Brazilian liberals going REEEE and normies going REEEE

First of all: congratulations USA, you guys did it. Soros must be so triggered right now.

So, I have a bunch of hipster friends that are lamenting the fall of western civilization with Trump winning. As much as I try to explain every shit that was leaked through the Podesta emails, how she wanted to go to war with Russia, etc, people still think that Trump was a bad choice because of muh borders and the grab her by the pussy comment. People still see him as racist and mysoginist, even though Islam is a religion and that was a private conversation, because of how much the media pushed for that angle.

People compare him to some of the most right wing candidates here in Brazil, like Jair Bolsonaro, which is bullshit because Trump wasnt a part of the machine when he decided to run for president. Even if you are brazilian and like Bolsonaro, you still have to admit that they are two different kind of beasts.

How are you guys redpilling your friends? I dont know what else I can say about him to change their minds. HuffPo and Buzzfeed did their job here.

Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

Trump is a capitalist first, Bolsonaro is between nationalist,conservative and (his true shit orientation) traditionalist. Traditionalism is a shit orientation bro. But if he is the only one representing the right my vote is his. I dont like autoritarians tho.

I don't think he can be bad as Lula and Dilma, wasting our money with gib dats such as the Minha Casa and Bolsa Familia that literally just give free stuff without conditions.

He probably would try to make our economy better to also make our military better, which wouldn't be bad at all and he isn't authoritarian at all considering they even have some homosexuals support and they ( him and his sons) acknowledge it.

what pisses me off about him is attitude. He always tries to paint himself as the most righteous guy, then you see shit like his project to take off the guns from Ibama officers when he hunts and fishes in forbidden zones

here the local press doesn't understand what's going on lol.
Our chancellor said that it was a shame a woman didn't won the presidency.^tfw
We are literally ruled by cucks.

che bobito

Here we have Globo reporting stuff from Trump and then 10 minutes of coverage saying how Hillary would be a better president. It was so much shilling that I couldnt believe what I was seeing. We even had one reporter saying Puta que pariu on screen after they showed the grab her by the pussy comment and Trump saying sorry because things has changed

>watching Globo
Are you kray nigga

Macri es otro zurdito más

si ya se


la tenes adentro putito
vamos a volver

Globo will shift to trump. case that not happens its worse than i thought. that would mean that clinton and her organization has deep control over our media. But fear not, we can meme them out.

Fuck off shitskin.

Stay on the other side of the wall.

Traditionalist nationalism in Brazil is complicated. Tradition in Brazil means monarchy and slavery, both the fundamental principles of the state. It will be very difficult to build a republic based on traditional values in Brazil. That's why our two biggest parties are strongly leftist.

In Brazil, we can only choose the lesser evil

Whats wrong with your president ? i thought he was the one to save it from the gommies. what is he doing wrong ?

a la convencion de anime vas a volver bobo

""""psh"""""" monito mogolico

I don't kno exactly where I stand when it comes to Bolsonaro. I had breakfast in a bakery where he was openly saying that the solution to our economy was to nationalize Petrobras and other Mineral Companies. It all sounded very Social-Nationalist to me, so I don't think he would represent the right very good.

he's a shill
although maybe he will change after this result


You realize you're the "normie", right?

"Normies" don't go to college, and aren't smart enough to be liberal.

Conservatives are mediorcre, low-IQ "normies.

Of course not, people posted it on Facebook and my parents always watch Jornal da Noite, so I always learn by proxy

I think they do, because I have no idea what is Globo´s endgame if you dont consider that angle

Yeah I know. We are just pawns here, thats why I spent way more time reading about americans election that our own

He is basically a real life shitposter I think. Everything he says is calculated to make him appear more in the news. I also think he represents the worst of our conservative values. My father was a military and he likes the guy just because he also was part of the army. Doesnt make sense.

Brazil right now could use some authoritarianism, I mean, It's not a utopia but one of It's perks is that It fights crime

its not complicated, and it does not represent that :
In rio We got crivela elected as mayor, the protestants in congress is a huge force, and 1/3 of bolsonaro is traditionalist. If he is trully an autoritarian, we might have a traditionalist/nationalist dictatorship. And that can fuck the economy even worst. We need a fucking capitalist in that shithole called brazilia. Someone that can run things properly and save our economy. I dont know if bolsonaro can do it, even tho he and his friends has been studying alot of economics, like mises.

Nobody cares about fucking Brazil

Im quite sure he will change.

Who gives a shit, let they drown in their frustration.

let's hope because if the commies return I will kill myself to be honesto

Sorry leaf, as much as I agree with you, you dont know how our normies are.

eh, you can counter argument this by pointing out the corruption that was happening during the dicatorship years. Most of the media wouldnt report crimes also, right?

Tell me something that I dont know

I give a shit, specially when they are complaining in front of the pc when every bit of information is right there, they just have to look for it


Brazilian Leftists hate Hillary and the whole American establishment.

Bolsonaro phenomenon is based on one traditional principle: honor.
The problem is that you don't build a country with just honor.
Bolsonoro will need to attract capitalists' support in order to govern. He is not a Donald Trump that paid his own campaign alone.
Capitalists will impose liberal values, and some of them will threaten Bolosonaro's honor. This contradiction will kill him.

Does Temer has anyone in the pocket to launch for 2018? I swear to god there is no presidential material out there, and please don't say Aécio "White Nose" Neves is the best option.

we never left autoritarianism. we went from a right dictatorship into years of cultural marxism and then a pseudo social-capitalism, that was actualy a socialist dictatorship. Finally we got rid of PT. Now we must meme someone fast that is right oriented. all over the latin america. Im a progressist o the right (im between conservative and capitalist/ancap) but im not an authoritarian, and i think that would not help us combat social marxism, it would actually help the left to regroup. Remember that our dictatorship was so incompetent that they lost the schools and the universities to the marxists. That was when the left that put the PT in power were born. So our biggest enemy now is the cultural Marxism. We need a right oriented government, but one that deals on the individual liberties not one that by force kills, and hurt people.

I don't fckn care about redpilling my friends again, I will just laugh at their faces and celebrate the victory of the western society against the cultural marxism jaahauehauehaue

we will not let that happen, on each election call for brazil to help we will meme any gommie out of existance.

Trump is what the west needs. Bolsonaro is just a fucking idiot though.

Thank you Brazil.

We will come free you from you problems. Maybe we can help you break the southern part off into your own country.

There isn't much you can do. I'm not even a Trump supporter, I'm a Bernout, but I don't hate Trump like everyone wants me to. Every time someone calls him horrible, I ask why he's so horrible, and the response is always a vague claim of bigotry. People who hate him don't actually know why they hate him, they just do. It's a mob mentality and it's extremely difficult to break.

Mate its pretty bad here in Aus as well. Everybody down here is stupidly pro-hillary.

All I do is pick my moments, if they are just circle-jerking I stay silent, because of my presence and being usually talkative the topic shifts because circle jerking is shit.

Now when they start saying false rubbish, that is when I chip in. You can't fully sway somebody anti-Trump to be for him or even neutral in 1 conversation. There is just too much pre-programming from the media. So therefore you have to be shrewd and 'stump' them 1 issue at a time.

For example, "Whats so bad about a bunch of emails?!" to which I might say something like: "People have gone to Prison for the same crime, the fact that Hillary was still running speaks volumes about the Justice Department and the established political elite"

Eh something like that, I'm tired. But just remember that all of these retarded liberals (mostly young """adults""") will not be swayed so easily even by logic and evidence. Trump said 'grab her by the pussy' and now they will always think of him as some kind of misogynist. Trump said he would halt muslim immigration, so now he is a racist.

See how dumb and short-sighted these left leaning parasites are?

PSDB AND PMDB are the strongest now i think. Let the memes redpill them. also i know how Cultural marxism works now, Peterson pic related layed it out for me. i can explain.

Nobody cares where I live.

You need to be retard to get mad with something like that.

He's not a traditionalist.

Remember that he born a catholic, and catholics dont accept divorce and yet he is divorced.

not the ones that I know.

:I dont think it will, like I said before, he is just a shit poster, he will grab that money in a heart beat

Dont know. The fact that Aécio got away with the Helicoca still pisses me off

You are right, the left would only regroup

Maybe I should do that


Thanks, but I actually think that there is no hope for us

Thats exactly what Im doing. The only comments I get is that he hates women and he is racist.

Not mad, just frustated that they dont go out to look for the info and learn more before talking shit

>Not mad, just frustated that they dont go out to look for the info and learn more before talking shit
I was talking about lefties

You got a nice argument there, I agree that Brazil needs a government which is pro-business and that respects individual liberties, but also one that propagates values and don't let business interfere in government matters.

That is not a good idea, I really like the fact of the south being considerably "white", but they lack the resources, If they actually separated from the rest of the country, they would just fall apart.

>90% of the friends I grew up with became leftist degenerates
>bonus points for the feminist men
>9th of november, 04:00, Brasilia Time
>since then I'm constantly failing at hiding my grim smile

I wish Brazil had more people like you.

You don't have to be a zealot to preach. It's the old saying all over again "Do what I say, not what I do."

So how do you deal with the "you're latino therefore you can't like Trump" argument?

>We need a right oriented government, but one that deals on the individual liberties not one that by force kills, and hurt people.
That's impossible with our culture. Freedom is more for countries with protestant/calvinist roots.

We are more or less like Germany pos-WWI in that sense. They gained freedom of speech, but didnt knew what to do with it so they started to shill for monarchy, NatSoc or marxism. None of them pro-freedom.

The best we could hope is a illuminated despot.

Only petrol.

Explanation on Why SJW is so effective(by a EX-SJW) :

I used to be a SJW at my uni. It felt like the right thing to do at the time. I read alot of foucault (i would say on of the bigger names on the social marxism ). I was totally into minorities rights, and shit like that. I fucked alot of pussies because i was the only student that could talk, and would be invited to parties that only teachers and the cool students were allowed into. Its simple like that guys : get a underachiever young person, give him a group to be part of, declair an enemy that is normally the white, male, capitalist, christian and make them feel sory for ever being born. My discourse was allways precise and could win any argumentation. until, Something were off. Reading Nietzsche i figured out i was doing something very wrong. I was using guilt (for nietzsche guilt and compassion are the worst weapons, that had been used for a long time by the christians, and the jews). And then i figured out that this discourse of the SJW works so well in brazil because we are christians and we feel sorry for those in pain, suffering or that are less afortunate. Thats the key point. IF you feel sorry for the SJW you lost. If you feel sory because you have money, or you were born a man or white, you lost. And the way to not do it is : REMEMBER THAT PITY AND COMPASSION ARE YOUR WORST ENEMYS. Thats why i came on Sup Forums, i dont see many compasisonate people in here.

It's just hypocrisy.

It's only a argument if you pretend to be a illegal in UsA

I go for the illegal immigration is a bad thing argument, say that I agree that this is something that should be regulated. They see my point and become silent


>when every bit of information is right there, they just have to look for it
People in USA are too retarded to notice they are fed with propaganda EVERY FUCKING DAY. Fuck them.

you have a point that i can really solve. My brother is a public worker, he is kind of socialist. im a capitalist. We talked alot and in the end we got into a problem that we cant solve, and we agreed we cant solve it. Mabe you guys can help. In brazil our economy got destroyed because Petrobras, and the private sector (by that i mean good part of the construction companies) were used by the government to buy the opposition. So We have a problem here. Who is to blame ? was the government to blame because they made agreements to the market to mantain itself in power, or was the markets fault for accepting the offer?

Trump is not against latinos, he is against Illegal Immigrants who steal jobs for less payment.

Fellow hues, can I trust those "Christian" politicians?
Seems to me that even if they steal like the others they will at least slow degeneracy

Trust nobody but yourself.

you mean a king? what good would that bring to the current situation?

Fuck this cucked country.

Everyone around me is too damn salty.


dont trust any protestant. they are obviously thievs and 171.


So, after the USA defeat, you're going to shill for libtards in brazil? How much you get paid for hue CTR variant?

>slowing degeneracy

>brazilian liberals
that's like the 85% of Brazil

My friend can't be redpilled so I just told him to go fuck himself, he's the classic stereotype of commie (but rich as fuck, never had to work) faggot

Not anymore :^)

>normies aren't smart enough...
>liberals are smart
Being in college does not equate with being smart. Smart does not cover being enclosed within the academic, out-of-touch-with-reality bubble


We had so many constitutions and so many power shifts that it's impossible keep order

that's why he's a commie
the sure way to shed out communism out of your mind set is experiencing capitalism (not consummerism) first hand

They use Christianity to mask their debauchery, steer fucking clear.

>Brazilian liberals going REEEE and normies going REEEE
Same here. And I love the butthurt.

>trusting in "Christian" politicians
1 year later:
Second wrost thing after the leftshits. Also,rigth is shit too.
Only a fucking nuke too reboot this shithole

Goddamn it feels good knowing that not everyone in my country is a goddamned media monkey

> a fucking leaf

i really should study that matter. mind sharing some links. you are not the first one to bring that position. mabe its a solution i promiss to study with care.

>go to college
>swallow Marxist bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
>repeat Marxist bullshit at family gatherings in front of parents that worked to pay for your worthless degree

I'm on phone. Dont have any link here


dude his party is a whore house. he is not right, not conservative. He is center, and is trying to elect someone of his party next election.

There is Hobbes.

Not necessarially momarchists, but his argument fits in our situation

he is a motherfucking kike lover US puppet

He's doing some necessary measures, but not right at all. More a opportunist.

Remember that his party used to support PT until the waves started to change

I'm going to take my brother to school and this time I'll wear my Trump cap while wearing the smuggest smugs I can muster.

His big game is to get the Congress and Senate, which is much powerful than the presidency. He already has the tippin point, if he gets majority on both chambers they will rule whoever come as next president.

Oh man I wish I was watching TV right now.

I wish my entire family was at home so we could all enjoy the tears

shoo shoo

There is no way out. even hating autoriarianism, until now the only possible candidate is bolsonaro. PMDB and PSDB are cancer as bad as PT.

I have never been an SJW and those ideas have rubbed me wrong since they started spilling over from tumblr into reality. I didn't know why back then, the ideas just felt 'odd'.

Nowadays I read enough (not only Sup Forums lol) and I know why, because they're shit ideas, to put it briefly.

But it has always eluded me why they are so appealing for other people. I guess you really have a point with this resonating with the guilt-compassion present in Christian morality. Being a lifelong atheist in a family with "diverse" spirituality I guess I've never gotten that guilt drilled into my skull