Consider this just for a moment Sup Forums

Consider this just for a moment Sup Forums.

Probably the same as they've always felt: perpetually pissed off at the western world and extremely homicidal and rapey.


>Man, thank god I'm not an illegal immigrant. Now let's continue being a free man.
>Dude fuck, Pablo let's rape some white bitches, pray to allah and then go back to mexico and join the cartel

Don't give a shit

Feeling about what ? If it's about Trump election, I'm an immigrant myself and really enjoying it.

I legitimately chuckled.

Why are liberals unable to put the word "illegal" or "undocumented" before "immigrants"?
Are they trying to be manipulative or do they think all immigrants are undocumentes?

a boot up their ass


The inside of a pig rectum

Don't care, fuck off back to your shitholes.

>some joke about a shoe bomb

I don't know about you but I'm feeling pretty great.

With luck? Fear.......

Probably feeling the floor through the holes in their shoes.

I would probably stfu, blend in and become american while my white brethren happily accept me. Or I could chimp out and reap the rewards.

borders are artificial #fucklaws

>implying the SJW's aren't the immigrants fleeing to Canada

Muslim shoes tend to explode, so I think I'll avoid them

They have to go back!

>oh shit I might have to leave the country I illegally snuck into, never would have expected that could happen



lol, made me chuckle

Do subhumans even have feelings?

Before november 8th:

>P-p-please mister white person sir, please consider our feelings.

Immigrante legal latino aqui. Pueden rise a la mierda todos los ilegales sopla polla piel color mierda culicagados y los refugiados malparidos que estan arruinando Alemania. Musulmanes son mierda.


Their allegiance isn't to this country

why would immigrants feel anything? are you refering to criminals aka illegal immigrants? trump isn't going to just mindlesly deport anyone who has brown skin you fear mongering retard. he is deporting illegal immigrants. if you are the type of person who would be deported by these programs then you never should have been here in the first place.

>"how long until next prayer"
>"damn my sister looks really hot i cant wait to marry her"
>"all these westerns are such cunts but i need their government assistance"
>"wish i was back in pakistan"
>"my feet hurt"

Nice meme

We honestly should just get rid of Democracy and elect purely based on the feelings of minorities.

After all, it's the least we can do after slavery.


Illegal and legal immigrants are not the same. Why do liberals struggle with something so basic?

Fuckin Noice

i have my passport and every document i need. im good.

I can't for those sandniggers have no shoes.


Lol it's funny that my mom, and I liked trump and we're immigrants. We dislike Illegal immigrants. Send them back to Mexico.

No thanks. We're done putting immigrants concerns over those of our own citizens. They can fuck off.

But now they are afraid since America will soon have an uncucked leader who won't put up with their shit

Immigrants like me feel great! Did you mean "illegal immigrants", perhaps?

As a Muslim I'm happy.

immigrant here.

i feel fantastic.

i feel like a true american.

they are more sad because now killing americans and terrorism will be a bit more difficult, so sad...

>damn, now i can't abuse white mans guilt and leech on their success
>i better start thinking about how im going to fix my own country instead of abandoning it

Urge to fuck a goat. What's new?


> "Put yourself in the shoes of murderers and drug traffickers and imagine what they are feeling right now"

I can't comprehend why the fuck anyone should sympathize with fucking CRIMINALS.

Jokes on you, I'm an immigrant and I'm fucking ecstatic right now. Don't even have a green card yet but I've regained hope for the future.

if they don't like it, they can go back to their fucking countries. Period.


Who cares. This is our country. I know plenty of countries that cater to them

>tfw britbong immigrant

Feels pretty fucking great to be quite honest famalam


Hillary once bombed Muslim nations for a living. Fucking lmao.


Ask the native americans if columbus was a legal immigrant

If they are citizens, pride in their country. If they are not, probably mad that the free ride is over.

Immigrants have nothing to Fear
Illegals should have

they feel great

Trump won

taxes are going lower, illegals are gone, and NAFTA is trashed

Really makes you think

No faggot.

I empathize with hard working Americans who have to work 3 part time jobs to barely keep their heads above water for their skyrocketing insurance premiums. I feel for American's who work to have their money taken from them to subsidize the freeloaders!


As a muslim, I feeling great. Because I know Hillary would have killed so many more of my brothers in the Middle East for Greater Israel. Trump is a nationalist. Lock up the borders and do with America whatever you want and he stops nation building.

Hillary is a nightmare to the Middle East. I have a Dutch passport. Am born Dutch. No intention to blow myself up, so there is no possible law that can keep me from visiting America if I ever wanted to go there. In fact, if America lowers its influence in the region it might actually prosper.

Feeling great desu. Go Trump. If he creates jobs in America, I will even come work there and help make it great. I won't blow myself up, I promise.

Spic: "wow. maybe i should have tried coming in the legal way after all. theres no way my ass is climbing that wall..."

Towel: "you mean there are consequences? i cant just throw bricks at white people and put leashes on my 3 wives? WHAT, IM NOT ALOUD 3 WIVES??"

First response always the best.

>pissed off
you mean jealous

In america thats actually quite the feeling since you are surely having sex with your favorite waifu lol.

Some of you have asked, now that we have claimed victory, how can we explain to the terrified SJWs, immigrants and liberals, that God-Emperor Donald Trump
is a great leader willing to accept anyone, even those who worked against him. But I see no reason why we should do that. They tried demonizing
us for being "angry white males." They tried to turn every other demographic against us. Now it is time we paid them back.

I would hereby like to propose a series of new laws to celebrate the rightful ascendancy of Trump:

1. The Grab Her By The Pussy Act. Women's suffrage is hereby REVERSED. No longer will emotionally compromised, reason-deficient citizens be
entitled to drag the nation down with their undeserved votes. In addition, to accurately reflect the contribution of women to the work force,
women's salaries are hereby HALVED.

2. The "Halting Gender Degeneracy" act. There are now two legal genders in the United States: Male, and female. All individuals claiming to
be different are hereby designated 'ABHUMAN' and void of rights. Homosex is now outlawed. Acceptable treatments toward curing the homosex
disease now include electro-shock therapy, the whirling chair, and prayer. Those who insist upon clinging to further degeneracy are to be

3. The "Black Reparations" act. From this day onward, blacks are illegal. Blacks wishing to continue their existence may pay a licensing fee
to remain black. This fee is extrapolated from the cost of black crime in our proud society. Failure to issue payment is punishable with
summary execution.

It's time to press the advantage, and spend our political capital. It's time to suppress the degeneracy in our midst!

top kek

Don't know don't care. They wouldn't do the same for you

>muh subhumans

When does the money run out?
"Here's how Hillary can still win"
>north carolina


I'm Muslim and I find this whole thing pretty funny. You all can send me to the Middle East if you want, free plane ride honestly so not even bothered

They are afraid, the world is afraid, trump is the new regimen now.


everyone got pandered to here... except the people who pay all the taxes

those immigrants are free to leave if they want

How about these smug buttmunches try putting their arrogant selves in MY SHOES or bother to understand why me and the majority of American clearly don't agree with them.

These guilt trips do not work. And yet it's the only method of persuasion they know anymore.

who gives a fuck what they think?

"guess i have to go back and improve my own country instead of mooching off of another"

damn son


They really think we are shitting on minorities for not letting them leech on our system don't they?

Such backwards logic.

Nice meme

I'm a legal mexican I don't give a fuck

This argument again

>2. The "Halting Gender Degeneracy" act. There are now two legal genders in the United States: Male, and female. All individuals claiming to
>be different are hereby designated 'ABHUMAN' and void of rights.


>do not speak for us, white devil
>aloha snackbar!

If we would to that we would just stay in our country, but that is hard for you to understand of course on account of being a NON-COUNTRY

My muslim shoes had bombs in them...

I'm feeling a sexual emergency comming on!

Probably doesn't give any fuck if they are legal and not doing anything shady.

real happy #MAGA

Maybe I should make my homeland great instead of just running to America

I'd kill myself and hope I roll better dice for the next life.

Cuban that voted for Trump. Feels good man

>immigrants have to worry about shit
Trump campaigned against ILLEGAL immigrants, not the ones that come legally
>Mudslimes in the USA being under close watch
>thinking this is news
have you been asleep or living under a rock? since 9/11 happened Muslims have been under the magnifying glass of internal security nothing new here

Hopefully it's their suitcases


What did those leftist idiots expect was going to happen? They spent the whole last year calling anyone who said anything positive about Trump a racist, sexist, homophob, etc. They pissed off a lot of people who liked Trump, but wasn't going to vote and that's exactly what they did.
