International congratulations

Well done burgers !
Cheers from France.

Britain did it, we did it, now it's your turn fags, then Germany

I wish we could do it.
But here in France people are still to brainwashed.

Well done America! I am truly blessed to see Indy Ref fail, Brexit happen and now Trump. PRAISE KEK

Hey thanks for sticking with us and all the support you guys have lent us. Its time to return the favor and get Le Pen elected. Works never done.

Meme magic is fucking real.

Working on it. Will be damn hard with that many sheeps, tho.

Banks are already changing course. We'll get there, no worries.

We gave all the energy we could to Trump. When we get our strength back, its France's turn.

Wasn't the French prime minister talking shit about Trump earlier today? How can he not see Trump will do everything in his power to prevent the shit show that's happening across the pond?

the president was talking shit too against Trump, he said Clinton would win...
but our president is a fucking joke...
he also said brexit wouldn't happen...

great JOB brothers

Nobody likes our current gvt. No even leftist.
Hollande was recently below 5% approval !
Everybody is absolutely certain our 2017 election will be right against far-right

Well done USA. We must all continue to praise KeK daily whether that is through our thoughts or our actions. Some little deed of good to recognise we are at one and all towards the same kek.

Sincerest congratulations, burgerbros! Despite the whole brunt of the establishment and the media, going as far as attempting to rig the votes, the people still won.

Nice work Americunts, I knew you were better than electing Hillary.
Praise Kek.

congratulations on your democracy
now we can have actual diplomacy where the US President doesn't fucking pussy out from possibly being called son of a whore in his face

This post made me smile Frenchbro, thank you.

Well done.

Cheers from Spain.

Indeed. It is our turn.
Looks like we're going to need Kek's help again.

Thanks for the support, my crepe crusader

Ces grands cons de démocrates ont voulu imposer Clinton au dessus de Sanders.

Ce dernier aurait probablement battu Trump.

En France, le PS est en train de faire la même erreur politique, en barrant la route à Mélenchon (image rapportée)

Aux mêmes causes les mêmes effets: Madame la présidente Marion Annick Le Pen

Been here for the past 12 hours. You did good America.

Congraturation from Singapura.
Donald Trump is a meme magician and you did it in spite of all the (((establishment media))) arrayed against you.
From being a bastion of leftism and negro politics, the United States of America will soon start winning again.
Burgers: you did it. This isn't just a victory for America. This is a victory for civilization in general, and the Republic of Singapore thanks every Trump supporter, every Kek memer, every party-line-toeing Republican, every anti-establishment Berniebro who switched to Trump, and every third-party voter who just couldn't cast for that witch Clinton.
For the first time in a long time... I think everything is going to be alright.

Gl from Spain, señor Trump

Congratulations America

Because of Trump, I got to watch my globalist Prime Minister and Foreign Minister literally shit themselves today, a clear sign that Based Tones might make a comeback.

Ditto here !

Well played, burgers ! We're proud of you. Even if our Twitter is so full of butthurt it's gonna take at least 4 years to heal.

Our president was being a smug cunt and said that she would win.
I hope he will shut up. We won't win in 2017 but you and Brits can crush globalism. We can make the West great again