Are you white with no college degree?

are you white with no college degree?


I'm in 2nd year of college so yes. My vote in illinois didn't relaly matter anywy

Yes. I'm very bitter at people with degrees, and I want their lives to be just as shitty as mine.

That's why I support Trump.

white with a college degree

I saw right through the leftist indoctrination in college.

no, i went to stanford

bay area tears are so delicious

reactivated my dead facebook just to laugh at all these faggots

stay mad abdullah you just got rekt. Muslim genocide soon.

>have degree
>not smart enough to pick a winner

Yes, I'm living on easy street.

White with a degree in computer science.

Trump supporter.

They were smart, they just didn't exist in large enough numbers.

low-IQ white trash Trump supporters reproduce too quickly.

I am a steelworker whose job went to China

Nope. White with a Ph.D. Voted for Trump!!!

>college degree
this means nothing today, mate. you can have a "degree" in nigger studies

i've got a masters in an engineering field and work in the industry and voted trump, just as an fyi

says the german.

[spoiler]I'm white with no college degree but independent worker[/spoiler]

He also won whites with a college degree
And white women
and young whites
the only white group he lost was white women with a degree and that was only 51 to 45

Trump appealed to average white man who just wants to work his job to feed himself and his family.

>These peoples votes shouldn't matter.

Fucking libs, and they think the right are the totalitarian maniacs.

I'm Asian with no college degree. But I make more than most college graduates as a HVAC tech so it's fine with me.

Hahahahahaha because being 50,000 dollars in debt over a useless degree for a specific job that doesn't give you life skills somehow makes you smarter.

Damn straight, why would I waste time and money going to a socialist brainwashing camp?

I'm White working on my second,

>tfw we can now put 3 Supreme Court justices on the bench

Helicopter pilot
no degree.

the media will never blare this for days

Bachelors of Science, here and graduated on the deans list.

These leftie memes are the other way around, like always.

They have far more indoctrinated people with meme degrees.

Fuck you
The minimum wage is fine.

Yep. Went to two different universities and dropped out of both.

Completely inessential unless you plan to practice medicine or pursue some other industry in which credentials are essential.

Yes. Voted trump. I make 48k a year.

>my gender studies major is just as credible as your STEM field you CIS shitlord hitler


No. Hispanic. 2 degrees.

The degree is still in the making senpai

Trump lost the Art Major vote

how will he ever recover?

College does more harm than good to a persons individual development these days

Having a degree doesn't mean you know anything about politics or how the world works.

Especially if you have a degree is art or gender studies or some shit.

I'm white and have a degree in economics and international trade.

As do niggers and the bean folk. It's a wash.

I'm white and have a degree in economics and international trade. Voted Trump yesterday.

>College Degree
>Voted Trump

Kill yourself muzzie. Death to muzzie's.

I have something better then a college degree.

A journeymen license.

>average white man
>minimum wage
user, I...

wow nice job

White with 5 years college and voted for Trump

Nope. I do have a college degree

Luckily I dropped out due to anxiety and laziness.

Somehow avoided that scam.

BA Business Management, MA History and voted Trump. My wife is finishing her MS and voted Trump as well.

I had to leave and work abroad due to my job being decimated over the past 8 years


Working class white small business.

in college, will have a degree in few time

White, male
College degree, working on a second and then planning a masters after that.

I love that they make a big deal about this statistic in particular. I wonder how many black and latinos without college degrees voted for clinton, or do they get a pass because liberalism just expects less out of the lesser races?

I'm white and in the middle of my final two courses for my BS.

I didn't even graduate high school. I own two houses and a car with zero debt so you college yuppies can suck a nut.

White with an engineering degree.

Nope, I have a college degree and a law degree.

>working class victory over the bourgeoisie elitists
>leftists think this is bad

wew lad

degrees are for idiots, got a comfy IT job paying 63k a year since I was 17 with a little less than a hs education.

BS in Biochemistry, MBS in pharmaceutical development and management. Proud deplorable from NJ.

Careful with those words. You might trigger their PTSD.

White with a bunch of college degrees... I went to college for more than 8 years... still a NEET lel

Yes no (((degree))) here


Degree in Computer Science and 60K job as Software Engineer.

What is with this "uneducated whites" meme? So what? Wasn't Obama supported by uneducated blacks?

Yes, but I am in my Junior year of college, so I will have a degree soon.

Only one more semester for a college degree.


Did electrician trade for while to get my doosh for my comp sci degree

yes dropped out twice from schools full of gibs me cases who cant shut the fuck up during class or tests ,
also schooled in electronics/computers and audio engineeering

I would like to point out that white with no college degree basically counts anyone from age 18-21 assuming they are doing a bachelors.

White with university degree.


25 white male of northern European decent here, i have an engineering degree.

I'm working on my degree. Second year Physics major.

Live in Minnesota and voted for Stein.

So it's not like my vote meant anything

I wish they did one where it showed something like college ranking/sat scores/class rank and Trump support, just to trigger the Drumpfsters.

I have 1.75 degrees.

Native American with a high school degree actually


Wow, half the people that go to university these days can't get a job in that specific profession.

They end up working at McDonalds or KFC with a liberal arts degree

They are fucking useless and should be shot

I also know that intelligence and degrees are two very different things.

are you me?

Yes, year a and a half to go or there abouts.

master race with master's degree here, call me massa!

Physics BSc, I would've voted Trump.

Yes but I'm still more intelligent than anyone who voted for Hillary.

nah i got a BS in chemical engineering at University of Florida a year ago

>High Honors Degree in Software Development
>Liberal-leaning, but voted Trump in the General Election.

Feels good to be on the good side of history.

I am.

Tried going to college, but it wasn't for me.
Too many idiots around left a bad taste in my mouth.

Left to focus on my career.
Now a project manager for a major healthcare facility.

masters degree

I am a senior in college graduating in a month with 2 degrees. I heard this idiot talk about "dumb white people" with all my other friends and we all burst out laughing, even the couple Hillary supporters included.

I love how hard they tried to depict Trump supporters as stupid white people. My entire fraternity voted Trump, and we have been making Trump memes all over yik yak, Sup Forums and reddit for a year now.

Yes we are silly but it worked didn't it?

I have my professional doctorate and I am employed.

I am white with a degree.

I voted trump.

I bet most of those college+ educated Clinton voters are some kind of feminist and women studies.

Hey man, if people want to pay $50,000 for a piece of paper and to work at McDonald's that's their prerogative.

Stop being such a bigot.

this is mostly why they lost

they got exposed

they are no longer a working class party

I have my degree & voted Trump. I don't have a problem with him personally. I do have a problem with a lot of his supporters wanting a handout from him & not wanting to put in the effort to better themselves. Making anything "great" starts with yourself. I hope I don't regret my vote.

I'm hispanic with a 4 year degree and I voted for Trump

Get shitted on. Praise whites. Praise kek

PhD student. i did it for the lolz

Hispanic's not a race

You brown mestizo don't own the word

Any race could be hispanic

GTFO now

If you're brown, it's not your hispanic genes of hispania, it's your indio rape genes

the end

White two degrees and trump supporter.

Hogwash from the media, don't believe it

Day of the Rake soon...

Hispanic's not a race


If you're brown, you're a fucking mestizo


That's real democracy my friend.