Trump violently jerks Pence during handshake. What did he mean by this?
He always does this, and he always greet women with a kiss.
It's called strength Germany, and you're about to feel it once we link up with Theresa.
he's establishing dominance
Dylan you son of bitch
Wats the madder cia got you pushing too many pencils
Alpha. It's basically "you act like a fag, get your shit together" handshake.
Show dominance. I do this all the time, even with elders and family members.
That was pretty over the top to simply show strength.
You would do that if you wanted to humiliate someone.
Best movie.
well Pence disagrees with Trump on a lot so Trump has to make sure he knows who the boss is
Westerners aren't from the middle-east, Ahmed: we don't have your hostile rape culture ingrained into our brains.
Dude's just trying to get him to celebrate a bit with some high energy camaraderie
He wanted him closer. Like a real bro.
"We did it.."
This is really funny meme about me being from middle east.
However this gesture, especially in front of the cameras after his acceptance speech is probably more significant than just high energy.
No such thing as over the top. That's why you're 0-2 on World Wars.
Whatever VP doesn't impact anything
Tried to pull him in for a kiss then realiaed he's on camera
would you kiss a Romanian?
he almost forgot to thank pence in hs speech and had to make up for it. Basically he turned around saw Pence and thought "shit! forgot about this guy need to make a strong move"
>lets go you fucking wojack doppelganger, we fuckin did this thing mang
I think it was more a whoops I forgot to thank you with all the other people.
What did they mean by this?
It's basically a pat on the back. Kinda like a "WE FUCKING DID IT!" type of things. In germany men usually just start sucking eachother off, but that is gay and we don't do that here.
His powers are awakening
All hail the god emperor
This. He even turns his face away. Guy is just a jolly old bastard at the moment.
Trump knows hes going to be replaced soon by Pence
Er wollte das er zu ihm nach vorn kommt und neben ihm steht aber pence war so überwältigt vom momentum der hats gar nicht gepeilt.
>Trump grabs him by the hand and dislocates his shoulder
>You're a mess Pence
his top cyber adviser next to him whats the prob?
Kek's energy transmission is complete
Trump is now as strong as Hercules now
He is the God Emperor!
He's nervous and tensed up when their hands touched.
You sonuva bitch!
> cuck german is not used to seeing manly handshakes
Pulling someone in when shaking hands is a sign of dominance.
>That was pretty over the top to simply show strength.
sounds like Natsoc logline
I-I'm sorry user
I had no idea
You are what's wrong with this country, OP. Nu-male.
He was pumped. He'd just won the election. He just became leader of the most powerful country on earth. This is what you work for. He just assured his family name a place in the American history books. This is what the American dream is made of. This is what dreams are made of. If this is an 80's movie, you cut, print, roll credits on that image.
He was fucking jacked up and wanted the bro hug. The final, "I told you so," to Pence. "I told you I was gonna fuckin' win this bullshit. Cuz I'm a winner, Mike. I'm a motherfuckin' winner."
It was beautiful, really.
What a gay, you can tell Pence enjoyed it
Nah, that was kind of awkward and inappropriate.
Maybe you have to not have autism to pick up on it.
"It's time for us to unite as a nation"
He meant this in the most literal way possible. Join his flesh! Unite america into one!
>you better do right by me if they take me out or i'll haunt you in your dreams
Fuck off, beta
Watch the full scene and get back to me. Or not. I don't give a fuck, really.
I noticed that too, ye prob this famalam
sometimes when two men are happy and successful they jerk each other, there's nothing wrong with it
I have watched it, this is how I stumbled on it.
Pence was not perfect, but they did it. Together.
The taste being the winner.
is he a fucking gorilla or something?
was Pence not a bro?