Get most of the votes

>get most of the votes
>still lose the election

Makes perfect sense.

Other urls found in this thread:

Lot of people in California and new York amigo

States A,B,C,D and E vote trump. They have a combined population of 100 people. State F votes Hillary. Has a population of 101.

Fuck those other states I guess.

repubs dont even bother to vote in California

but yeah pretty funny

>320m in america
>100m vote

Seriously? I didn't know so many burgers were so lazy

She's at 48%, same as trump. Bill won with 43%

>dems getting cucked by the electoral college again like in 2000

Welcome to the USA, where we're all fucking retarded and so is the FEC

Well around a third of people are children

You think 100k illegal immigrants isolated to one city means you can determine what the rest of the country wanted?


It's called First Past The Post System.

It's superior as it gives a better rounded view of the population.

such is the electoral college system

that really helped trump

the obvious ended up being true... no one liked hillary very much

They haven't counted the absentee ballots from the military which are overwhelmingly Trump
so fuck off and die

that's why the proportional representation is the fairest and best election system like we have in germany

Trump got more electoral votes. Let's say the residents of cali vote for Hilary. That's 55 electoral votes for Hilary (Because Cali has 55 . Arizona has 11 electoral votes; if the majority of Arizona voted for Trump, that's 11 electoral votes for him. I probably didn't explain it the best, but it's better than how most people seem to understand it.

Its made that way so that small states still have a voice in the election. You forget we arent a country but a collection of Commonwealths. We arent even supposed to have a standing army.

Yeah, so what.

Don't bother explaining things to people already proven to be stupid niggers.

>california secedes
>republicans rule for the next 1000 years

Seeing so many liberal faggots crying about how the electoral college system must be done away with. Funny enough that none of them bitched about it when Obama was elected through it, twice.

For fucks sake, vote counting was stopped the moment it was sure Trump got the electorate vote.

There were still some states where votes were not fully counted, he could have won the popular for what we know. So stop memeing this crap Muhammad

She got her 55 electoral votes from that abortion of a sate, which is like half of the goddamn US.

A ton of people in one area doesn't represent the US as a whole.

a big hunk of the 320m are children, mate

Bitch got Gore'd.

If it wasnt like this new york politics would be forced down everyones throats

But that's a superior voting system user. Imagine all the fucking muslims voting for an Alahakbah president on your country, the american voting system could prevent something like this from happening.

Yes it does. California and other densely populated shitholes don't get to decide what happens to the entire country.

That's why the electoral college exists.

This guy knows. Can republicans know their vote it wasted in CA with hollywood, silicon valley and San Fransisco.... oh and all the ilegal aliens who dont need to show id at the voting booth

They can't vote you massive retard. Sasuga Trumpfag

subtract all of Hillary's votes generated through election fraud and its not even close.

We are country of united states. Hence the name "United States of America".

Since we are a nation of states, not a single entity, this is how it works.

Not to mention the fact that better candidate won, though both are sub-optimal.

Because Obama also won the popular vote, so he had won by any criteria

Are they even still paying you?

It does if you understand the system, it's origins and it being adjusted to the way USA is "built".
But I don't expect you to understand, as you just came to shitpost.

They'd say he still got the popular vote both elections. Bottom line, it prevents a one party system.


>My superior voting system is the one where a guy who has less support of the people than another candidate can win the election regardless

I want trump to win New Hampshire so badly

What can you expect from this shithole?

Here in my shithole the majority of votes gets to decide the president, and guess what? Only the shittiest gets elected. That said, the counting is not even finished yet, fuck off.

They can in cali