Great Avengers Storytime


Cool, I'm in. Thanks.

Still a shorter hiatus than X-user's

That weekly's sneaking up on ya

annual's fucking big


i didn't have the annual and then work got bad and happened and yadda yadda yadda.

so i didn't read comic this week yet, but Cap fought Swordsman? Who's Swordsman now?


Mandarin is not one of the best designs. (I assume he's a Heck creation...)



Bell's inking, clean scans and good colors make Heck's art look pretty good.










good page






oh i've talked about how wanda v enchantress seems like a very natural rivalry that never really happened

is this footnote the first time we get "lol we don't actually know wanda's powers"



fuck yeah i love herc so much

(hope this the page where he throws the executioner)



>Who's Swordsman now?
They didn't say.




See, I like that these older Marvel comics were verbose and dramatic in dialogue without having to shove giant word balloons of exposition on every page.


The Fenris Twins Swordsman didn't make it out of Thunderbolts alive did he?














Andreas died at the end of Siege but is alive again, recently appearing in Black Panther and Gen X. The Swordsman in this week's Cap was a nameless mook with a mustache.

Some pin ups

fuck yes blue prints

Don Heck drawing the Avenger ladies A+++

oh yeah i forgot they're part of that cadre in Black Panther

We now return to the Avengers





>thor's face




















ugh fucking whirlwind

cool cover tho




clean shaven Herc is wrong

Aw yeeeaaah, It's comfy time


the more sinister and also not the name of a distinguished competition villain







