RWBY/RT General #1330: Maximum Overnice Edition

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>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't try to tell us it's good.
>2. Read the Pastebin:
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>4. Don't believe their lies

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I haven't watched this shit since they released it slow as shit during vol 4 unless you paid money for to watch crappy animated waifus. Is it worth watching or still a fucking mess? I only cared for Weiss

me in the middle

I too think Weiss is nice.

PJs are sexy

First for deforestation and tea with Asami.

>You will never be sandwiched between Roman and Ruby

Weissfags shall fall and Blake best girl will rise

Are white bread sandwiches also included?

In your dreams faggoto


Only if they're purged of all nutrients first.

Hot DAMN lookit those nice kitty titties.

How much would you pay to bury your face in her butt for an hour?


I would take her out on a date

What is the local opinion of Adam Taurus? I think he's a brilliant mastermind!

Depends if she has recently showered and is wearing clean clothes.

He's made to pound Schnee women.

I just wanted to hear them banter.

That's all I wanted from this fucking show.

I think he's good rape material

Autistic whiny edgelord

I'm pretty sure he's subscribed to the r/atheism subreddit and gets posted to r/niceguys.

Because he's smart and a gentleman, of course!

Chapter 9, anyone?


Doesnt he has like only 5 minutes of total screentime? Not counting the Blake trailer.

Just like Vergil, Sasuke and Shadow.

And that's all the time he needed to get his plan and the plot moving.
Blake strikes me as the kind of girl who starts talking about all her problems to you when she's high.

stuck in the middle of the sweet smell of roses and pumpkin pie


Is it you murrlogic?

There needs to be a Chibi episode of Blake taking catnip.

>dirty bandit who robs and steals for a living
>mojo can still make her cute
That guy has got to be the mortal coil of some sorta art god.

>Chibi Blake is always on catnip

Just because you disagree with her methods doesn't mean she's not cute.

'nip fo' life!


I wanna make her go cold turkey and beg me for a hit!

You're paying for her time. You can choose clean & cuddly in the morning or day old funk at night.

>sleepy no fun dirty rube
>cuddlly fun time clean rube
hard choice


Why not both?

Making Blake a drug addict could help to give her character more depth.

Raven v. Cinder! I hope Raven makes Cinder cry.

>FIRST members

Cinder is going to beat Vernal and that's retarded.

I love Yang!

>it ends up being ANOTHER talking episode.

Place your bets. Who will win, Raven or Cinder?

No, Watts is. That's why they brought him. He has developed a anti-maiden gadget that he will use on Vernal. Because science beats magic.

>We don't get to see what happens to Kali and Ghira
>We only see the aftermath, both of them being dead


Oh fuck I hope not. I think even the most die hard Rooster Teeth supporters would call bullshit on that one. They couldn't be that stupid could they?

even worse
>we get the aftermath and their both fine
>just them sitting at a table talking reminiscing about how much a close call it was if sun and blake hadn't show up to save the day
>back to status quo, petition signatures with only change being ghira does some "off sceen" development to getting ready to go to Haven

>Ghira Goes to leap for a attack
>Fast cut to Blake dropping a rose for a grave for two
>Even faster cut before the rose even falls Sun and Blake are talking
>Rest of the episode is fast talking emotional dumping

What did you say to make Ilia cry?

The only reason you exist is for lesbian pandering and another passanger on the blake haren quest
ps your not freckles are retarded

If people like you more now that you're lesbian then they are part of the problem.

To think Blake gets the canon harem over Weiss

>you'll never be with Blake

>over Weiss
Well theres Jaune ruby and ow kinda yang so shes getting there. I guess.

Because she ordered a hit on best MILF

RT you fucking hacks


She has someone who can fuck up Vernal's eyesight with illusions,user. In fact, that's the only reason they beat Amber,too. and they had to jump her on top of that.


Anyone else hope we see Raven beat the shit out of Cinder?

After last season I want to see some bullied Cinder action going on.

Yeah. Raven's a much different breed of Huntress than RWBY or Pyrrha, and Vernal's had at least 10 years to learn how to utilize her Maiden powers, whereas Cinder's had less than a year. Barring any asspulls from Watts or Emerald, Raven and Vernal are going to curbstomp the smug thugs.

ExCUSE me but Yang is CANONICALLY a lesbian, please see her character song "Armed and Ready (Fisting my Pussycat Girlfriend's Pussy with my Robot Arm)". It is subtle, but there are solid hints that cannot be denied. For instance, the following lines:

Call me sweetheart and I'll tear you apart unless you're Blake
Try to resist the vibe in my fist baby
Whenever I look into your eyes
I get so hot inside
It was you who began it
Now it's I who will ram it,
My arm deep into your sweet vagyne

Or, perhaps more subtly:


Very solid stuff.

First volume she purred at some buff dudes.
at MINIMUM she's Bi, but probably straight. Maybe. I don't know man there's a damn good case for freezerburn right now and depending on how they interact when they meet up again bumblebee still has chances at being a thing. Really it's kinda funny, the only girl not commited to one dude thats still interested in men is the only one who's had almost no interaction with a dude to the point of justifying a ship.

By that logic, Yang is also a hardcore siscon on the level of Konoe A Mercury aka Nine the phantom, who'd sooner burn the entire world down than harm or betray her dear sister.

Freezerburn went from 5-100mph real fucking fast this volume and I just don't want it to disappear when Blake comes back. It's not fair, lads. Weiss always had Yang's back, no matter what. Blake doesn't deserve Yang.

When has Blake ever not had Yang's back?


>adam please go

I hate BBfags and even I found this cringeworthy.

The only reason I don't like Freezerburn is that it shuts down white rose.
And half the reason I like white rose is because with penny dead until somebody bothers to rebuild her then nuts and dolts is also dead.
As for why I don't like eclipse? I honestly just don't really like sun in regards to how he interacts with Blake. He's a cool dude but not an entertaining one to watch in a romance.
Long story short I actually do like freezerburn it's just that I like other ships MORE and with the current surviving cast it means the only relation ruby has odds of being involved with right now is Rose Garden (which is pedophilia), and Lancaster, which is just lame.

After Yang merked Merc and after Adam disarmed Yang.

Which Bad Dragon does Ruby like?

It's just a watered down bumblebee. They are both bad.

I used to love White Rose, but the more I watched RWBY the less I liked Ruby as a romantic option for Weiss, because I think their friendship dynamic is much more interesting than a romance, which I worry would turn sappy.
I do agree with you on Eclipse though. It's obvious that Sun is good for Blake because he forces her to come out of her shell and face her problems, but otherwise he's a cool side character and nothing else. He's too one-dimensional to be a romance option, hence why I'm torn on the inevitable BB reunion.
Freezerburn is cute because Yang comes off as a bit as a classic Prince type, albeit a little more rough around the edges, with her confidence and strength, and Weiss is basically a corporate Princess anyway. Yang is very protective, and Weiss clearly needs someone to feel safe with, especially now that she's essentially on her own in the world with absolutely no safety net available to her after alienating her father and brother. Admittedly I also just like the height difference between them. I want to see Yang pick smol Weiss up by the waist and twirl her around.

I just came here to inform you all that it's very likely only team RWBY is getting into Cross tag battle, you know why? Because if characters like Jaune or Pyrrha or any of JNPR got in they'd need character songs and you know Jeff wouldn't be down for that.

Yes, only the main characters are being included in a game with multiple characters from multiple series.

But not because of fucking music.

You pretty much summed up everything that's great about Freezerburn, though I admit I also like sap.

Really I think it's just that Weiss and Yang are good characters while Ruby is at least moeblob enough to fit in with anything. At the end of the day the best relation is pollination, at least until Ruby gets her robo-buddy back.

>Yang comes off as a bit as a classic Prince
Prince type =/= Rowdy tomboy brawler.

>implying we don't have it ripped off their site and in our own archive in less than 30 minutes

Yang isn't even that much of a tomboy.


>rides a motorbike
>burps and acts disgusting
>typical hot headedness found in shonen tomboys
>punching problems makes them go away

She's also honorable, empathetic and protective with a big heart of gold. She's the best of both worlds.

She's perfect.

She also jumps at the chance to participate in dances and wear dresses, is obsessed with her looks, is a party girl and is distinctly feminine.

Are they off this week?

Ther'es usually a thumbnail up by now...


>implying tomboys can't do that
It's a way of acting, not a way of dressing

And Yang doesn't act like a tomboy. Or even that masculine.

Getting mad and punching shot isn't actually that much of a male thing. Women get equally as violent and angry they just don't hit as hard so people don't take note.