>DC TV head Geoff Johns revealed that, although Krypton is a prequel series, DC heroes Adam Strange and Hawkwoman, and DC villains Brainiac and Doomsday, will be a part of the show.
>So how will that work? Well, Johns explained that while Krypton takes place in the past and centers around Superman’s grandfather, Seyg-El (Cameron Cuffe), “it’s about a conspiracy from the present that’s traveled back in time to Krypton to prevent the birth of Superman.” That’s where we get Adam Strange and Hawkwoman battling to stop the evil plan and save the present.
Hudson Harris
I am so fucking sick of these shows that want to be the "before" period of something, yet just shove in all this shit that should be in the "current" period.
See Smallville and Gotham.
Evan Butler
Capeshit movies and tv shows were a mistake
Nathaniel Rogers
I don't care what anyone says about this show, Johns told us that Adam Strange and Brainiac will appear and that's all I care about.
Ethan Martin
Eh, I'll never complain about more sci-fi on the TV screen.
Wyatt Allen
I was worried this would be too similar to Caprica so honestly this works.
Parker Sanders
>Seyg-El >Seig Heil So is this show actually about Earth-X the way Gotham is actually about Earth-3?
Colton Murphy
Smallville was Superman's story though so villains appearing sooner was no problem at all. Same goes for Gotham in my opinion because it's actually Batman to some capacity
What I hate is showrunners trying to give something ENTIRELY different, yet going back and taking the original characters to make it work. Supergirl is the best example
>NO WE'RE NOT A SUPERMAN SHOW!!!!!!!!! >Insist on people recognising Supergirl as her own character with own set of villains >Supergirl herself states plenty of times "I'm not my cousin!!!" >show proceeds to use Superman villains, Superman side characters, Superman storylines etc >show actually uses Superman in second season but for some reason Supergirl doesn't call him in other serious situations, e.g. at the end of the second season >villain character in third season literally has the fortress of solitude but in rock form
It's just recycling in order to get more money by any pathetic means possible. as of now, I like the Krypton approach because it sounds like a Terminator storyline
Jeremiah Rivera
thought this was taking place on Earth before I saw the city with a beam of light shooting to the sky.
Ayden Long
>They didn't call it Metropolis and connect it with the Gotham show Which wouldn't be saying much because Gotham is Gotham. Still, I won't get to see Lex and the gang. It's time to watch some Smallville. SOMEBODY SAAAAAVE ME
Charles Ross
yeah im gonna give it a shot
Jonathan Bailey
Is it still connected to the man of steel movie?
Zachary Baker
so its not in the DCEU as originally planned?
Landon Nguyen
This is based on John Byrne's awesome World of Krypton mini and the Kryptonian stuff was the only good part of Man of Steel. I'm honestly hoping this might be decent, esp if Adam Strange is in it.
Colton White
Actually user >Seyg-El >Siegel
Landon Campbell
>not using Gar-El
Cooper Jackson
>12 episode long boring drama about Jor-El looking into Krypton and what may happen to it in the future. >Little nods to things that would be cool in movies with a hundred million dollar budget, but in tv form it's lackluster as hell. >Pointless drama and romance that adds nothing to the story, maybe throw in a love triangle or two. >Fans will watch it for the five minutes of action each episode, putting up with 40 minutes of absolute shit.
Robert Collins
And just realised it's about the Grandfather, not the father, but fuck it, I couldn't even be bothered to read the whole thing before I started typing, still going to be shit.
Luke Hernandez
oh boy another shitty DC show
Nathan Brown
Who's playing Hawkwoman?
Wyatt Martin
I mean they don't have powers. It is going to be a very boring show about a dude shooting things with lazer guns.
Jayden Evans
They'll probably have a few scenes where they get exposed to yellow sunlight and we get a Jesus metaphor
Henry Bailey
As long as they don't reveal, at the end, that it was nothing but a holodeck simulation all along ....
Caleb Powell
How though? It is well known in krypton that yellow sun give them superpowers? If so then I don't know how everyone is not trying to get them.
Nathaniel Martin
Sebastian Cook
In Byrne's canon they're terrified of going off-world because an alien plague (actually their own AI gone rogue) wiped out all their colonies.
Nolan Wright
Are you trying to look like a retard? If so it's working.
Brody Wilson
>Doomsday FUCK you.
Kevin Nelson
Goyer still considers it his magnum opus so yeah, probably.
Ayden Myers
Cereal Lord is involved. What can you expect.
Blake Hernandez
Did they fix the problem they had with Kryptonian naming conventions yet?