What did Sup Forums think of this?

What did Sup Forums think of this?


Good animation bad everything else.

It was really disappointing and I'm mad that I never got pledge reward.

*got my pledge reward

Wait, so if everyone's infected why is sex outlawed?

I completely forgot about this, but the animation is really good holy shit

>No nudity
Gonna say I feel cheated...

Virus is inactive until they have sex.

>boys vs. girls: the series

Yeah, no.

Where did a boys vs girls thing happen?

How are they born? Are they all test tube babies?

But artificial insemination is a thing...

they mentioned they are the "last generation"

The character design looks well done but the writing was middle school tier and the clothing choices look disgusting. The premise is just freedom/degeneracy/finding a cure?

so wait... i'm confused.

this is supposed to have some sort pro-sex/ sex positive message correct?

so what, if you fuck you die? then why would anybody do it? or are only some people infected and others not?

literally the opposite you retarded shitposting

its urban chic.

you'd have a tie in with a clothing label, maybe a music label as well.

i don't know if it would scan well, people tend to get turned off by loud fashions these days.

also has a strong hetero normitive message too, like saying 'its okay to be straight' or 'its okay to fall in love'.

I kinna like it. Writings a bit murky tho.

man, the voice acting sounds off.

doesn't it kind of remind you of that south park episode where the boys and the girls are both terrified of catching std 'cooties' cause they are teaching sex ed to a bunch of 5th graders?

Holy shit, this.
Shit dialogue, and even worse deliveries. Just give me an art book, and fuck off.

I felt that Remember Me was honestly better at their dialouge than this shit.

oh wait, are the sexes segregated?
that would make way more sense.

and i guess the red pill doesn't work then. Is the red pill called 'product'? or 'jolt'? I wasn't clear on that. Whats the stuff in the can do?

You probably could of added a minute of animation if you cut a minute off the credits

I remember not getting pass a minute of the dialogue.
It still puts me off.

i'll be honest senpai, its kinna a beautiful train wreck, but its interesting, i'll give you that. Character animations are solid, background artist is really good, but the music is kind of meh and the writing is shit.

You've got to give people some time to pick up on the lingo and get a sense of whats going on, pace yourself a little bit.

>so what, if you fuck you die? then why would anybody do it?

I think the scene where those kids take what they think is a medicine that might allow them to fuck and not die is a bit analogous to a drug overdose scene.

Was it the dubstep user? Or the stupid ass French underground shit that europeans like to do?

>Or the stupid ass French underground shit that europeans like to do?
Is it supposed to be European? Everyone in the thing looks black or at least trying to dress like it.

Pretty sure it’s french canadian.

>Is it supposed to be European? Everyone in the thing looks black
What's the difference?

I remember being super hyped when I saw the Kickstarter and incredibly disappointed in the final product. Took them years to actually finally release something too. You're better off just looking at gifs for it.

Great character design, great animation
horrendous script and acting