Don't lose focus

the real enemy is the same

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Inaging Kikeman Sachs face when he found out 1 billion dollars he put in Shitlarys campain were for nothing

So it begins, the return to old Sup Forums.

>A fucking burger

>A fucking jew

>GOP controls house senate and presidency
jewish dollars are about to pass so many laws your head's going to spin

It's like another shoah

We still like you guys more than should just work with us..not against us. Israel within his borders is totally cool but the whole sjw feminazi leftwing pc bullshit isn't helping to like you guys

Trump is way more pro-israel than clinton.

Bad luck, retard.

>a fucking ape

We kept the neoconservatives out of office, now it's our turn to route the kikes out of our government.

you're pro palestine or something?
you like sucking muslim dick?
bad goy

You of all people should know that cooperation with kikes is impossible.

>A fucking refugee

Are you an idiot? Israel is ally, not an enemy. We have the common enemy - globalist elite supporting Islamisation of Europe, America and Israel.

Hey, Abdul. We're all pro-Israel in this board. If the Jews keep to their own little cubicle, they won't fucking bother us.

G-g-goyim no need to get angry now

Hey, Shmayalah Bergstein.
How's the media there reacting to the God Emperor? Should the burgers expect some nukes anytime soon?

>>a Fucking nigger

Because some fat retarded NEET on a manga image board said so?

i seriously dont understand Sup Forums. we did just beat the globalists, aka soros and co, who even go against israel and now you want to fuck over the relativly-peaceful zionists.
ok, i dont support israels policies, but they arent the real enemy anymore.

dont groups us, hard working israelis, with the people who stay outside and who are the ones pushing for multiculturalism and feminism. same as not all americans are safe space loving feminists.

The media here is basically full of leftists.
My family are pretty devastated too except for 1 relative, facebook cries like expected.
I know only 1 friend of mine that actually supports Trump, the rest were influenced by our media...

No because they are trying to fuck us over for thousands years already
Why do you think the kike got kicked out of every society it has inhabited? Because they tried to infiltrate it and we're caught
And now they got caught again.

Tel aviv? my whole family supported trump, as well as most people at my work place.former classmates are not happy though.

You do know most of the israeli public approve trump right? Bibi seems to like him as well.


The whole reason we voted Trump is because he wasn't controlled by you people

Fuck off skypes





>A fucking Sandnigger Kike

My dad predicted that trump will win he's laughing all morning about how much buthurt channel 22 can get.
Also most of my family was pro trump save to my sister.

No jew ever tried to fuck us over.

Have you ever read how many jewish-germans were fighting for germany in WW1? More than More than 100000 soldiers of which 12000 died.

Have you ever seen the list of how many world-class jewish-german scientists made germany the center of the world in mathematics&physics before the Hitler?

Do you really believe all this conspiracy shit?

>my whole family supported trump
I envy you so much.
I have 3 older sisters and 2 of them are definitly in the feminist category, my mother I'm not so sure but she is didn't support Hillary, just hates Trump, my dad hates him deeply though.
And yeah I'm like 10 km from Tel Aviv.




Brazilian TV is the most bluepilled shit there is. Man you wouldn't believe how many libtards are prophetizing that the world is gonna end.

Any of you nice Steins there are cousins with Silvio Santos? Please tell him to tone it down just a bit.



Holy shit is this the Merkel equivalent of CTR?

Can you post your hand with the current time and date so well be able to see how white you are?


For what purpose

Fuck off with this CTR bullshit and just get your facts straight.

>we voted trump

Also Shillary is literally funded by anti-zionists (soros and saudi arabia)

Get well soon

Sorry, I'm from the south, we're white here.
Nice gains though, congrats on not being a stereotypical measly jew

My dad is from South America he says that communists have destroyed Uruguay and cultural Marxists+ globalist's killed Brazil. You guys even have twerking on national television, I really do feel sorry for you guys :( our media is kikish as any other yet usually our public does not believe what the globalist media tells. Isn't there a white nationalist region in Brazil? I thought your police is pretty red pilled.

Ohhh they're feisty as well! So she hired the Turbanapes to get in the office

Ahah it never changed, but establishing Trump's throne was the priority.
Now like in biblical times, frog's plague will come, but this time... to the internet

My family (myself included) were certain Hilary was gonna win, dad wanted Trump but even he was shocked when I told him he won.

Media was shilling for Hilary for months

Thank you Brazilfriend, try to find a white wifu(pick wisely woman much like hope are treacherous) , get a well paid job save your race.

I thought that there are white countries on South America such as Uruguay.


No white nationalist but pretty strong right-wing parties, but they're all bluepilled in one way or another.
Nah, our cops are just violent as fuck, they shoot whenever they can and beat whomever they can. It's like american cops but without a "license to kill", they just change that for a license to be corrupt as fuck.



Thx haim 3>

Can you move to another white country? Like new Zealand or Australia? New Zealand have a low chance to be struck at ww3 due to that they are isolated and don't bother anybody that much. Also new Zealand is mostly white but the locals are super bluepilled, Australians are more redpilled so I heard.

>We still like you guys more than muslim
Speak for yourself

There's no hope for this place, it's like all that shit they exaggerate on r9k but actually fucking real.
I'm actually hoping to get out of here since my lineage is purely European and Italy is taking people like that. I have some cousins there who got the visa that way.
Hopefully, if I do go ahead on this plan, I'll be an asset and not a nuisance like the rest of Europe's current immigrants

Not a bad idea. I would actually like to go to war against some emus, it sound pretty fun.
I'd probably need to dig a bit into their college courses but I probably have a good chance of getting myself a place in Australia.
NZ would probably be even easier since they're pretty much Hobbits who love everyone.
I gotta say, Trump's victory left me completely revitalized to try and make something of myself, I'll make all of Sup Forums proud and not be another Brazilian shitposter in the future

Trump and Neocons are the greatest win for Israel you fucking retards.

Israel is good for everyone. A happy Jew in his happy place doesn't start wars