I'll just leave this here.
I'll just leave this here
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Pretty based but still that level of blue is concerning?
It's insanely based, compared to what we were thinking
and it won us the election
Yeah. It is fucking incredible that after a YEAR of calling Trump a sex predator, he won white women.
>that level of blue
it's normal, most voter demographics divide themselves in half between the two big parties with a 10-20% of swingers
Ironic how women even fucked up on voting for their own gender to break social norms.
That just proves that we couldn't trust a female president.
They all act disgusted but you just know every women wants Trump to grab them by the pussy!
>they like to be grabbed by the pussy
nothing new here
our mothers and grand mothers are still good women
Alpha pussy grabbers get votes.
Women can tell when other women are lying. 43% just don't care.
Trump is an alpha male and he has a 9 inch cock. Not joking on that last part, straight from his ex-wife. Wikileaks showed that the Hillary campaign kept this fact on the file of personal info they had on him.
Bottom line is that women, just like men, prefer seeing alpha males. We want our leaders to be strong, confident. Trump is that exactly. Hes the strong horse candidate.
wtf I love white women now!
>53% of women probably wanted Trump to grab them by the pussy
Thanks, horny MILFs!
>thinking women are stupid enough to forget about bill
Fuck Hillary and Fuck Black people
this is why people on here trying to make women out to be the "enemy" really irritate me. yes, some women fucking suck, but a lot of them want the same future as us.
yeah, some of them are whores. but i would argue a majority are completely decent people, and there is no point in alienating them from our cause
Think of all the feminist and media propaganda they resisted and kept out only to listen to their husbands and fathers and vote Trump
thinking about the shit he said and they threw at him this is actually fucking impressive
They were stupid enough to forget about Bill in the dem primary.
But that's because Bernie is a cuck geezer.
never mistrust OUR GIRLS
Women can't win with men like you.
Either they vote for Hillary and can't be trusted, or vote for a man and can't be trusted because they voted against their gender.
source on this? want to show libtard friends
More Black/Latinos/Asians voted for Trump than Romney.
The Eternal Female didn't
There's still good women out there for you burgers, you just need to get out there and grab em by the pussy.
link to that wikileaks?
Now we can get a white gf, have a root, pop out some kids, and MAGA without criticisms
wow, i have to apologze to white women. they put their family first instead of a woman president for history.
>that "woman"
Just wait until the next Trump hot mic tape drops
he doesn't stand a chance, this is an electoral turn off for women
democrats have alienated whites so badly that white women would rather vote for a sexual predator than a democrat. it's pretty amazing how badly they fucked up
>Not joking on that last part, straight from his ex-wife. Wikileaks showed that the Hillary campaign kept this fact on the file of personal info they had on him.
can you link pls
>meanwhile, on TYT
OR, perhaps every single thing Sup Forums believes, from the "Jewish conspiracy", to whining about women is wrong and have just been taken for a ride. And the problem is elseware.
If after one year you live the same life, maybe its time to start seriously thinking, if the problem is not "with society", where else it could be.
How did Hillary get blown the fuck out so hard?
I thought all women would have voted for her based on her sex alone.
How about some sauce you dumb bitch.
fuck off cuck
They're MUCH wose than that in other countries. White women in 'merica seem to be improving, either that or they were never as bad as European women in the 1st place due to Christianity still existing over there.
Went to Publix here in Florida to get lunch. Lots of grumpy women walking around today, but the older woman at the checkout called Hillary a criminal.
Race is more relevant than gender
He is trolling you, retard.
women hate eachother
should've been apparent this would happen with all the reality shows proving women vote eachother out first
Western women are our women.
Youre particularly jaded towards women is all.
It was part of the DNC email leaks, the file was on Trump's personal health.
I'm trying to find it right now.
It said he has a 9 inch cock and has never had a cup of coffee in his life.
It was in the "leaked" DNC research document.
gay as fuck
>9 inches erect
look at in in more detail though
they'll scream and cry about it in public but secretly they love it
Obviously, straight white women have the same opinion as straight white men. They obviously don't want to be raped by wild mudslimes or dindus while their husbands are working hard to make America great.
>mfw I'm 2 inches erect
>Christianity still existing over there.
It is objectively this.
They are not a 5th column. I am proud of you ladies.
And lefties will still claim it was all rich racist white men to blame for Trump's win.
I don't believe you
>has never had a cup of coffee in his life.
Oh fuck. I thought coffee was good for you. Think I should quit it cold turkey.
>this kills the narrative
See this is why you never believe any of that feminist bullshit. Deep down every woman really wants an alpha.
What's funny is all the beta orbiters will see this and still not put 2 and 2 together.
How is that surprising? Women will always go with Chad while saying they want the nice guy. And you can't get more Chad than Trump right now.
>Not drinking tea
What kind of Englishman are you?
Women always say one thing and think another you retards. This was predictable.
You guys forget one important fact.
Most of that is from old grannies, and old grannies I know are one of the most conservative segments of the society.
If you were to divide the female vote in age groups, young women would have 60% hillary easily, because they represent less of a population than older women who voted 70% trump..
more or less, don't hold me on the percentage points
They realised that their White sons and daughters future was at stake, and made the right choice.
Basically, Sup Forums was right about women.
Which is both a good and a bad thing
Dude it's a woman president campaigning for muh womans right to murder her children. White women are more redpilled than previously thought
Surpsised and cri
14 never forget
Thanks to every white women reading this. I have never seen a woman on Sup Forums though.
It's not fair
>9 inch cock
>gets to bang milinia and have beautiful white children together
>will go down in history as the best president ever
some men just get everything
God bless all you gorgeous white ladies out there (who arent coalburners, feminists and liberals). I take some of what I said in the past back :^)
Thanks for your contribution to MAGA
No, the women Trump voters have been a silent majority, just like the men.
obviously internalized misogyny. very sad, these women have literally been brainwashed by the patriarchy to hate their own gender. we really need to fix this guys, it's our responsibility as we benefit from it everyday.
>b-but muh white wimminz are evil
t. average Sup Forumslack
This is what I think happened. Everyone says they hate Trump, but they secretly love him and are only saying shit because they're scared about how they'll be seen.
>Muh asians are conservative meme
>Ironic how women even fucked up on voting for their own gender to break social norms.
Maybe because we wouldn't have wanted the first female President to be a thoroughly corrupt Saudi puppet at the absolute BEST, and a child-trafficking satanist at worst? I mean I'm not American, but if I was, there's no way in hell I would vote for Hillary.
Here's a thing you need to realise
Women hate other women
It's easy guys...
... ban colleges
I despised white women for their lefty views and race mixing, considering them a lost cause and the prime reason for the slow death of the American dream. Today, I formally apologize. There is yet hope for white girls and women.
Women love rich alpha men. No matter what he does or says, women are just bitch to strong and winner guys.
Wtf I love white women
wtf i love white women now
What glorious nonsense is this "voting against their gender"?
Stop eating those mushrooms.
wtf i love white women now!
Women, as "group animal", knows that they cant tell their opinion, if its not popular. So they hide their power lever, even in gallup. Social media is place where progressives are shouting and other women stay silent. They know if they would tell their opinion, then tribe would attack them and try to humiliate them back into line, so they hide their power level.
whats the source on this?
genuinely interested
>b-but muh white wimminz are evil
Were back on again!
you weren't around for this attention whore were you