So, why were nearly all the polls so wrong?
So, why were nearly all the polls so wrong?
they weren't necessarily wrong. Clinton could yet win the popular vote.
Because polls are a form of forming public opinion not measuring them.
- Peter Hitchens
D+8, D+10, or God forbid; D+12 samples/assuming 2008 turnout.
Also, systematic bullying and dehumanization of Trump and his supporters provided for a bit of a Monster Vote I guess.
only two agencies gave trump lead or tie semi regular
>So, why were nearly all the polls so wrong?
They were rigged by the media and CTR to give a false impression of the popularity of hillary, in an attempt to leverage social proof to convince people to vote for hillary.
They were basically trying to use the "Bandwagon" effect to improve hillaries chances of winning, and it backfired dramatically... now the media is less reputable and trusted than ever.
They weren't wrong, Hillary will win the popular vote by about 2 points, just as predicted.
that does not work, because it actually lowers voters discipline
>I am not leaving my basement because my candidate is going to win anyway
Every worthwhile poll was well within the margin of error, right up to the very end. The reason Trump won is because a lot of people are ashamed to admit that they support his policies. Spend your entire life being told that racists are bad, and yet every fiber of your being wants the wall to be built? You aren't going to tell your friends and family, you'll just make your voice heard in the privacy of a voting booth.
Becouse the crooked hooker fixed them. Please jail her ASAP.
Sjw bullying seen in first world countries only serves to create a silent group of voters who stay the hell out of everything untill voting day. Also alot of younger more tech savy people will be using computers to vote in these polls. Older people tend not to. Happened in brexit and looks like it also happened in trump. Sjws BTFO of themselves.
>that does not work, because it actually lowers voters discipline
media bias
lib media on suicide watch
This morning is the best I've felt in years bros.
There's possibility again. The mainstream media no longer matters.
Thank you Donald Trump.
Because they smoked their own stash.
LA Times and IBD got it right.
Funny thing is how right Moore got it, Trump swept 4 out of 5 rust belt states.
Appease millions of brown Californians and piss of your "Blue firewall" white workers. Good strategy dems.
Nigel is right.
>sir who are you voting for?
>you bigot you racist cis scum etc etc
>y-y-y-ou t-t-tooo
then they pick up the spaghetti off the floor. Fucking bullies.
not by the 3 points that the polls predicted.
Maybe bias. They tried to do it with Brexit as well - a lot of left-leaning people like to feel they are on the "winning" side, so in theory if they're told Hillary is winning they'll vote for Hillary.
Or more realistically the media is just completely out of touch and Trump supporters kept their feelings to themselves to avoid being ostracized.
Media controlled polls where they get to pick the questions to shape their polls.
The bias in the media is what the media chooses to report and not report.
combo of establishment shilling via media bias and
but popular vote doesn't matter...
Hillary media propaganda lies designed to trick the normies into going with the flow.
This. When you have all these rich liberal talking heads call you racist, sexist...etc you keep it to yourself but you actually vote.
Can somebody please tell me what specific states turned out diffirent in the actual election/what specific states the polls got wrong?
Wont matter
Trumps already scheduled to take office jan. 20
I'd say Florida was the domino sent everything on it's course, but I'm sure people will point out Ohio as well
The polls were faked, they oversampled urban areas.
Which does absolutely nothing...
Gore won the popular vote yet Bush was elected
didn't the polls leave out swing states such as Florida?
Yes, but it matches the polls to within a small margin of error. Polling doesn't accurately predict who will win each state. You can use weighting and so on but it's never completely accurate.
jews and corrupt Hillary
>yfw you realize the people working for the LA times are posting in all the smug threads because they get to claim they are the only news source with any shred of credibility left
I think Florida and PA made the most difference for trump
Probably the national polls but not the swing state polls
Trump was polling to lose Florida
Trump was polling to lose North Carolina
Trump was polling to be demolished in pennsylvania
Trump was polling to be demolished in Michigan
Trump wasn't even on the map to take Wisconsin, a state that hasn't gone red since 1984
Democrats were so confident they were going to win it that Hillary didn't even visit once and trump canceled a rally to focus on other states
>not visiting once
I dunno I had good feelings about Colorado. He came here a bunch and I've seen him at least twice but he didn't win. The god damn California transplant vote just couldn't be overcome
She's up +0.6, and that's only going to shrink as leftovers are finished counting. If he doesn't get the popular vote by the end, the difference will still be negligible and within the margin of error.
>that does not work, because it actually lowers voters discipline
Exactly! But Hilldawg didn't know that because she's incompetent