Congrats, you've even convinced California leave the US
dont know how you keep doing it
Congrats, you've even convinced California leave the US
dont know how you keep doing it
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I'm okay with them fucking off
Yea yea yea, and a second Scottish referendum.
They won't do shit, they'll just go back to comfortably smoking weed and turning off.
So we finally get a country for conservatives again?
I'm all for it.
The people can fuck of to Mexico if they want, but they can't keep the land. That is rightful American clay.
Funny, because California was the biggest proponent of blocking Texas from seceding.
>Leave the USA
>No water now
>Run out of grass paint in 5 days
How about leave Earth you pretentious cunts.
KEK. If they leave, the Democrats will never win another election.
it just keeps getting better holy fuck
am i dreaming??
Just plant nukes all around it and send it into the ocean. They will be happy.
See, it worked for britain because they know how to be an independent country. California has no idea how to be a country and will lose a lot of government aid. Not to mention, all the residents own a massive debt to the govt via student loans.
Go ahead.
That just means its all the more likely that Trump and candiates like him will keep winning without the 55 free electoral votes going to the democrats.
You do know that Cal Exit is just a joke page, right?
LOL... these people are the biggest fucking hypocrites.
They gave Texas so much shit for suggesting the same thing when Obama was elected.
This is Texas if Hillary would have won.
Thank God I moved out of that shit hole a few months back. Take it from me as someone who spent most of his life there, Californian's are generally insane.
>dam their out-of-state water supply
>they all die
I'm okay with this
>tfw rural California
Urban genocide when?
What is California going to do with all of their nukes if they secede?
The ride just never ends
Fucking go then you faggots! I went ahead and packed your goddamn bags for you, now get the fuck out.
Oh boy, americans must be so sad.
>America becomes 80% white overnight
Hitler actually had to forcably remove them. Bravo Trump, they just removed themselves.
Great, would really help the demographics. They should take some other blue states with them and form a disjointed nation.
Let them. Good luck with water and power though.
I live in a super liberal California town and I voted Trump
next 4 years should be fun
>North and rural California will stay and make yet another red state then
Say it with me
Well after the civil war we basically made it punishable by war for a state to secceed, either way:
>Cali seceeds
>San Andreas fault gives out
>Cali begs for help and aid
I voted for Trump in San Francisco and right now I'm at at a UC.
The butthurt is unreal. I think literally every campus had a march.
In an alternate universe, Clinton won and it's Texas calling for an exit with liberals laughing at them.
Let's fucking meme it so.
Kek be praised
Central Valley fag here, please let us become a new state with Jefferson and the Inland Empire
They don't have that right.
Only Texas does.
>Cal out of the US
US will be red for fucking DECADES if that happens.
How do we ensure that Cali secedes?
tfw we live the alpha timeline, with trump as winner
>How do we ensure that Cali secedes?
Cali here
Plz do this
hey, you just gave birth to your very own Scotland
This. They'll be stuck forever as primary relying on a heavily republican country and Mexico. They'd fucking hate it.
Repeal gay marriage
enforce federal drug laws (medical marijuana + prop 64 btfo)
build the wall
enforce immigration laws
That'll get CA supporting the motion to calexit
But GL having a country without the CA economy you 3rd world hicks
lol you guys are retarded if you think this even has a remote chance of being a things
this is on the level of that six California thing that tried to put on the ballot
fuck off
sjws need to live with what they've earned anyway
As an American I support this entirely.
Please go away and please build a giant impenetrable wall between us.
>2019 referendum
Is this for real?
We need to meme this into reality, we can just build the Great Trump Wall around socal and let them go
i legit hope it does go through, literally everyone else in america hates commiefornia, and we will gladly watch the place die once we turn off all the free shit they get all the damn time.
Red Trump counties can stay and become Jefferson state 50. The rest of the state can fuck off and die of thirst.
This is all bullshit, calexit isnt happening because we literally can't survive on our own like you said, unlike Britain.
Yes but they must yield all assets and will incur a tax to sustain their absence until we can recuperate.
Holy fucking kek.
Seriously though, if we funnel in all the Degeneracy in America into California,
if we
America will be fully uncucked.
And if Britain executes Article 50, we will be close to fully uncucked.
It's looking up for us lads.
as someone in a primarily red area
fuck off
isn't california broke and relying on national tax dollars?
>But GL having a country without the CA economy you 3rd world hicks
lul, you are the one needing us, not the other way around you silly commiefornian. Your retarded superiority complex is your undoing.
They give out more tax dollars than they take. you are thinking of texas.
>liberals try succede
>give away all their guns in advance
>why are we losing
>shortest civil war ever
>California succeeds
>enter huge drought
>Everyone dying of thirst
>America pls help
maybe stop being a communist shithole and i will probably give half a fuck about your continued existence, you filthy bastards deserve the nuke cause you can't reign your god damn beaners in.
who's ready to volunteer to put down the Cali Rebellion of '16-'17?
More like SF wants to leave the US.
Fucking GOOD
Let them secede and build a wall around them
lol i live in an area thats 97% white
fuck off
And nothing of value will be lost. Southern California will all dry up and die from thirst. Bay Area will be flooded by all the illegals. Good riddance.
I don't want to cecede... I voted for the God Emperor (may he rule prosperously)
If Hillary would have won, it would be #Texit instead.
all the niggers and other shit skins would pile in there
it would be 3rd world in 6 months
>California ends up succeeding all because of San Francisco and LA
>Practically an internal war between people of those cities and people of everywhere else in California
>The people of everywhere else win by default as the City people hate guns, and are killed because they can't defend themselves
>California soon reenters
>California is great again
no i dont want to leave the U.S. just when we got Trump REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
You now have got 50M bewitched people, who were hypnotised by her smile, blind to her crimes and corruption, and lied by media about Trump.
You need to caress them and wipe their tears. Forgive them, that the Witch made them blind...
You have to show them, that:
Trump is PEACE instead of war, and COOPERATION instead of sanctions, BUILDING and working instead of importing,
SAFETY instead of free criminal comming.
That Clinton was a very grave criminal, who started 2 wars, got bribes from big banks and gulf towel-kings, and created ISIS...
It is very important to show, where and how have been media lying and suppressing the Truth, to learn people recognize media lies and superstitions...
To completely BREAK THE TRUST IN LIARS syndrom...
If you will not completelly eradicate LIES from MEDIA, it will be sting in your hip and splinter in your eye, any next time...
But welcome ordinary people, who will be with you MAGA, when they reveal the better part of the truth...
The Trump first speech when known to be president is very very important for them to listen...
You could always move to a less cucked state?
>Calexit happens
>Bunch of lazy cucks
>They starve to death
>Emperor Trump reconquers lost land share
buh bye
>California secedes
>offer peace treaty
>they refuse because Trump
>California considered hostile territory in friendy waters
>invade with military and take back California as strategic military point
Keep them and use them against the vast nothingness that makes up republican states
Their population will be decimated and peace will be restored
Such bewitched idiots *never* return. Ever.
First hand experience dealing with that, believe me.
yessssss, this gets better and better.
>let them secede
>let the mexicans take over
>wait for tensions to raise along border
>invade and purge
>make california reed
>it would be 3rd world in 6 months
It's already Third World, m8. You've got roos in your top paddock if you don't see that.
>vast nothingness
Except all the non-yuppie food
Let them. They'll soon realize that they can't make it on their own, and that their stupid ideals and beliefs are why the rest of the country calls them a shit hole.
The only reason anyone even lives there is because of the movie industry. WIthout that, no one gives a fuck that they even exist.
Based Russianon, good on you. The only problem with that is that we'd waste nukes on the scum at the borders of California. I'd say just take a gun to all the leftist assholes.
> California leaves
> USA is now forever conservative and in open war against treacherous SJWs
That would be great.
Wait, does that mean that California is the US equivalent of Rio de Janeiro?
Fuck, I expected more from californians.
That would be literal heaven on earth
We'd still have New York, but it probably wouldn't be too long until the North east goes red in some way
So Trump will be Lincoln 2.0?
Lol, California cant exist on its own. They take billions of dollars from the Federal government every year. Without that cash, that state would collapse like Venezuela in a few months.
Hey we're the world's biggest exporter of garlic too fuck you man
>tfw we build a wall around cali too
incorrect, thanks to their massive drought cali takes far more than they give back atm
Think about it. What else does California provide? I suppose there are a few software development studies (Blizzard, etc) there as well, but honestly those companies can easily move some place else and still function as they always have.
The movie industry is the only reason California still exists. Otherwise they'd just be a Mexican version of Wyoming. What the fuck does Wyoming have? Right. Absolutely nothing.
that would be fantastic.
all the nigs, spics and libs would flock to commiefornia. the state would crumble from the gibs, crime and insane policies.
it would set an example for the world and the US and in the process, the US would be rid of all its problems
>running an entire country's economy on garlic.
Christ almighty.
let's meme this into reality