Marvel Comics Writer Gabby Rivera Espouses Anti-White Racism

SJW Triggalypuff is what you'd expect at Marvel

I’m glad she’s being called out. She ruined Miss America’s character. She was a interesting character who needed a solo series to get more fleshed out but Marvel picked a horrible writer and person to write her. Now she’s a SJW character.

They can always use the better version of a strong woman who comes from an alternate reality filled with mouthing but women: Thundra. I liked that she was getting pushed with the Squadron Supreme and during the Hyperion mini, but she's white so o guess she's not good enough.

We already had this thread

Reasoning doesn't work. Only thing D&Cfags can post about is what they've read on D&C's twitter or watched in his vids. And they want to participate despite not having idea about neither comics nor cartoons. We're gonna have Rivera and Marvel's diversity cartoon threads whole weekend.

what comics does D&C actually like? I refuse to watch his videos because his fans are bigger faggots than actual homosexuals pushed by any entertainment company

And we shall have it many times more...

>couldn't counter the first thread
>make a new thread
>write a fanfics telling people that a second thread invalidate the first thread because some weird ad hominem/hole logic boogeyman is twisting the universe to bow your way now

You can't be racist against whites, you shitlord!

I wouldn't bitch so much about white guys if I looked just like one.

Stop bullying Gxbby Riverx!

>Anti-White Racism


>bumped a 5 reply thread from page 10
yeah it's the other anons who need help.

>it's a "Sup Forums hates Sup Forums but has the same threads as they do" episode

Never change faggots

Imagine everyone got lumped together on nothing but linguistic familiarity and had x nonsense going on.
People from Germany, Netherlands, parts of Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are now Germanx.
Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania are Romanx, the Slavic nations are Slavx and Finnland and Hungary are Restx.
This is a useful way of identifying people.
And it clearly makes spoken communication much easier and not at all awkward.

Just because I hate Sup Forums doesn't mean I gotta suck a million dicks like you do.

>Imagine everyone got lumped together on nothing but linguistic familiarity and had x nonsense going on.
That happens all the time. Hell, it happens purely on how you metabolize vitamin d.


America (vol.1, 2017-) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.

Nice JxJx reference!



I mean this is actually bullshit and Gabby should be fired for this.

If you're going to react violently to racism for one race, you can't turn around and then act blatantly racist towards another racist. "But history!" My fucking ass, most of the people you're generalizing had nothing to do with oppressing black people. At worst they're complacent, and news flash: everyone in a position of comfort is. Basically nobody wants to risk themselves unnecessarily.

The whole fucking point of combating racism is that people shouldn't be held accountable for what some other person who looks like them did, but it's okay to slam white people because of the sins of their fathers? Fuck you. Fuck everyone who thinks vaguely like you. People like you are the reason that fence-leaners are getting spooked and becoming equally retarded white supremacists because they think they're going to be oppressed in the future with the rhetoric you're spewing.

>towards another race*

the greatest typo of all time

But we filter it through a Sup Forums context. We don't give a shit about any ol' racist in the world, we care about one who got their job at Marvel comics thanks to diversity quota despite being severely inexperienced and is allowed to handle one of their characters whom she uses to soapbox her thinly veiled political opinions on which then drops horribly in sales and she blames white readers (Marvel's primary audience) for not being ready for a gay Hispanic girl protagonist.

If she were just a racist, then yeah, get that fucking shit out of here. But being a racist, given a job, and allowed to keep said job? That's troublesome, especially since it's a mistake Marvel comics has REPEATEDLY made and seems not to want to rectify.

The joys of collectivism.
You are part of THE ENEMY when it suits me.
I am an individual with personal rights so you gotta do as I say you dirty [enemy of the people].

How come a stance so obvious, logical, and reasonable now gets you branded as a Nazi?

How does being called a nazi in response to such logic drive people to go "ergo, i'll actually become a nazi!"

I mean, I guess that's what happens when you shun people

A point was made in the (now archived) thread before that Gimpy Rivera is the only person ever who could take a brawl between college lesbians and a dominatrix, and make it the least appealing thing ever. Maybe they should get Oglaf to at least offer a consultation for this.

She was not interesting at all. She was a massive angry cunt under Casey. Under Gillen she was a massive angry cunt who was now a dyke. Under Rivera she's a massive angry cunt who's now a magical latin princess and quite possibly mentally retarded as well as a racist.

>play identity politics
>be surprised when other groups start copying your winning strategy

It took hundreds of years and two world wars to stop Europeans from playing identity politics, and these idiots are just bringing it all right back.


I'd love to see her write/illustrate a mainstream comic.