>tfw you realize nothing Sup Forums does will ever match the satisfaction of memeing a candidate into the presidency
what else is there to do?
i'm already going through withdrawal
>tfw you realize nothing Sup Forums does will ever match the satisfaction of memeing a candidate into the presidency
what else is there to do?
i'm already going through withdrawal
Other urls found in this thread:
start a war
with Canada
If we can meme a president, maybe we can meme a new glorious reich
How about actually getting rid of the niggers and spics?
Race war when?
Think about how you wiped that smug grin off of Hillary's and CTR shills faces. This thought gives me endless satisfaction and I really can't stop orgasming holy shit
Thank you Barron!
Winter is coming lads, let Kek rest after brexit and Trump and embrace our Ice Queen once more.
This board was so close to becoming an embarrassing laughing stock. The turn of events is incredible.
Or was it ever even that close? The whole "silent majority" and the size of those Trump rallies in relation to his voters were actually completely true.
You can put obama, crooked hillary, bill and the other pedophiles in jail.
Don't worry, we still have a ww3 to kickstart.
>he hasn't realized this is just the fucking beginning
strap yourself the fuck in, bucko. you're in for a wild ride
maybe stick a Pepe flag on Mars
Meme a war?
>what else is there to do?
meme him into a second term.
Nice try, neo-cons. Maybe you should have voted Shillary instead if you wanted that.
We must help repeal Obamacare and shit. We have to make sure the fucking republicans, who should be grateful they have full control, to actually do what Trump wants.
Come home white man
the dutchlands will need pol to elect geert wilders don't give up yet user, there is more to come
Remember 11/8, the day OP delivered.
It's the beginning. We helped meme Donald Trump into becoming the president of the United States of America.
If we can do that, think of the good we could do in the future. The wars, famine, social and economical problems being solved and stopped from just memes. No bomb or man will be as strong as MEMES.
>tfw that way we can finally stop pretending that Sup Forums is a board of peace
kek will show us another sign.
I think trying to liberate Europe from the cucks and muzzies with memes'll be pretty fun. Anyone?
We must meme Le Pen into presidency.
We must save thr western world
What about memeing the world into a Sup Forumstier place? Let's focus on Germany now
The last 18 months of shitposting with some of the best have been incredible. From Brexit to Trump, Islamic terroism in Europe and Kek, it has truly been an experience.
A Shitposter
Meme his second term, meme his successor.
>what else is there to do?
Take down Merkel
Take down Soros
Destroy the Podesta / Clinton pedophile ring
This is just the beginning of our glory! Now that we have proven our power nothing can stop us!
Most of us aren't French speakers, our memes are largely limited to the Anglosphere.
you guys wanna set off some nukes?
For now we will revel in our victory
Another fight will await us over the horizon..
But it is not for this day.. This day is for glory!
Purge the last remaining SJW cucks.
Like normalizing the notion of gassing the Jews?
Ayy lmao
Meme the crusades back
presidency is but the first step to God-Emperor
With you there lad.
Time for Sup Forums to become the illuminati
We can meme the British Empire into revival.
This was a battle won. The war is far from over soldier. SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE MAGGOT!!!!
Glad to hear it, can't wait to get started.
I'm down with that lad.
>what else is there to do?
Defeat final boss
Guess NZ should get an actual army then
The work isn't done, we just obtained mainstream support for our cause.
The next task is to actually MAGA.
feelin them withdrawals too user
now its time to make something of yourself you NEET
Send Hillary to mars
reveal supressed free energy tech, cancer cures...
Obama's wife will run and win in 2024.
Screenshot this.
Le pen or afd in office, i think le pen makes the best chance snd she will call for a referendum on europe
Next we're gonna meme a man to mars and then meme the singularity into being.
With corporate tax rates at an all time low real industry and innovation will come back to America.
This is the start of the waifu age, just watch.
The elites know they can't beat the free flow of information online anymore. Time for the old systems to crumble.
Ivanka Trump 4 prez 2024.
Screenshot this.
We have basically beaten elite fucks that worship a child-eating god with a god that causes chaos... but brings daylight.
>not memeing aliens into existence
guys elections, while big, happen all the time.
Meeting alien life happens once ever.
>UN takes over the Internet
>Bans Sup Forums.
>Game over.
The fight has only just began, mememancer
Trumpenking will need all our high energy when he takes on the swamp
Next thing on our list is instating Bitcoin as the World Currency
Check the results, user, Hillary lost
I this completely gets rid of the humiliation from the 2012 election.
Fuck Romney, we memed /ourguy/ into office in CURRENT YEAR!!
This is the apex of Sup Forums. Hiroshimoot could shut the board down now and it would be ok because we did it! We fucking did it!!
dat meen je hopelijk niet he vieze fascist
That's possibly one of the worst ideas I've ever heard, what's your reasoning behind it?
This is also true. Now the real fight begins. Now we have to put up or shut up and Make America Great Again
What else is there to do?
Meme brazil into an empire again.
Republic was an error.
Pedro II is rolling in his grave.
i still cant fucking believe we did it
meme magic is fucking real
kek is real
never underestimate the power of the internet
We have 8 years to bless Trumps presidency with the blessings of kek and our memes. We got him this far we can carry him the next few years. Let's do this boys.
in socialist california we can't even convince the population that vaping e-cigs aren't deadly and isn't a tabacco product. its now legally tabacco!!
I'm going to tend my garden. Do some light housework, getting everything nice and cozy.
Then I'll come back and help meme winterchan into power.
I'm still enjoying that warm, fuzzy feeling as the adrenaline wear off and the satisfaction kicks in.
Mind you, I haven't slept at all
meme ayylmaos to coming to earth
Little did al gore know his invention would end his party
we're the globalists now
Don't worry my cucked brother! Trump will undo the stupidity Obama has done.
There's still a lot of work to do, Soros is still breathing and Jews are still entrenched in everything. Only now we know what weaponed autism can achieve
Now it's time for Socialism, time to meme Jews into oven so history won't repeat again.
We will, in the coming space era.
We will meme our space colony into reality, the new world's financial capital.
I say we fight for open borders in Israel.
First the US next the world
stfu retards, you didn't do shit but spam up this board with your annoying garbage
We have Austria second tour on Dec 4