Nothing has changed for the Republican Party in the long run

You got maximum turnout, but let's be blunt.

You haven't fixed your undying demographic issues. You just consolidated your existing base of support, and you did it by sacrificing your own ideology.

"Change" for the GOP is just staying the party of old white men.

Few more decades, and the bulk of the GOP will die out from old age.

I agree.

The republican party is going to experience a Civil War soon.

Thanks CTR

>You haven't fixed your undying demographic issues.


About that...

There wont be a civil war, leftist cant use guns unless they're from chicago or Detroit

This is the worst political humiliation in American history.

She was smug and arrogant, condescending and contrite. Her entire following had acted like they owned the election. I watched commentaters say they were going to laugh at the right when we lost.

She can't show her face. She is under investigation for her foundations practices. I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves the country. She is a massive failure. She spent her entire life, sat next to her shit bag husband through affair after affair, warped the American political system to become president and she fell flat on her face.

It's glorious.

Yes. The GOP Establishment is still there, very much for ACTUAL Conservatism. And now they sense everything they stand for is in danger of extinction.

They have so much to fight Trump over.

>DNC literally under federal investigation
>somehow republicans lost in the long run

Are CTR virgins this retarded? Are you doing this for free?

Those demographic issues only exist because blacks and Latinos are brainwashed into believing that democrats are the answer to all their problems.

If Trump actually starts making things better, that's all it's gonna take to disintegrate Democratic support among minorities.

If ideological conservatism dies, what takes its place?

As millennials grow older, they'll turn conservative.

t. 31 yo conservative ex 21 yo liberal

And Trump's own legal problems have magically gone away?

You do realize the people who voted for Donald Trump voted for a majority GOP in the House and Senate, right?

Yes. If the GOP was run by actual conservatives, lol.

The expectation was that Hillary would win, and Americans are not comfortable with one party controlling all 3 branches of government.

Would you say they're Neocons now ?

Someone on Pol was arguing for a rebranding of GOP into Lion party or something like that

You're really going to keep backpedalling? Didn't it ever occur to you that the problem isn't US, it's YOU? Didn't it ever occur to you that you're actually just a dumb loser?

So much this. Make a prosperous nation for all, you will gain Repub support.

We just broke the "Blue Wall" Thats been around since the 80's wtf are you talking about. Michigan, Wisconsin, Penysyvlania . LMAO

The problem IS You.

Everything that goes wrong now is on you.

All an opposition party has to do is oppose.

That's the problem with winning. You can't blame it on the other guy.

We're free to attack, all the time.

i think he's saying you fix it by taking all the PoC's and pushing them somewhere else

>You haven't fixed your undying demographic issues.
More hispanics voted for Trump than ever before, and the leads will be even bigger when the illegals get sent away.
Trump won several Democrat states that never voted Republican since the 80s.

Yes, it's such an achievement for the GOP to win over old white people.....through the nomination of a NON-Conservative.

You abandoned everything you stand for.

I'm laughing at you.

Actually the 13-year old "rape victim" dropped the case 3 days ago.

What other open cases are there?

What are you talking about, Obama blamed everything on Bush for his first 4 years. Trump will blame everything on Obama.

>but obama
come on man the argument makes itself

blacks and latinos will never vote majority republican/conservative. ever. it will never happen.

>Everything that goes wrong now is on you.
Yeah, we know you daft cunt.

That's what we've been telling YOU about Obama's failures. The responses have always been to pass the buck and pretend that it's all Bush's fault.

Sure is rich having your side feign referencing responsibility.

Good post fella/lass.

Let me ask you this.

If you sacrifice everything you are for one victory, what are you?