Realistically, did Sup Forums make any major contribution to getting Trump into the office?
Realistically, did Sup Forums make any major contribution to getting Trump into the office?
Of course we did what kind of question is that?
I do not care about the contribution, I only care for the result
More than CTR did for Hillary.
Honestly the Pepe thing probably did have an impact, but it wasn't anything major
ofc we did, we spread the best propanda since the NSDAP
That's what I'm saying. But people here are acting like it's solely their accomplishment. The majority of the redneck fucks who voted for Trump don't even know how to plug a computer into a socket.
I don't know, but it's no secret Milo Yianoppoulous (fml how do you even spell that shit) browses /pol and got a lot of political ammunition against Hillary and was able to share it on his facebook platform for everyone to share and convince people that Hillary was a criminal. I have no doubt in my mind that the constant barrage of wikileaks emails and /pol pushing them onto social media changed the views of some.
My mother and grandparents switched to Trump after i showed them that podesta brothers suspected pedophile jpeg
Yeah ns, same with Brexit.
Both are the works of none of there than Nigel Farage. We should certainly worship him but in reality most people who voted what trump for they are too old to know what a web page is let alone an anime imageboard
i like to think so
>of there
spazzed out
other than*
most of the memes came from this place
Yes, through Meme Magic
Being the hotbed for the redpill...yes, massively.
Obviously. Do you doubt that an ancient god was instrumental in the election, and Brexit as well? Chaos flows through this place, and it rewards its servants well.
I voted
But I live in illinois
so no
the memes alone turned many, especially the millenials that were a huge surprise. parsing through the emails and getting the draftourdaughters and spiritcooking trends going also helped considerably.
However, IMO, our largest contribution was rigging the post debate polls. This gave Trump a shit ton of legitimacy, and massively fueled the Trump vs Media narrative, as he could tout the polls to say he won and that the media was lying when they said he lost. This gave him his start and is what separated him from the pack the most in the early primaries.
Sup Forums cannot change the world
But it does interpret it
I think we played a pretty big part in spinning a bunch of would-be gaffes into brutal stumpings. Stuff like the pope criticizing the wall while living in the walled Vatican city.
We gave him a lot of ammo and talking points. We probably had a way bigger influence on the inner circle of the campaign more than anything, Don Jr and Eric at least have to be aware of this place. The memes and stuff were great for his online presence, but honestly I bet one of these days it will be known that we were unofficially Trump's personal think tank.
meme magic my friends
If you consider it from the perspective that Trump basically got a free, 1000x larger CTR, yes
Of course, it came to a point where Hillary was debating pol instead of Trump.
that's like asking if NASA played any part in the moon landing. except this is actually happening.
The press was with her, internet was with him.
Buckle up, buckaroos
I'm not saying they shouldn't have voted for trump, because he's a better choice than hillary.
But that is a fucking retarded reason to switch candidates. Is your family black by any chance?
pol redpilled a lot of people
we helped keep the inertia driving
it's unclear the extent to which we had an impact, but i'm certain we had a noticeable impact on the election.
still, it'd be nice to know what kind of power pol is capable of
Sup Forums did a lot of work in the shadows throughout the entire campaign attacking criticizers and rival candidates, not only just attacking Sup Forums helped prop up Trump through polls and memes gave him a strong internet presence.
It's not an exaggeration to say Sup Forums is the reason Trump is the president.
Actually yes, Sup Forums literally ran a propaganda campaign. Thank you Sup Forums, thank you for all this butthurt.
Hillary had a special section in her website dedicated to Pepe the frog.
Think about it for a moment.
Yeah Sup Forums did alot of work online, not saying it was a definitive action that got Donald the potus but it did help alot.
Fuckin meme magic
On a serious note, we gave mass to the alt right
We must simply trust ourselves and believe in our power. Whether real or otherwise
Sup Forums has millions of viewers. I don't know about other Sup Forumsacks but I redpilled my entire family and girlfriend into voting for trump.
If you multiply this across every member of Sup Forums, you start seeing some real sizeable changes.
In addition, he would've never made it through the primaries without us voting in polls and going to his rallied
The emperor(ess) came out naked with all the heralds lavishing praise on her new clothes, and we were the ones who laughed at them.
Who the fuck are you?
>It's not an exaggeration to say Sup Forums is the reason Trump is the president.
Yes it is, hillary clinton sabotaged herself more than Sup Forums doing anything.
Whoever the fuck decided it was a good idea to call Trump supporters (and basically Sup Forums) deplorables and go on the offence against donald trump needs to be fired >implying they have a job anymore anyway
only if your iq within range 0..80
I think Sup Forums and fellow shitposters spread information around but Wikileaks, ProjectVeritas, Podesta Emails, Hillary going off about Alt-Right and Pepe harmed her image.
Kek willed it.
We memed a president into the white house.
Well done autists.
I'll give you wikileaks, it took a dedicated amount of autists to sift through that shit, considering how nothing 99% of it, finding those nuggets was impressive.
Truth be told, Very few people wanted Hillary, i'm willing to bet a lot of the trump voters didn't even want trump, they just fucking hated Hillary.
We most certainly did. We were a hypetrain that once started couldn't be stopped, just like president trump. Think about it, hillary had to EMPLOY people to hype her. We did it for free, from all over the world. The trump hype train online started here no doubt.
From someone who only got involved on Sup Forums at the end of this ride, I'd say that you guys had much more impact on this election than you had any right to, and it was great. I could literally smell the Sup Forums stink on the news, and I laughed in every moment of it. From a non Sup Forums poster, I congratulate each and every one of you fuckers, and thank you for helping save this country.
I went on reddit and mocked people crying "sexist and racist".
we have been an engine for internet culture
we made politically correct look like the choice of dorks and people with a stick up their ass
we made the next cool rebull counter-culture
we made the spicy memes that normies share on facebook, in their games, wherever they go on the internet
I know it sounds like bullshit but that is very valuable marketing that people pay millions to have (like Hillary) on their side
oh and we did some serious intelligence work
even catching the stonetear guy with his hands in the marmelade, while technically not initiated here, brings the hallmarks of a Sup Forums intelligence operation.
We taught others how to weaponize autism like we do
>hillary had to EMPLOY people to hype her.
every candidate in the history of the last 100 years has done this, idk why you guys think CTR is such a big shock.
>Very few people wanted Hillary
m8, you clearly were not paying attention
50 mil voted for hillary, there were some trump supporters who voted trump to spite hillary but many trump supporters wanted trump
I took a Soros Funded sign to an anti Trump rally in NYC. I felt like it woke some peeps. Very satisfying year for me.
And our praise be to Kek,
And may the digits repeat.
i'm pretty sure i fapped to that instead of laughing
Cuckservative knocked everyone but Trump out of the ring.
I was spreading the God Emperor's word in corners where His light does not extend.
I spread veritas videos on chatrooms, went to a rally, donated $150 to Trump, got a hat, etc
Literally his entire campaign was Sup Forumsacks doing it for free. Sup Forums memes were all over the Trump campaign to the point where when he one a Trump campaign chair tweeted "IT'S HAPPENING!".
>there were some trump supporters who voted trump to spite hillary but many trump supporters wanted trump
You're deluding yourself if you think Trump would have been a lot of peoples first choice if there was a competent democratic candidate
Well we don't know, we're just speculating.
This is the first president of the internet.
Backyard signs which were mocked, and memeing.
Nothing major, we just woke up an ancient God.
Every little bit counts man, the wikileaks stuff, the spirit cooking and the "I'm with her war" graphics made a noticeable impact. None of that stuff would have spread without us. This board is one of the last bastions of free speech on the internet with thousands posting and thousands more lurking and watching everything play out. And despite everything that was against us we won. Don"t you dare try to downplay everything this board has achieved
It didn't just start at Hillary, even through the primary Sup Forums was at work propping up Trump legitimizing him and attacking those that were against him, well it wouldn't be accurate to say Sup Forums alone is the cause but Trump won but it played a key part, Sup Forums found and helped spread stories, Sup Forums sifted through fuck knows how many wikileaks emails trying to find something, without Sup Forums Trump wouldn't have made it anywhere near this far.
Do you have a link/archive?
ye tru m8.
I don't swing particularly far left or right, admittedly I'm slightly more of a leftscum. But I would have killed myself before I ever voted for Hillary
+I like trump, dude knows how to keep it interesting and i appreciate that he's trying to keep it cool with the ruskis
Yes, Sup Forums absolutely carried the election, just look how popular donald is on the internet than clinton. We reached the silent majority. We redpilled the world, Through our collective efforts of shitposting.
MAGA im proud of you burgers.
Of course Sup Forums did. Like 90% of the meme magic came from us, meme magic is very much real. It is a great power that must only be used for good.
Yeah but we did it for free and were infinitely times better than CTR.
I honestly believe that if Sup Forums didn't exist then we wouldn't have Trump as president right now.
I made the biggest contribution, I voted for him.
Other than that I donated money.
Speaking of which, anyone know the sum that Trump spent to win?
Tell me it doesnt look ridiculous when a PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE is at war with a cartoon frog.
Completely. As others have mentioned, he ran his campaign on almost no funds. Despite his claims of personal contributions, relatively speaking he spent almost nothing. Internet memery played no small part in what occurred.
Don't underestimate the influence of the internet.
lord kek doesn't wake for nothing. He chose us for a reason and been slowly preparing the world for his awakening.
Now that lord kek has risen from his slumber, I wonder what is next on his agenda. Or did he just wake up for this event?
Twitter takes credit
Reddit takes credit
/pol takes credit
More than you can imagine
Delete this, you dumbass
I am sure the amount of OC and movement across the board helped
might've gotten a like-minded normie to stand firm and vote (at all) for Trump
not much but help is help
I thank Americas older people
At one point Trump mentioned that he had received many tweets from people saying don't ever change, be yourself and don't waver, and that he'd taken these to heart. I like to think we had something to do with that.
Are you spinsters still getting paid for this? You'd better check. I don't think they're going to pay you for correcting the record now that the election is over.
We redpilled lots of liberals. I'd say that was pretty damn important.
Sup Forumss colony on reddit was useful to get all the disenchanted bernouts to hate vote against hillary.
We rigged the post-debate polls, helped catch Combetta, made a ton of redpill memes to pass across normiebook and attacked mid-level Hillary supporters and exposed them. We also spread the Project Veritas Action videos.
I went from a pro abortion, globalist loving, woman apologizing, virgin faggot to an ultra conservative Trump voter in the past year or so.
I wouldn't say Sup Forums had much to do with it, but rather the fact that I actually got some life experience and the election made me seriously reevaluate my political views.
If you live in the real world, you would know that a bunch of liberal bullshit is both immoral and detrimental to the advancement of humanity.
Hilary's official page had to explain why Pepe is bad.
The really funny thing, liberalism leads to communism. And under communists they would all be killed for the reasons you just stated. Communists take power, then kill of the useful idiots because they are not conductive to a working society.
yes, meme magick :^)
I made some cucks worried before election day and voted trump. I wish I did more but I feel content.
Pic for 100% proof.
All you doubters better fucking join our army. We're on a tour of European nations next.
We made Pepe a hate symbol. Trump retweeted a Pepe.
#Draftourdaughters had an impact.
Indeed, it was not only just us, but the rest of the citizens of the USA who felt disenfranchised. We just helped them along.
Everything is won by memes
>redpilled loads of liberals
>made Hillary look like an absolute tit
>produced unholy quantities of memes to boost Trump's campaign and smear Hillary's
>investigated the child sex ring
>infowars dot com forward slash show for the latest radio-tv memes
And most important of all
>the Sup Forumsony dedicated to the Donald, something to take blame for potential cock ups.
Well, the msm didn't report the damning stuff about hillary, so it took Sup Forums and reddit to spread the news.
The investigations were helpful, the whole podesta stuff. Remember when wikileaks tweeted a picture from Sup Forums about those pedo allegations against assange?
Sup Forums was arguably the reason the alt right got momentum, including the many youtubers.
It made the media report about frog memes, which comes in my list of the most funny things that ever happened right after the holocaust.
Internet is a powerful toll. Don't mock it. It's how Poland won last presidential election which spiraled into right winged parliamentary election. Sure we didn't impact media in any big sense, everyone was still very much shilling for Clinton. Sure most Trump voters probably don't understand terms like Pepe, SJW or KEK. But we did something significant, we annoyed the media - and their biggest mistake was mentioning us. I'm pretty sure that when normies saw CNN and NBC mentioning a cartoon frog and nazis in one sentence with a very serious facial expression some voters out there couldn't stop but laugh at the retardation of lefts, which potentially could lead to effect similar to disgust of alt-right voters directed towards their old established neo-con leaders - after all it seems like both liberals and neo-con lost because they were focusing on aspects that normal people care very little about - Nobody gives a fuck about pussy grabbing and hitler meme frogs. So yes we had an impact, just not in the way some of you guys think.
we are the only reason anyone even heard about her emails or wikileaks.
Nobody was reporting them. Without us driving them on social media no one would know about them.
Our memes and shitposting gave Trump an extra 5%-10% overall.
I think so. There has been constant Sup Forums spam on leftist twitter accounts and it may have red pilled some people.
I told you look at the picture. The numbers will gain a LOT of attention among the big religions very soon when these facts spread.
I would also like to remind you. Trump was born during a Total lunar eclipse.
Kek is the God of Primordial Darkness and Chaos. Trump is Kek. Kek is Trump.