Fucking destroyed

Fucking destroyed.

ohhh please, please be real

What flag is that?
Let every poster of that flag be ridiculed for all time.

It's real. I remember the thread.

I tried to bet at least 1000€ but I didn't find a betting site that allowed me that. I ended up having to bet just 300€ for Trump.
Oh well, still that's some good money.


Normally they are based

Why would someone from a right-wing country put their bet on a left-wing candidate?

I guess every family got a black sheep.

I don't get the appeal.

Earning 3,360 $ or losing 18,500 $.

Who would risk losing so much money?

Makes me feel a lot better about losing $500.


Bozgor on suicide watch, literally.

A Hillary supporter.

Exactly, the risk/return ratio is insane. Just like your loans to Greece.


ez money. in gambling you dont bet on what u believe but the odds. This guy is a fucking nut for believing the mainstream media tho

what the...

holy fuck, I feel sorry for the guy

suicide watch

fucking retard threw everything down for like a 3k profit

top kek

A liberal, they are not very good at math.

Thats hungary dollars right?
Thats only 100 bucks. Hungray is a poorfag.

Also whatever happened to that obamaleaf who was building some massive montage when we lost?

>betting your life savings on an 18% return
retard deserved it. a fool and his money are easily parted.

Oh man. He fucked up.

Fucking sick burn, saul.



Trump will bring prosperity for everyone except for one

I got 600 profit. It's too bad I know nothing about what else to bet on, because I feel like I could make more. This is how they getcha.

Hmm saying this afterwards is always easy.. but this is the craziest election i have ever, EVER seen how do you bet on something this volatile and unpredictable ... and with your lifesaving no less. Thats borderline playing Russian roulette. Poor guy i hope he gets back on his feet.

>jew makes a finance joke
like pottery