movie

And then a rocket launcher is involved somehow.

>A force of never ending misery born from the mental instability of a little girl.
That would've been great though.

Yeah.... it wouldve

Middle school hormones were the villain.

Anger's retarded ideas were the villain

The Numbskulls weren't even an original Beano comic (They appeared in The Beezer first). But it's an idea that originated in literature since 1600's so no one has any grounds to sue anyway. The Beano just made fun of it and moved on.

The way I see it, San Francisco was the villain...

We all know who the real villain was.

Riley was her own worst enemy.

"Falling Down" reference... I like it!

>Disgust, "Do you think this is a good idea?"
>Anger, "Sure! What could possibly go wrong?"

Aren't we all?


Aww... Tripple Dent gum, user?

Beat me by 1 second.

The entire point of the story was that the seeming protagonist was at fault for going too far but redeemed herself through her realization of the other emotions' necessity.

I guess some people need to rewatch things to understand them sometimes.

Fake af


>desperately needed a villain
Joy was the villain you twat. Do you understand how the mind works during the puberty stage? You go from a 99% happy child to an emotionally confused teen.
>b-but Joy wasn't a villain
Here's a refresher.

I disagree. Good stories always are Character Vs. X

The thing is the x can be a few things
>vs. nature
>vs. character
>vs. self

The problem is there's really not a strong enough conflict in this movie. For one, it's obvious the personality islands could be rebuilt with new personality traits from the get go.

Joy vs. self is the only real conflict and it's really weak.

I think they could've included a stronger villain that turned out to not be a villain (A new emotion that didn't live in headquatrers? something?)

It's just bland. It's a cute movie, it's not godawful or even bad, but it's not great either.

>"Why would you do this, Bing Bong? Why would you hurt Riley? To tell her to run away?"
>"...I thought you of all people would understand, Joy. Ever since she stopped believing in me, Riley's become sadder and sadder, and I couldn't let that happen. That's why I did it, Joy. I gave her the idea to go home, back to where it all started. And then...then we could be together again. We'll have fun again. After all...Riley needs to be happy."

Not every movie needs an antagonist, OP. The movie did just fine without one.

It's funny how you get butt hurt about honeymoon viewers spewing their obnoxious hyperbole.