I don't completely hate this look

I don't completely hate this look

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CGI will fix any blemishes

Fuck me, Lawrence is still playing her? Why don't they drop her talenless ass already?

It doesn't even look like proper makeup. It looks like they just colored over her face and eyes in post. There's just something about how the yellow of her eyes exceeds her sclera, and how the blue goes into the eyebrows too fine.

JLaw has pushed them to as minimal makeup as possible.

Right? The character has a built-in anti-bitch device being that SHE CAN CHANGE FORM AT WILL.

Oh, you don't wanna be blue? BLOOP, RECAST. Especially given she doesn't have the Romaine quality of nearly always being in her "natural" form.

desu Lawrence should just start fucking girls. It's what everyone really came to see.

I’m starting to think the actors and actresses are getting “fed” up with always being in makeup, look at all the recent hero movies they are wearing the costumes less and less.

It's so uninteresting, always hated how this looked on her. Wish the bumps on her had more of a shine or something reflective like scales as opposed to just glued on lumps.

I'm sure it's not all but I recall some costumes/makeup taking a whole 3+ hours to get into before shooting. That can't be fun every time

Or maybe be more ornate and detailed?

I was literally just about to-
Romijn sat in makeup for fucking eight hours and, without a SINGLE line of dialog in the first film, acted CIRCLES around The Cunt on Fire.

It looked good on her, she somehow pulled it off. Her disposition helped i think, where as Lawrence just looks meek and helpless all the time.

I'm not sure why so many wanted her nudes, or why she keeps getting cast in serious roles. She legit looks like an eight-year-old n matter what she's wearing.

I actually really like this look. It's a perfect blend of original X-trilogy, New series, and comic book version. Put her in a white dress with a skull belt, and it's perfect.

It's funny, that the X-Franchise has outlived Lawrence's other star-vehicle franchise, forcing her to keep the part because what ar the chances to land a starring role in yet ANOTHER multi-million dollar franchise?

>Not just having a black person play her
Wow, I thought we were a progressive nation here.

>never again

>Put her in a white dress with a skull belt, and it's perfect.
Okay, maybe.
MAYBE then it would work.

So long as we're spared that DoFP shit where she was clearly wearing a fucking blue jumpsuit.

then stop being in super hero movies, oh wait they're the only profitable movies a lot of these actors are actually in.
outside of the older actors
>logan, Xavier's, magneto's
even this bitch being top female talent in hollywood for the past few years, she hasn't done much, she had roughly 2 good years.

JLaw's face fits the Mistique role.
Her short square blocky body on the other hand

The bitch has no jaw and her cheekbones are digitally enhanced. What Mystique are you talking about?

Old Marvel comic heroines looked like the same crossdressed male.

Still wondering how Law looks like any iteration of the Blue Bitch not based on her model.

The only thing she would have to do is to wear the bodypaint and bother going through a workout regimen Robin Wright, who's over twice her age, could do.

I feel you, I feel you.

that blank stare ruins it for me. i picture mystique as always seemed to have some scheme brewing on the back burner.

Ya think they'll ever use the comic's design?
>less detail
>easier application
>actually wears clothes

People associate simple bodypaint like this with cheap Star Trek TOS aliens, that's why Hollywood tries to avoid it.

it looks okay, but then j law starts speaking...

>Lawrence just looks meek and helpless all the time
The casting made sense in First Class when she was an inexperienced 20-something uncomfortable in her own skin.
Now she's supposed to be a leader with years of experience and JLaw is almost completely checked out... There's no hope.

For me it just goes to show that First Class should've been a stand alone movie.

Man, this looks just hideous.

> without a single line of dialog
> "people like are the reason I was afraid to go to school as a child"

Best cape movie. Prove me wrong.

I agree, it looks like a decent compromise between the movie and comic looks.

Too bad it's a CGI overlay on an stuck-up actress that clearly doesn't want to be there.

>For me it just goes to show that First Class should've been a stand alone movie.

If only. Then they wouldn't have to keep necromancing a dead horse just to mangle it again.

whereas Doug Jones never skips the chance to get in full body 5 hour costumes

he even did it for years on a tv show no one gave two shits about, he just likes being in costume

Maybe JLaw has always thought that stuff beneath her. Surely can't be the oscars.

I can't bring myself to like her after the RE movies.

that shit must've been a pain in the ass to put on even back then.
I don't really get why they went all the way to make her naked when the white outfit could've been easier and probably just as sexy

Mystique is one of the most easily recastable characters in Hollywood and I wish they would just give Jlaw the boot already.

I thought she threatened to quit anyway? If I were running a studio, I'd let her leave. She can't be a draw on her own anymore, anyway.

Her name is still a box office draw on the eyes of Fox.

I just blue myself.

I couldn't watch the last movie cuz of how mischaracterized she was

Even that white dress is morphed-on. Movie Mystique's design goes a bit further, she doesn't bother with the dress because she rejects human conventions more vehemently than other evil mutants. So it's an active choice, contrasting someone like Manhattan who slowly stopped caring.

Yeah, but then this Mystique is basically Kitty Pride

Looks cheap and silly, like the coloring was overdone in post.

Romijn was dedicated to the role, she even wanted to wear yellow sclerotic lenses but her eyes couldn't handle it and Singer didn't bother replacing them in post digitally.

It's definitely Lawrence's best blue look, but still inferior to the original design.
>blue and yellow
Let's see if they'll fuck it up again even after Deadpool cracked the X-Uniform code.

I can't
It was a solid movie that made people realise comic book movies can be good again.

Add me to the list that cannot disprove that. They opened that shit up with a concentration camp. That scene still gives me chills. And no, I'm not Jewish that's just not the type of shit anyone expected going into X-Men.


>yellow eyes in after effects
fucking recast this bitch holy shit. She doesn't even want to be in it.

Too much detail, not enough color contrast, and the colors are too muted.,

Somehow, the fact that the colors here are more natural works against her, while the more popping comic book colors work much, much better.

I think the problem with the First Class Mystique design is that it makes her face look super fat and puffy. They also fucked up her hair-line.

Will we finally get some good shots of her feet?

this is ukrainian nazi eating. he is an arier. the creator of famous killing list "peacemaker" where they collect informations about people and offer help how to find them for murder or kidnaping.

enjoy OP. this is white power in real life.


I don't understand this entire post.

Just ignore it. You shouldn't have commented to him.

Not only was Romijn rediculously dedicated to the role but it was her first major role too. Pretty much her first ever acting role excluding a couple of TV and movie bit parts/cameos.

I know she's 45 now but if Romijn still has the body for it get her back, not like you would be able to tell her face had aged under so much makeup.

>not like you would be able to tell her face had aged under so much makeup.

Possibly. But her body might.

>still JLaw
I do

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong place, Sup Forums is 15 boards down.

Yeah Jesus fucking Christ as if my interest in this movie could get any lower.

It already looked underwhelming, but I thought at least we could get an X-Men film without another 40 minutes of forced Charles/Eric/Raven empty love triangle.

Also I just don't want to support this actress because of how terrible she is as a person.

So that's it I guess I'm not seeing it in theaters now. Thanks!

Ugh why is she still around. She has ruined these movies with her shitty shitty acting.