Why isn't Snowflake Day a meme yet?

Why isn't Snowflake Day a meme yet?

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Because nobody fucking watched Clone High.

I watched it and I dont even remember it

>why isn't my le funny idea for a maymay happening?

Go back.

>reddit spacing

Lowest quality episode of the show imo




God, was JFK not the best on that show?

>I Saw Mommy Banging Snowflake Jake

if Cleo was a clone, why doesn't she look like an inbreed greek?

If the thread is still alive tomorrow I wanna draw cheesecake of that nameless background character.

as long as it's on-model

Everyone, Cabbage Patch!


I'll try, if it's alive.
Her foster family are drunken wasps she's under tons of make up and her parents probably got her bust enhanced and her nose reduced when she was 13. Also that's definitely a weave.

I tried rewatching this a few months ago and it bored the hell out of me.

that's funny, I tried rewatching this an hour ago and it's still great

there was so much gore in that episode

He's gotta get back.

Sometimes when I'm spacing out, I try to think of ways they could get this show back on the air, how they would handle Gandhi, stuff like that

i think about Raisin the Stakes on a regular basis, this series had some really fantastic episodes

Raisin Us Higher felt super relevant this past year

as they say, those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. and some people invested in modern politics really do not fuckin know shit about history. or facts in general

i never got why mandy moore was a dumpster angel

the early 2000s were a strange time for everyone

I'm convinced it's en elaborate meme like finger boxes because I never heard of it until I saw it mentioned on Sup Forums

it might be more common in canada than america, it was part of the teletoon "adult block" where they played some half decent mature cartoons like Undergrads and Clone High

I don't think Clone High or Undergrads ever finished their run on MTV either.

>Everything had EXTREME 2000 YEAAHHHH attached to it
>Y2K never happened so now we can joke about it constantly
>Fashion styles all over the god damn place


I don't know how you could say Clone High has a low point in quality, but even so being the lowest quality of Clone High would still be quite impressive.

>neoPPG made the same exact joke with a nondescript inoffensive winter holiday
>except unironically

if u don't fill my rack with cumin this year, i swear to god i will get u fired


>he doesn't have a finger box
