Now that literally every atom of dust is settled, what went wrong?

Now that literally every atom of dust is settled, what went wrong?

Hillary was what was wrong.

The dust from this shit won't settle for YEARS

city/rural split

liberals rule the cities, but the heart of america doesn't support left-wing policies

also an intense racial division between whites and every other group that will only get worse

"""""political correctness"""""

people saw her for what she is and they didn't like it.

In a year where people hated both candidates, they went with the wrecking ball because they have nothing to lose. Both candidates unfavorable ratings were through the roof.

Turns out the average Joe cares more about jobs, security and family than estrogen based rantings about LGBTQWXYZ, gender pronouns and other non-issues.

>also an intense racial division between whites and every other group that will only get worse
That was the liberal's fault, they starter pushing this shit. I saw this coming a mile away.

She was a woman thinking she could run for president. Serves her cuck ass right.

Victimized white males.

The fuck did they think as going to happen when they spent all their time bashing the largest voting group?

>whites vote Obongo
>racial unrest and anti-white rhetoric increases a hundredfold
>vote republican in response

There weren't enough shills correcting the record

the populace got tired of rhetoric and business as usual

you can thank the internet for fueling Trump's victory. sites like Sup Forums helped a lot.

Beyond her already tainted image as a sociopathic criminal...she's not a likeable person.

She and her supporters called half of America retards, so they voted Trump to spite her

rot in jail bitch

The Democrats nominated someone who neither energized the Democratic base or appealed to independents. Meanwhile Trump has a fanatical cult of personality following him. The enthusiasm gap between the two candidates was huge.

Had Bernie been nominated we would all be feeling the Bern right now. The DNC only had themselves to blame for this mess by forcing little miss My Turn through the nomination process. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz should be shot.

Not enough enthusiasm. Biden would have demolished Trump.

Hillary went wrong. D voters split for 3rd parties and whites abandoned her.

Silent majority became loud.

>we'll run the same candidate as Obama, but this time a woman

It will work right?

Honestly, it should have worked. Obama has good approval ratings.

She made 1 crucial mistake in an otherwise flawless plan..

So wrong leaf.
So don't get it, huh?

Trying to appeal to the small minority of dykes, faggots, trannies, etc. instead of being rational and appealing to everyday Americans. They need to go back to being the party of Kennedy, not the party of cuckery. Even shitskins can't vote for that, as they hate any sign of weakness.

she's not a negro

she's horrifically corrupt (visibly)

the leftists don't like her because she's a neocon

the neocons don't like her because she's a leftist (pretends to be)

she has literally no advantages except >muh vagina which thank FUCKING GOD the women did not go for in high enough numbers.

honestly, we should all apologies to white bitches, they pushed us out of the way of this bullet.

So much this. Pay 60k for school just to be mocked ridiculed and told you're worthless, racist, misogynist, rapist 24/7 without ever saying a word.

Calling someone racist is no different than calling a black guy a "nigger", when there is no foundation.

She's doesn't have the image of Obama to carry it through though. Plus she's coming straight after him when people are disillusioned with the hope and change spiel.

She can't mobilize blacks the way he did.

>we'll run the same candidate as Obama

Obama rained all over her parade in 2008, she was never like Obama.
She's the Democratic Romney, another career wannabe who managed to win ONE hilariously mismatched political race.

>strategically small rallies
>shitskins did not come out in as big numbers as predicted (and around 30% of latinos still voted for Trump anyway)
>scandals that actually involved real homeland security issues rather than "lol they said mean things"
>coughing fits, pants of shit

The embodiment of the establishment tried an aggressive campaign on Trump. Yeah, you're gonna lose that.

If she shared a more positive Bernie-like message, things might have actually been much different. Instead she chose to insult the un-insultable. Wrong person, wrong campaign, her own fault that she lost.

Nothing went wrong. The good guys won and her political career is over