karma for shitposters
no one told them Canada isnt taking white people ROFL
Very few will be allowed in, and those that are will be highly skilled and educated people
An easy win for Canada
>Letting in anyone other than violent Syrians
I wish it was easier. We should trade our liberals for Canadian conservatives. America will be great again forever.
No illegal immigrants allowed to Canada
well they fell victim to their own policies.
Yes please.
It will be the Great Exchange.
America will be rendered truly perfect, Canada will finally complete it's evolution into the Super Islamic Cuck it desires to be.
Can someone explain, why Canada? They seem to be extremely upset that Clinton didn't got presidency and with it her chance to turn US into Mexico, so according to simple logic they all should want to move into Mexico to enjoy their dream.
Canada will build a fucking wall. Stay the fuck out.
Cause nobody wants to pay for the wall.
Because they are just as racist as the people they claim are the racist. Canada is the easiest white country they can go to.
lel, it's too bad for the cucks that we actually have a border and don't allow illegal immigrants in.
Can you kill them? Please? Just gun them down the moment you get confirmation that their desire is to immigrate instead of visiting or on vacation?
cant they just claim refugee status?
It seems to me anyone moving to canada only needs to claim refugee status and maybe convert to islam.
You can loose your head in Mexico.
Canacucks on the other hand are libtarded af.
the cuck to bull ratio is already dangerously high
>we hate white people
>we're white pls take us
>lol fuck off white cishet scum
i wish there was an exchange program so i could escape this hell hole
>it's a white cucks suddenly realize canada doesn't care about WHITE immigrants episode
Hopefully Canada does take them in, so that they finally have the balls to become nationalist. Nowhere for lefties to go but suicide.
Not likely. I mean we will likely get our extended families out for sure. But liberals are too busy absorbing Syrians right now to care about Americans.
Sure, everybody wants to move here when things get bad. But the when first family member gets eaten by a polar bear and they see how much central heating costs for their igloo they'll go back.
Wake up
Grab my timmies
And watch America burn as the dead pile up on our borders
Can't wait for the honeymoon to be over and for america to turn on itself hard
Fuck off we're full.
If we were a bit less dangerous everyone would want to move here.
>faggots and blacks voluntarily leave America
>thereby making America even better
It's too damn hot, silly
These fucking retards.
>Call Trump racist for not wanting US to turn into Mexico and not promoting diversity.
>Doesn't move to Mexico in protest but to a country which has an even higher ratio of white people (83%).
A victim of their own Frankenstein monster. Beautiful.
Will people finally stop using hyperbole and actually leave the US?
I can only imagine their positions at whatever business they own would get replaced by a harder working conservative man who would end up doing a better job than they ever did and who will end up earning more money.
The bad part is that in 4 years they'll try to come back for vote again Democrat.
or at least let them burn their passports so they can't came back in
Honestly that would be so fucking great to see them cry because the quota was reserved to minorities.
Unfortunately no. They won't leave.
Announcing shit like this for public attention is virtue signaling. They want to give off the appearance of really standing for something, but they never follow through.
Liberal faggots are lazy shiftless people. They don't do real work. Moving to another country takes work.
They'd get one look at Canada's housing market and cry all the way back to America.
The Republicans can not pass Voter ID laws, and pass legislation to make it a serious offense to allow non citizens to vote. They could make it a felony to encourage or facilitate non citizen voting.
With a Trump white house having final say to veto, and a soon to be right leaning Supreme Court it would go through.
Democrats are actually fucked.
Same desu senpai
>The Republicans can now* pass Voter ID laws
They've been saying this shit for years. They won't leave. Besides it's actually difficult for non-refugees to immigrate here. Your liberal arts degree isn't going to help you get in.
Fuck off we're full
We don't want your refuse
I wish we did, hopefully we do soon :^)
This will hit the 'progressive stack' so hard maybe they'll have to swallow the redpill.
Sounds like it's just another form of slacktivism.
>implying liberals understand laws
Come on leaf, "illegal" isn't even in their vocabulary, how do you think they'll even understand laws?
lel screencap this
You gave us your trash now please take ours
I want every one of you keks to ask a leftist who's whining about moving to Canada why he's moving to an even whiter 1st world country.
Canada is expecting real Syrian refugees and they shouldn't be taken their spots so selfishly.
Instead, they should move to a place far away from the white people and their oppression.
God I wish they'd really do it
I was just going to ask about that, a voter ID law would be great.
I tried moving to Canada one time a long time ago and they didnt want to have me because I wasnt skilled enough and would take a job from a normal citizen. I highly doubt a lot of these people will just get in because they are upset about who won. I was impressed with Canada's restrictions and sticking to their guns on only letting in qualified people into their country. But with this whole refugee thing it has gone down the wrong path.
what about Mexico? easy enough to move there? I assume my brown amigos would be friendly towards me, especially seeing me flee the country
Canada could use some of those celebs tho, name one canadian celeb....
Exactly, literally no one of importance.
I dont mind if we get the scummiest, just bring the canadian dollar up to 90 cents at least
T he fact remains that the United States has the least restrictive immigration policies in THIS HEMISPHERE
>Canada is full
>Mexico is full
King Donald will have them liquidated surely
We can have a great union, burgerfriend, congratulations by the way
If I were you I would turn them into sex slaves
i fucking hate this country
How has no one checked these quads. Checkd
yea. last thing we need here is more metrosexuals from so-cal complaining about the cold.
LOL This is just too fucking good! I'm going to watch videos of sjws protesting and crying all the evening.
we'll jump the borders. we did it before, we'll do it again!!
Uhhh n-no, I can't move there because, uhhh... reasons. I need to move to a different rich, white country, but not because of racism or anything.
>I was just going to ask about that, a voter ID law would be great.
It would be the single most significant thing to happen in this nation that actually benefits us in decades. It would immediately take power away from the Democrats who are using these illegal Mexicans and Squatamalans to bolster their numbers.
It is potentially in reach to see California eventually turn red. Its a long way off right now, but it is 100% within the realm of possibility.
Seriously some cûcks are even raising their own children
Can I help MAGA by trading places with a US cuck plz?
Celebrities are the last kind of people who would move here. They can't run their careers from Toronto.
>vietnam draft dodgers come to canada
>live in BC smoking weed and having orgies all day
No thank you
>Implying Weedman will let whites in en mass.
>getting rid of all the lefttards
How is this supposed to be a bad thing? Also, good luck to all the virtue-signalling white people trying to get into a country that wants to diversify.
I might have to since he'll probably get me with his "mass deportation".
GL getting a job in the East half of Canada or any Government job unless you American idiots know French
>whites need not apply
>redpilling ensues
Liberal shittards spent a year screaming about Trumps fascist, evil immigration policy, and threatened to move to a free, liberal utopia only to discover an even harsher immigration policy. It is the more dramtically ironic, beautiful and surreal than Degas illustraring a Kafka novel.
The sad part is they lack the self awareness and introspection to apply this as a correction to their worldview.
All MAGA supporters are honorary Americans already.
You better fucking believe it, leaf-bro.
we have enough SJW's as is
You're saying Canada doesn't have open borders, WTF?!!
I just graduated with a bachelors in criminal justice minoring in French. I'm not fluent, but I know enough that I could survive. I just hate the cold, and I'm a white straight male so this election doesn't effect me desu.
Apartheid dropping them troofbombs
>Voter ID laws,
They fucking better. Problem is blue states give them IDs and SSNs
Message to Canadian friends:
Please don't accept any US residents.
I want to see them suffer for what they've done to media and culture over the past years.
>they're not coming to Europe
Well thank fuck for that. We have enough """refugees""" already.
He could do it to spite Trump
Oh please can we stop with the meme "Liberals are the real racists." They are no where near as racists as the right and you guys know it.
Reverse racism is the most insidious kind. Open your eyes.
yet you have chinks, niggers and muslimes immigrants
>American Draft dodging cowards and hippies come here en mass to escape the Vietnam war helping to champion the Pierre Elliot Trudeau/Pearson breed of Liberalism of Weakness and shame. Opening the flood gates and killing Canada
>It's happening all over again
Simple solution there too.
Enforce our current immigration laws. Illegal immigrants are breaking a law already.
Draft legislation to criminalize sanctuary cities and institutions which aid illegal immigrants.
Place a new tax on corporations who employ illegal immigrants. One illegal working for you equals a $100,000 fine.
Have the federal government refuse any sort of funding to these so called sanctuary cities.
If real Americans directly suffer from their dildo politicians throwing away tax money to help illegals then they'll get voted out of office asap.
All of this is actually simple as hell, and the individual pieces have already been tried before. All that needs to happen is for it to be combined into a comprehensive bill.
Of course all the establishment GOP would have to get behind it too. GOP wants illegals in here to push cost of labor down and attack unions. If national sentiment is high enough then the GOP would be forced to support the bill.
Non autist answer: Mexico unironically has strict immigration laws
Liberals literally treat minorities as pawns and pets. Don't pretend like you care about the plight of them. Your track record shows otherwise.
I would pack my bag this instant user. What has become of my country, I can bear no more. Cucks and queers, mass third world immigration and artificially high housing. Fuck this place.
I'm pretty sure you could get some support from insurance and financial institutes since less illegals means less identity theft. Not to mention the lower medical costs they have to absorb.
You can write a law that doesn't work.
Good luck picking your vegetables and fruits.
inb4: We can write a law to allow migrant labor.
That is exactly what we have been trying to do for the last 40 years, dumbass!
They think we'll just let them in or something who knows. Fuck, you forget to properly fence off B.C. in the 60s and suddenly you're father Jeremiah granting sanctuary to all.
this. Just leave them alone and if they want to integrate into american society let them over time.
Bullshit, redditor.
Illegals are not a net positive for us. We do not need or want illegal labor, we don't need their crime, we don't need the diseases they bring with them, we don't need the additional tax burden from having to teach their non English speaking children, we don't need the tax burden from all the social programs set up to help them leech off of us.
Farms are not 100% dependent upon illegals. Farms are not desperate for labor in absence of illegals, the only disconnect in our society is that millennials and niggers don't want to work. That would all rapidly change if the government quit holding their hands and they got slapped in the face by reality.
America was a white nation, and it will become a white nation once again.