If Katara pulled out all the stops and allowed herself to blood-bend with impunity...

If Katara pulled out all the stops and allowed herself to blood-bend with impunity, is there any other character that could face her? (within ATLA of course)


dude was mad powerful, and was able to even resist bloodblending by the time he was an adult. Its not hard to imagine he could as a kid in a pinch


I'm guessing Aang was only able to resist it's effects because some past avatar themself had some form of ability to bloodbend, which is also evident by the fact that he had to use the Avatar state to resist it in the first place.

Yeah, its kind of annoying but without some sort of powerup or miracle there really is no way for even an exceptionally powerful bender to beat a fully realized Avatar.

Aang obviously. The Avatar is intentionally god mode OP.

Aang. Avatar State was op until Korra fuck up (as always) and nerf it.

So Katara can be considered the most powerful non-avatar character in ATLA right?


I would say of the new generation, Bolin could easily be number 3 (if only because we never saw what Toph could do) he could bend lava and fight mechs by himself.

All the blood bending we saw was with the bloodbender within close proximity of their target, so I'm presuming it's a short range ability. So a long range fighter like a combustion bender could fight her.

Could Toph go all Magneto in X2 and bend the iron in your blood?

>a fully realized Avatar
Of which there will never be another.

Bolin was so fucking cool it's a travesty he was stuck in that show

not likely, the body contains comparatively very little iron
at least with bloodbending there is the justification that humans are still largely water

>Water (35 L), Carbon (20 kg), Ammonia (4 L), Lime (1.5 kg), Phosphorous (800 g), Salt (250 g), Saltpeter (100 g), Sulfur (80 g), Fluorine (7.5 g), Iron (5 g), Silicon (3 g) and fifteen traces of other elements.
Sorry kid, you won't performing any of your "bending" with humans anytime soon. Come on, Al, let's go.

Iron in the blood? No. But Calcium is a metal so a good enough earthbender could absolutely make you shit out your own spine.

Bloodbend is strong but it's mostly because people doesn't know how to deal with it. The Gaang alone, when they started to figure it out managed to break free.

It requires absurd focus of the user as you need to puppeteer your victim.

For example, a good Earthbender would break free from the BB easily by doing earth stomps with his feet while being tortured. Waterbenders are also kinda resistant to it because of they way they are costumed to flow the energy (as they can bend their own "blood flow".

Another possible technique is knowing how to "let it go". The bloodbender will try to bend your blood to maintain your control as they do with liquid water, and like Iroh said, you can learn a lot from this movement and use it to guide this energy and even redirect it (as they do to counter lightning), using this same trick one could control it's flow to easy the pressure of the bloodbending by following the bender's chi channeling of your blood and break free by canalizing it out. That way the Bloodbender will need to rely on his natural moves again because just holding you isn't gonna work out and that way the fight is even again, but still beware as BB still works as a wonderful "ranged grab" or a disarm/deflect (deflecting your fist before you hit your target/throw your boulder), like a weak telekinesis, which can be mortal on team fights (as you get grabbed and hit by his teammates) or even to combo with common water bending techniques .

Bloodbending is strong but balanced, people just need to get used to it which takes a fight or two or training from a BB friend.

>Yakone clan
It's a writers abomination that desperately needed some sort of villain. It was acceptable for the narrative but in the point of view of ruining lore, well, it did ruined.

Evaluate my autism.

>Evaluate my autism.
Nah, this is fun. I feel like the way you described it would earn it a nerf in fighting games. Fuck ranged throws

I want to bring up combustion beams. Anyone else think that CM and P'li had a sort of trade off in abilities? For example, CM had a powerful death beam but couldn't firebend, and P'li could bend her beams and bend, but her beams were weaker and bending average. I probably put too much thought into that.

>It's a writers abomination that desperately needed some sort of villain. It was acceptable for the narrative but in the point of view of ruining lore, well, it did ruined.
Nobody said you explicitly needed a full moon. You just needed to really powerful, so for most people they needed the full moon boost.

In theory, you just needed to be a really powerful waterbender to do it without the moon.

Don't forget P'li could arc her blasts and shit while Combustion Man could only fire in a straight line.

I have no problem with the full moon, I didn't even mentioned it on my analysis of the technique, but nothing justify what Yakone did in the courtroom.

Oh yeah, I tend to analyze this kind of stuff based on a game dev perspective, from my dota, fightans and mmorpg experiences, kek

Metalbenders bend the earth in the metal, not the metal itself. Does dietary/nutritional iron or calcium contain bits of earth?

Any blood bender could quickly dispose of an avatar just by breaking their neck or arms before the get a chance to resist the attack with avatar-state

>blood contains iron
>iron is metal
>toph can metal bend

If magneto can do it so can she

Fucking Korra

Depends on whether or not it is a full moon. Full moon and she catches Aang before he can go Avatar state, well yeah she's probably unstoppable.

>The next Avatar will only have KORRA to guide them
>The avatar line is doomed to fail


Wasn't Katara able to blood bend that Fire Nation captain without there being a full moon or am I mistaken?

I don't remember, but the Full Moon would just give her a super boost. If she's able to do it normally, which is supposed to cause a lot of stress, then a Full-Moon Katara is mega powerful.

Hama says it herself, it just comes down to waterbending skill. All Avatar's waterbending > Yakone.

>Calcium is a metal so a good enough earthbender could absolutely make you shit out your own spine.
But Earthbenders can only manipulate the earth within a metal, not the metal itself. Unless skeletons count as rocks, earthbenders can't do shit. And shouldn't. It defeats the themeing of the elements.

I wrong anyway. Just found the episodes and there totally was a full moon

King Bumi could earthbend without using his arms or legs.

In theory he could K.O. Katara even if she had him in a deathgrip.

Yeah that's why Tarrlok and Amon were such big deals. They were the first people in the series to bloodbend with no full moon.

I just viewed it as her applying some actual discipline and development to her powers.

Straight combustion bending didnt work on the Avatar the first time so she upped her game before taking her crack at it.

The original idea was that Waterbender's power emanated from the moon, and were the strongest when it was at its fullest phase thus with training could pull off enormous feats like blood-bending. Is Tarrlok and Amon's ability to blood-bend without the power from a full moon supposed to imply that they're more powerful waterbenders than anyone else, or that they're simply using a unique form of blood-bending? Because other than the blood-bending neither of them ever display any particularly impressive feats of water bending.

>Wasn't Katara able to blood bend that Fire Nation captain without there being a full moon or am I mistaken?
Nah, the establishing shot of the ship definitely shows a full moon.

Xmen and Avatar are two different franchises with different limitations user