These are the things that made the X-MEN movies great. They captured these things perfectly...

These are the things that made the X-MEN movies great. They captured these things perfectly. The MCU will NEVER be on this level.

ill take guardians of the galaxy over logan any day


GotG>>>>>>>>>>anything Fix shits out


What’s with all the FoX-Men shills lately? I’m glad we’re going to be rid of these shitty films and finally get good X-Men movies.

Never go full chode choker.

>broken English
Too unsubtle.

MCUfag is triggered.

All the Wolverine movies were trash, Logan was ok.

10/10 bait

believe it or not, but plenty of people hate mcu

DofP and Logan were both shit.

as an x-fag, I'm certainly going to be obnoxious for mcucks, to the point that they will regret x-men returning to marvel

yea, i'm the one who baits, not the OP

All the fox x-man we disappointing shit! SHIT

because you are an idiot

Yes very good Fox&Friends


must be it, logan is an intellectual feast after all

guardians of the galaxy is about family and real emotions, logan is about being a fantasy badass

look at OP picture and tell me it's not a bait

How much the mouse paid you?

>real emotions

epic simply epic :)

have an upvote my good sir! :D

>I'll make a post dumb enough that it will make someone reply to me to tell me how dumb my post is. That's almost like experiencing a real human interaction.

what you posted makes no sense on any level
yes there was a dance off scene what of it
it has no relation to the themes of the movies

also if you didn't like it too bad, not everything needs to be about punching people and grunting angrily

hey man i have to admit that the OP picture is fucking hilarious, especially thinking that someone would take it seriously

>Error: Faggot Retard Detected.

Oh boy, I can't wait for the new Sup Forums meme to be daily threads about how the FoX-men movies were masterpieces and never had pieces of shit like Wolverine Origins or X3, aka the absolute bottom of the barrel of modern comic book movies, in them once Disney officially buys them back.

And I can’t wait for people to defend the Disney X-Men movies when the sequel after Deadpool 2 has a PG-13 rating and when Professor X and Magneto have quip-offs with each other!!!

if they will be good movies why not
the fact of having a R rating or not quipping is no guarantee nor requirement for having a good movie

The absolute state of foxcucks.

Get out you idiotic fucks

Dead tired of uninspired quipfests.
Logan tops anything the MCU has done, only corporate fan boys will try to refute this

They won't be. Period.


Oh look an MCU chode choker.

And later show up at a McDonald's and order food.

Low-level bait. Get better.

funny shit, try to argue your point though

if you think logan is more mature than gotg2, than you are extremely superficial, also the only reason logan had any emotional payoff is due to being at the butt end of 17 year old franchise

Just leave.

It’s the same thing that happened with Sony’s Amazing Spider-Man. After ASM2 was considered Shit by everyone, Anti-MCU contrarians went into full shill force and tried to claim ASM2 was this decade’s Citizen Kane and Andrew Garfield was the best actor ever. They tried to say that Tom Holland was gonna be the worst Spider-Man ever! And that him being in the MCU is a mistake.
Now we have the best Spider-Man on film ever and he’s been Amazing in the MCU.

Just give it time, user. After the X-Men and FF return home to Marvel, they will make the best X-Men movies ever. The “Foxshills” will fade away into oblivion just like the ones who pretended to like ASM2...........

*mic drop*

He's absolutely right. The only difference between something like Logan and something like GOTG is that Logan has a much darker tone throughout and is the curtain call for the character.

Almost like the franchise is old enough that such a movie can be made and people buy into it.

>*mic drop*
Oh wow, look at this kid.

To be this level of autistic.

Many of the X-men movies are already praised. Its only MCU and NotMuhfags.

>Many of the X-men movies are already shilled

After Marvel rightfully rescues their children, they will make movies that everyone loves. Everyone will (rightfully) forget the diaper-filled old FoX-Men movies just like they forgot about Sony’s Amazing Spider-Man movies.

*moves knight*


It’s not Autism. It’s Truth.

MCUfags will always love lowlevel elementary school trash.

>t. Jelly Max Landis

what is your point?
because that's fine, but if that's the only thing it has going for it than it's not good enough and it wouldn't stand on it's own
people get attached to cartoons and shitshows on tv

>Showing only the characters Fox got right while completely ignoring the ones they shat upon

How clever of you.

Foxshills are so sadly desperate.

Thankfully we won’t have to deal with them after X-Men and FF return home.

These are what captured Fox-men movies


They are garbage movies held up by millennials who make a big deal about "equality".

>MCUck droning about Spiderman after the shitfest that was homecoming.

Where'd your complaints about comic book accuracy go now you piece of shit?


Shouldn’t you be busy raping little boys, Singer hmmmmm?

Why'd you describe the Disney movies when the discussion is about FoX-Men?

>i know you are but what am i
>you must be 18 or older to post

>only now when DISNEY is ready to hoover-up FOX do the faggots start turning on their own and criticizing the MCU for the cheap action schlock it is

MCU retard that has never pick up a comicbook gets triggered when someone likes things that aren't MCU.

Civil war did it pretty good.

>Shits on Fox-men
>Must be an MCU tard

I don't give a shit about the MCU, Fox-fag. Also, nice "read comics." You defending the Fox-men prove you don't read comics. You faggots are almost as bad as Snyderfags. Put these shallow ass movies on a fucking pedestal.

The good X-Men movies being praised is nothing new. It's just that the series usually goes 1:1 shit to gold ratio.

I do read the fucking comics you chode choker. And I dont have a problem with the movie adaptations of the characters long as the story is good it's fine.

MCU will never drop as low as the worst of Fox movies though. It's a perfect average.
MCU vs Fox is like communism in comparrison to capitalism. You'll never gonna be a billionaire, though you'll never be poor like a dirt. And like one billionare won't compensate a million of bums, one or two good movies that came out of Fox won't compensate all the x-men trash they produced.

>Peter, when I violently murder dozens of people with my arrow, I do it from the heart

I nearly cried. Meme off in heaven, Marry Poppins.

can you desrcribe any characters from the X-men movies besides logan, Xavier and Magneto?


Way to show the characters that Fox only ever focused on. You know this franchise is called X-Men, not Logan, Xavier and the gang (ft. Erik)

that's your defense of logan?
yea you're not the first

i know you must have been hungry, 17 years eating shit, waiting for the big payoff of a movie where Angry McStab finally stabs people in violent manner and learns his lesson

feel free to tell me what was interesting about the movie for you
>look my favorite Misunderstood-Sufferingman never smiles, drinks whiskey and grunts, truly only he can be a father figure to speak of
>this movie is superior to all by the merit of angsty grit

Only thing missing from Logan was a dance off battle at the end and 100 quips

There was no dance off battle in GOTG. And Logan did have quips. Either way, both of those fall under tone, which I already covered as the primary difference.

why the fuck was he in this movie I liked it but it was so random, should've been Andre 3000

>If they hate MCU then they're 100% shills! DCEU shills, Fox shills, Sony shills! Shills, shills, shills! Everywhere! People that hate MCU can't exist! How can you hate MCU? It's literally flawless and everyone loves MCU! If they don't, then they're just shills!

>that's your defense of logan?

No, Logan is ok movie with its flaws, while GotG is just a pile of shit that's nowhere near it.

>the MCU will NEVER be on this level.
i think on the whole, the MCU surpasses it

Holy shit you fucking retards stop taking the bait

It's not bait you fucking retard. Why does every MCUfaggot think something is bait?

Because they're convinced that MCU is universally liked masterpiece and if you hate it then you're just a shill.

logan is ok movie without strenghts, and gotg2 despite its flaws, blasts its ass away with better grasp of the themes they share, and better handle of bigger number of characters, and being actually entertaining instead of boring

>During a mission to rescue the crew of a malfunctioning space shuttle, Jean is exposed to solar flares that awaken the Phoenix, a powerful entity that exists within her. The Skrull Queen (Jessica Chastain), ruler of a group of shapeshifting aliens who have infiltrate Earth in order to conquer it, begins manipulating Jean.
>After losing control of her powers and accidentally killing one of the X-Men, Jean flees to Genosha. Magneto attempts to shelter her, but the X-Men, the Skrulls and the government soon intervene, and the strain causes Jean to develop a malevolent split personality, the Dark Phoenix, who is hellbent on unleashing chaos upon the world, and the X-Men are the only ones able to stop her.
Pretty sure they stopped excelling at anything at this point.