Lesbian love is purest love
Prove me wrong
Lesbian love is purest love
Only if it's 2D. 3DPD and degenerate.
>le anne may me me
It is a deviation from nature
Only if its two hairy sweaty guys
I can't OP, lesbians are purest, despite what the Trump/Pencefags think~
Trump is liberal and doesn't give a shit about gays
Your a hypocrite anyway,
So are tvs, computer internet etc etc
Post me a picture of a smoking hot lesbian with an ugly lesbian and I'll agree.
Lesbians are a sham, it's always hotties on hotties or uglies on uglies. It's about attractiveness instead of mutual respect.
Female holocaust when?
They only do it to 'get back at' the guys they don't like such as ex-boyfriends and their mean daddies who didn't give them free-board.
Those same ex-boyfriends have moved on and don't give a fucking damn.
Trump is pretty liberal and supported gay marriage for a while. Pence is pretty anti gay tho
You did all of that wrong.
Don't like weebs? Go to a site that wasn't founded on their shit and isn't run by a nip.
Nobody needs you.
>hot lesbian with an ugly lesbian
Lesbians are on average hot
As a lipstick lesbian I approve this message. Fuck homos, darkies and blonderacists
Don't lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence?
Only the dykes
lesbians basically don't exist IRL
real lesbians are your bulldyke gym teacher
the lesbians you see in porn or rarely IRL are just a social construct and they keep it going because they're strong-willed but they know in their hearts that it's wrong
>lesbian bed death also
I suspect that most of these women simply can't get a good man but don't want to be alone with their cats
also college phase etc
Actually its usually hot ones with average ones.
This is the most popular lesbian couple on youtube, they have been together for a few years now.
>Don't like weebs?
Didin't say I hated weebs, furthermore I dont see any anne may shit on this site because I use adblock
Outlaw it
Public execution for known lesbians
Force them to put on sundresses, quit their jobs and marry a man of their own race and be a housewife
Forbid them from access to birth control and force them to become impregnated with white babies
God's law > their feelings
Sound like a wishful fantasy? It's real nigga!
God bless you Mike Pence
Why are they anti-male? Sometimes scarily so.
A pure love wouldn't be driven by such hate/anger.
Thats a meme started by bitter gays
is that people racist against blondes?
That mainly comes from the very manly butch lesbians that are basically FtM's in denial. Lipstick lesbians have very low rates of domostic violence unless they are in a relationship with a butch.
>the lesbians you see in porn or rarely IRL are just a social construct and they keep it going because they're strong-willed but they know in their hearts that it's wrong
>lesbian bed death also
I suspect that most of these women simply can't get a good man but don't want to be alone with their cats
also college phase etc
When dickscum from MRA tries to be a sexologist
99% of the dykes IRL are ugly fat slobs
I'm gay, and the only thing I'm jealous of Lesbians of is the fact that they have all those sandwiches.
>is that people racist against blondes?
Yess. Blondes are smart and pride of our race
>Why are they anti-male?
They arent most lesbians are best irl
Its feminists that tag themselves along as lesbians or bi that are anti male
How´s life going in Mordor, proofina? Does it feel good knowing that you are the most degenerate and lowest scum even among your fellow Untermensch people?
>YouTube bloggers
>not lezzing out for attention or (((money)))
Critical thought is a meme now.
No, lesbians are crazy and have the highest rate of domestic abuse and divorce.
>Public execution for known lesbians
Dawww someone got cucked by a lesbian didnt they
>Forbid them from access to birth control
>im literally so mentally challenged and incompetent i think lesbians need or use birth control
Holy shit are you for real?
Not all lesbians are anti male but there is quite a number of them. Of the 50 odd ones i know id say only 4 actually really hate men. Its mostly the old bitter butch lesbians and the tumblrinas. The thing you have to remember is that there is probably just as many woman hating faggots out there, its just they are a lot more discreet and passive agressive with their loathing. They usually tend to stick to Sup Forums and reddit
women can't love anything let alone another emotional needy woman.
Thats basically a meme started by bitter gays
Is your girlfriend hot? Are you hot? If yes, come be me wingwoman this Friday at Mramor, they'll never know what hit them
What about Ellen and Portia
I have no interest in proving that wrong.
Came here to post this.
After knowing a few lesbian couples, I can assure you they're actually the most abusive. Seriously, shit is brutal.
Lots of things we do are. Not an argument.
Really? Because it is still pretty high for gay men, I'm not saying they are that much better.
only gay love is pure
lesbian love just can't exist because women can't love
>women sometimes "fall in love" with other women when those are young and attractive
>women never fall in love with old women
conclusion: they aren't gay, they chose to lick carpet
Maybe if you are a c/u/ck.
>tfw oneitis turns out to be a lesbian
>tfw will never be a girl so we can be lesbians together
Why live?
we are hot enough and what is Mramor?
gays are more degenerate and even Hitler had nothing against us. Lesbos stayed at home, homodickscum was sent to camps. get rekt schwul
with the caveat that to some extent they're able to love their offspring, but only as an extension of themselves
Proud. I dont know if Id go so far to say we are smart but it does feel like the media makes us out to be a lot less intelligent than we are. Oh well, its funny to surprise them when we arent just blonde bimbos eh ;)
>>not lezzing out for attention or (((money)))
>iv never seen more than 1 of their videos
You do realize they mostly just talk and make music together right? Like they dont even lez out in the music videos they star in. How narcicistic do you have to be to think them "lezzing" out is all for for your attention. You should seek help
Fuck guys what have we done?
>Sara: “As a queer Jewish woman it’s devastating to feel that a majority of my nation does not support my rights - let alone the rights of others which I work to support and uphold and believe in with the core of my being. But after the initial shock and depression has sunk in, I am channeling my emotions as fuel. This is an opportunity to step up, become much more active, and work towards organizing collective action to change the political status quo.”
The Cartoon That Must Not Be Named supports it.
Conversion therapy for lesbians under Trump sounds like a God send
Thank God faggots can't procreate
its only dykes with hormonal disbalance that are violent. but they are not real lesbians after all. lesbian can only be a lipstick lesbian. you pursue feminine qualities in other female, not just a women
>men almost always exclusively are attracted to young borderline underage girls
>this is ok to you
>lesbians like women slightly older
Holy shit you are dumb
>hot women worship the sapphic gods
>only hambeasts are left for the men
not fair
Just let it go leaf, They are probably jealous that they cant have a lesbian girl themselves.
A new alternative EDM hangout/party. Lot's of cool quality chicks there, but my friends are total spergs and i don't have enough game to go solo. You help me i help you, we'll each take our pick, it'll be cool
can you read?
75% of lesbians are obese.
Hence, 75% of lesbians are ugly and essentially can't find a good man.
They can't find a good man and out of spite they become lesbians.
Therefore lesbian love is full of hate, and lesbians are retarded.
fuck off faggot
This. Thread over.
Okay, i'll admit a i laughed at the filename.
Does someone wanna tell him Trump is socially liberal and even let a tranny compete in the miss universe contest? Hes not even close to anti gay.
>but they are not real lesbians after all. lesbian can only be a lipstick lesbian. you pursue feminine qualities in other female, not just a women
Are you me? Jesus christ iv never heard another lesbo say this but me.
Im so tired of ugly manly dudeish women claiming to be lesbians when they dress act and look like men. They are just female to male transexuals who are too scared to admit it.
Being a lesbian means you are attracted to the things that make women different from men, IE, femininity and womanly things.
kill yourself
Nah, it's purely physical and confusion. Women get redpilled when they realize relationships with men are not worse than lesbian relations. Women can't love another woman like they do a man that gives her children.
I could prove you wrong if I could put you in my shoes but I wouldn't expect you to believe my story. However, I do feel that you would believe that not all lesbians are above taking dick to get what they want.
they're both women
there you're wrong
Word, now we can finally torture fag freaks until they give in and live the life God decided for them at birth.
Feels fantastic to know that our way will prevail and we won't have to see or tolerate any deviate weirdos anymore.
its not love
they have no preference
and they risk nothing by it
Did i trigger you? Sorry.
>Women can't love another woman like they do a man that gives her children.
>im so narcicistic that I as a man think i understand not only how they think and feel totally but also how they feel in relationships with women vs men
Textbook narcissism.
Most lesbians aren't lipstick. Most are fucking dykes or fat fucks that couldn't for some reason snag a dindu.
Funny thing I find in Lesbos is that it's never a equal relationship, but always a female and a dyke, a strong "malelike" and a passive qtπ.
Women don't like women(as a role) or weak males, they need a man replacement(dyke), they need to be the passive and the "weak part" in the relationship, except for dykes(real lesbians), these are oddities and not real women.
That fact destroy all the "strong independent wimen" or "equality" bullshit, all women, even "alpha business women" rather strong and richer guys than her, they enjoy and prefer to be submissive and avoids being richer or take care of a male.SadbecauseIhaveafemdomfetish.
Everyone knows gayness is a sickness that is not treated anymore because of the jew. This people are just sick and need help.
Is it worth it to transition for a girl? I'm so torn.
fuck off man and a women is the purest form and you know it off yourself if you think otherwise
>Not realizing that almost every porn star of either gender are bisexual and they don't give a single fuck
Are you so dense as to rationalize away the idea that someone would have different preferences than you?
Mike is in charge of social reform you faggot
>now we can finally torture fag freaks
How many times does it have to be pointed out that Trump is socially liberal and pro lgbt
God you retards are so caught up on your wish fulfilment you completely ignore the reality that even if trump did decide to try to pass anti gay laws the amount of backlash from people who voted for him would be catastrophic.
You seem to forget that most people that voted for him are not gay hating retards but actually independents that would have voted for bernie.
>i have no sources or evidence for my claims
>i as a man totally understand how they think and feel all the time
I love the amount of narcissism on Sup Forums
>fat fucks that couldn't for some reason snag a dindu.
>mfw I had the chance to bed two hamplanet dykes looking for a man but chickened out because craigslist post
>they used to post daily
>haven't posted in months
what is that?
where is that?
you are...?
I always thought it was a commonly accepted notion. at least in European lipstick circle it most certainly is
Highest rate of domestic violence, jerk off with penises. Nah
lol no
They are still pidors
i cant!
im not sure but this is probably the worst place to ask that question. Go to /lgbt/ or reddit and ask people who have.
Avoid the non passing hons.
>man and a women
>purest form
>man cant go 5 seconds without thinking about sex and his filthy fetishes
>woman only wants man for his money so she cucks him for a bigger dick
If it was purest form of love then your divorce rates wouldnt be so high ;)
>Mike is in charge of social reform you faggot
The vice president doesnt actually have any power unless the president is unable to lead, you do realize this right? Trump and Mike constantly fought over social views and both admitted to being opposites on a lot of things. Why would Trump let that guy do anything.
He chose pence as a VP for windowdressing to appeal to the evangelicals so that he could win, that was it
Approximately 75% of lesbians are morbidly obese.
гoпничeк c пoлyбoкcoм зaкyкapeкaл
divorce rates are high because people don't believe in monogamy anymore, apparently sex is this thing that you just do with whoevers around.
that fucks with pair bonding.
Thanks for posting qt lesbians, Canada senpai!
>I always thought it was a commonly accepted notion. at least in European lipstick circle it most certainly is
Its not over here in the land over sjw's and feminizis. I thought russia was extremely homophobic and beat gay people in the street, whats it like being a lesbo there.
Lesbian relationships are proven to have the most domestic violence