Now that Trump has won, what are Sup Forums's conspiracy theories to justify this?
Was George Soros pumping money into Hillary to make her lose on purpose?
Red Pill: The billionaires all work together to create NWO.
Now that Trump has won, what are Sup Forums's conspiracy theories to justify this?
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Maybe he isn't powerful enough after all.
They just didn't try hard enough to rig the election.
Not all billionaires
Pretty sure Bill Gates isn't a terrible le person and Trump just wants to MAGA
Voter fraud was already discovered there was not much they could do anymore
The fucked up. Hillary was obviously "chosen" and placed up against a totally unpalatable candidate after 30 years of PC culture. It was hers to lose.
They completely ignored white people who dont fill out polls.
dude soros has like 2 working neurons left due to age and degenerate DNA
try easier scheme
We learned that the truth still TRUMPS lies
>Pretty sure Bill Gates isn't a terrible le person
This. The problem is his wife.
Kek is too powerful for even Soros
I think they just became dellusional over the fact
that they were winning over and over.
It's the same dellusion that makes them place
obvious signs for their child fucking everywhere.
And this dellusion will be their demise, too.
This is my guess - that even tinfoil hats may find that billionaires and the most powerful people in the world are still humans and all have different interests, which is why no organization has full control and no real large scale conspiracy can take place
No, not even the billionaire psychopath is perfect. They miscalculated, simply. They don't control absolutely everything and don't have perfect control of people's impressions of them.
The average Trump voter wouldn't be able to elucidate why Soros is evil, but still recognized that evil. He can't control perfectly.
Someone post the video where Soros says that Trump will win the vote
this guy is on the cusp of death, I wonder what it's like to have so much money and it mean nothing when you're dead.
1) I doubt Soros lost that much money on this (in terms of his actual wealth). Who knows what he actually won on this. He's not a store-front political player. I doubt this affected his endgame.
2) The actual percentages may show an even bigger difference. There was voter fraud on some scale, it is pretty much proven. Meaning, hillary + x was still less than trump supporters.
Give it a time. A rich New Yorker, who is an unwavering supporter of Israel, just won the presidency. They only supported Trump because he seemed "edgy" at the time.
This is what boggles my mind.
I mean, what the hell is up with these people? They are so hellbent into making giant profits but what does money mean when you're literally counting your remaining days on this planet?
These people spend their entire lives trying to come up with better ways to make way more money than they could could ever dream of spending, and all for what again? Greed is such an absurd thing.
>I wonder what it's like to have so much money
He has no money of his own, he is just a shitty mouthpiece for old Rothschilds. I.e. the ones which still bothered converting their wives to Judaism unlike the current ones.
No, they just got complacent.
Money is power. They like to rule. Imagine you could literally shape the world around you the way you want. (to some degree) Why isnt the king farmer ? Because he likes being king.
I can understand it though. He finds it fun. That's why. He legit likes power and money, not spending.
He just does what he loves. If you're good at something and love it eventually you'll be the best.
What do you mean pretty much proven? Not saying you're wrong I just see this thrown around and I haven't seen any proof either in favor of Trump or Hillary
It could be they threw this one so it now looks like its all fair for next 2-3 times
>converting wives to Judaism
Bullshit you have to be born to a Jewess m8. It's sort of an cuckold thing compared to muslims who need muslim dads not mothers. Really makes u think.
That guy destroyed Obama's legacy. He literally turned a mob against Obama's presidency.
Black-Government relations are at an all time low, which helped Trump to the presidency.
this, the downside of being surrounded by the elite is that you're also surrounded by yes men
>y-yes madame of course the polls are in your favour
>y-yes of course the CTR push on social media was a success, reddit is ours madame
>y-yes our chances of winning are at least 98% can't argue with the numbers can you h-hehe
It just seems like a lot of time these elitist spend on trying to take over the world, for them to be 90 and dying and realise nothing ever mattered because you're now dead and can't do shit.
Well consider the fact Trump is also a yes-man. He's also a part of the "elite", although not typically the establishment elite and is considered an outsider in politics (Like Newt Gingrich said, "he hasn't done the initiation rites", whatever those are).
like the germanbro said, why is the king not a farmer?
because the king is naturally driven and likes his job.
if I liked power I would keep doing what I love until I die.
He's also a human - and everything is relative. He probably wants to leave a legacy and power to his children.
They started this takeover centuries ago. Also many of them are absolutely mad, and want to produce genetically better humans or world government for hundreds of years to come. And they were so fucking close, today they got btfo
Im kinda worried that these guys wont give up that easy desu...
Calling out election rigging so hard saved the day.
Why do you think she won the popular vote?
Hillary put more time into fucking Arizona than Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Once anons and normies started learning about all the creepy shit Podesta does they decided to let Trump win so people would dig less. Now that HRC will be out of the public eye all the conspiracy theoriest will be more or less ignored since normies will only care about Trump now. The elites get enough time to cover up all their shit and then move operations around.
Poll rigging being talked about beforehand meant much more scrutiny in the accused counties (such as Broward, FL), letting him take Florida.
It went all according to plan.
>Was George Soros pumping money into Hillary to make her lose on purpose?
No, Hillary was their pawn, they wanted her to win, and they funneled LOTS of money into that purpose.
The media slander, the lies, the vote fraud...
And it still wasn't enough.
The globalists suffered a defeat this day, and they know it.
They aren't giving up though, they see this as merely a setback.
They will probably attempt to continue with their plans, albeit at reduced capacity and potential power...
But they still have the media, and many loyal followers; odds are they will try to use their divide and conquer strategies to start a race war, maybe try to get the liberals to riot by manipulating their feelings, etc...
They want America destroyed so they can sell it off piecemeal, and they won't stop at that plan.
But they are weaker now that their carefully selected puppet lost the election.
They threw everything at him besidess straight up killing him. They didnt think the men would rise up the way they did.
It's like a video game to them. The way you play Civilization V or Clash of Clans or whatever they play the real world.
>Soros Master destroying his incompetent servant
so u sayin Obama didnt please his Master?
is Soros the stereotypical slavemaster whipping his sterotypically incompetent slave?
Oh come on guys, Trump of course also is part of the elite. If he turns the FED into a real state institution with full control by the goverment and the US and if he makes peace with Germany to end World War II - then I believe he is the real deal.
Bill Gates is a terrible person, his foundation is secretly experimenting and developing viruses and works for the elites depopulation agenda.
Maybe someone other than kek, operating in the dark, has acted in order to stop their plan.
Not everyone in the 0,1% agrees with rockefeller&co.
Beside, we won the battle, not the war.
>carefully selected
>a corrupt, secretspilling, satan-worshipping, sick-ridden, child-molesting murdering bitch whose lies are so obvious even normies got tired of her shit.
Let's see how Trump fares. But if he is really our guy the ((elite)) did some really retarded moves there.
>Pretty sure the guy behind microshit spyware, who monopolized the computing industry and helped push common core isnt terrible
Bill is one of the top NWO agents, just look at this list.
>As a way to encourage their fellow billionaires to step up to the philanthropic plate, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates started the Giving Pledge in 2010. It encourages those billionaires to pledge to give away 50% of their earnings to charity. By 2012, over 81 billionaires joined the Giving Pledge. That number is now over 120 billionaires, as of May 2014, according to the Giving Pledge’s official website.
But it's ok, we have pic related and God on our side.
b-but he is white
and harvard educated
>Implying those people ever die
Our chaos meme god beat their satanic blood magik. That's what happened.
>depopulation agenda
don't care. we all know it's coming. it has to come. we're growing too fast
in my country voter fraud has been discovered as well, it didn't prevent it from becoming the national sport.
How long before it becomes abundantly clear to all of us that Trump has absolutely no regard for the dumb rednecks that voted him in. I give it 9 months max.
Go ahead, salt mine on me all you want. Not crying, I'm rich and will remain rich under Trump or anyone else. Its you dumb fucks that shot yourself in the foot.
We found out about fractional voting
For better or worse the people have spoken. Let's stay positive and hope that American capitalism starts kicking the shit out of poverty.
I purposely ignored calls I figured were polls. I wanted them to be smug and think Clinton had this and Trump would just come out of no where for the smack down.
And it happened.
Controlled opposition, as usual.
For supporting Clinton, who was for a death tax, higher taxes on "those at the top™", I'm sure they'll have no issues donation ALL their money to charity when they die... Right? RIGHT?
>They are so hellbent into making giant profits
They're not. They're spending more than they earning and they're perfectly okay with that because they keep bloating their common evil order and will always get support.
Yeah dude. The 4d chess meme is real. By forcing Clinton to say that there are winners and losers and need to concede if he loses was great. She can't then cry about it, it's great.
This election for him was like beating dark souls on hardest difficulty with a guitar hero controller.
this. the world is rapidly slipping away from their grasp for another time within one year and they don't understand why.
>which is why no organization has full control and no real large scale conspiracy can take place
>implying it didn't
they just got too full of themselves.
Time to hunt this piece of shit down and feed him through
a wood chipper on live tv as a warning to anyone else with
more money than brains to not fuck with a country's elections.
I promised myself that if Trump won, I'd give up on my notion of big conspiracies.
Don't forget guys! Donald Trump was Clinton's pied piper candidate.
They thought it would be an easy win against Trump and it completely backfired. He honestly has to be careful from here not to get JFK'd.
then Sup Forums has no purpose but being a GOP circlejerking
Is that why Sup Forums looks so calm with a Trump win?
>Africans promised themself that if Obama won, they'd give up on my notion of big conspiracies.
they all have big promises
the accomplishment isnt winning but providing fulfilling their promise of free energy technology and cancer cures
Have you idiots even been on Sup Forums for the last couple of years?
Soros' guy literally said in Podesta mails that he can rig only so much (up to 5% populist vote). Everything more than that, and Trump wins.
It seems like Trump won yesterday by a lot more than 1%
I honestly kinda agree with Bill Gates effort on Depopulation if it's all 100% true, if the earth is meant to house 500 million people at max and we have 7 billion people, something needs to change, and vaccines/viruses seems to be the most humane/efficient way of going about that.
Soros needs to break up NATO in order to push the EU army and eventual EU superstate projects through. Trump is the perfect guy to get the US to withdraw from Europe.
When you pull back the curtain, you don't continue holding the conversation with the giant green head.
The fact that Soros and his ilk were revealed meant they couldn't keep secretly putting on the pyrotechnic show for us
So when ware the Wikileaks Trump files coming out?
Assange doesn't have any. Or so he said in his statement yesterday.
>Red Pill: The billionaires all work together to create NWO.
sadly, i believe the inveterate cuck is correct.
don't get me wrong; given the choice between the two, i would prefer him over Hillary a thousand times over, and for that reason, i'm glad he won...
...but i am not as optimistic as most of you guys. i honestly wish i could be, and i hope i am proven wrong.
>conspiracy theories
Just leave us some time. Trump's assassination scare will start soon.
they fucked up
Obvious: It really was Russian hackers.
i don't think so, let me tell youw hy: there is obviously elitism among them, but Trump, with his funny hair and hooker wife is a disgrace for the classy likes of the NWO.
Just think about it, the NWO is a bunch of classy nerds LARPING ancient Sumerian gods, and Trump is a reality TV star.
they can't predict an election and you think they can predict the end of the world?
hi kgb
Jesus you people find cracks and conspiracy shit in everything. Be happy for the win.
hillary only did well in degenerate/poor urban areas and got BTFO in most suburbs
rural areas she was always expected to lose but she lost the upper middle-class handedly as well
minorities voted overwhelming against trump cuz "muh racism", although trump did slightly better with hispanics than expected.
White people, regardles of education/wealth, just voted overwhelming for Trump lmao
they rigged the election, but even rigged it has its limits. you cant rig an election to get like over 15% fraud
Soros can make money off of Trump by shorting the market, just like he did with Brexit.
He also funneled money to Kerry under Bush in 2004 and said Bush was the biggest threat to WHIRLED PEAS