RWBY/RT General #1334: Endgame Edition

Rules of RWBY/RT General:
>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't try to tell us it's good.
>2. Read the Pastebin:
>3. Arguing about the thread isn't discussion
>4. Don't believe their lies

1080p archive:!S1E3wTRQ!4RH3D97O1-ZiW_lMAu7xog

RWBY Volume 5 Chapter 9 Link:

Previous thread:



Weird and uncomfortable

Jaune should be half naked at all times.


>Adam is 6'4"
>Weiss is probably 5'0" without heels

Play Weiss in cross tag.

Ew, no


volume one was not bad

No thank you

There is no point in even buying the game without playable Neo

>aura could block snake attacks and explode grimm heads

Pyrrha was such a thirsty bitch.

Maybe if Hazel does fight and/or we see Taiyang actually fight we can see stuff explode.

Why did she even hop on Juane so fast? Not even two minutes into knowing him she was pushing.

Could arkos have been good?


The whole point was to be sad and unrequited to make Pyrrha's death sadder

Arkos can and will be good, user.

Not really

I doubt Jaune would want to spend the rest of his life in the shadow of his amazing girlfriend

Neokos would be better


Even if she had survived

Jaune may not want to be with someone who is so willing to throw their life away for little reason

I think the fact that it was reciprocated made it sadder user. It's sadder if you have something and let it go than to never have something at all.

It's like having a taste of ice cream and then shooting yourself than never knowing how delicious the ice-cream was and that you were denying yourself a whole scoop, nay, a whole of that scrumptious rocky-road.

That's dumb, but where's the porn of it?

She must have known him before his memory wipe.

Because he was the first one to actually pull some moves on her.

>it was reciprocated


Jaune thought of Pyrrha as a sister until the very end even when she kissed him

It's gotten progressively worse since, S3 being the only exception, which was almost as good

If Pyrrha didn't want to be famous why did she keep entering and winning tournaments?

there is none.

What moves? She was clinging to him since the locker scene.

so um... spanked or...

there's one picture I know of that's neo/pyrrha/roman

>expectations of others
>to obtain experience
Probably some mixture of these.

no spanked?

She never actually said she didn't want to be famous, just that it made her social life harder. She was actually quite looking forward to the tournament

None YET

Maybe we can get Hiwo to do it. He's drawn Neo molesting all the RWBYs at this point, don't see why Pyrrha can't get in on that action. Though it might end up being Neo molesting a pile of ash instead

Jaune is adorkable and Pyrrha probably found it refreshing that someone wasn't intimidated by her reputation.

Better question

None of her friends on JNPR or RWBY treated her that different for being famous except maybe Weiss so why did she only go after Jaune?

>They held hands and head-rested.

Don't fool yourselves, anons. They were lewd as fuck and it was consensual.

Pyrrha was actually planning on having a harem, but wanted Jaune to be the first wife

That was just an excuse she came up with because it sounds more romantic than wanting him because her raging hormones said so, in reality Jaune actually put her on a pedestal MORE than most characters.

Pyrrha isn't a carpet muncher and Ren is already Nora's (he barely interacts regardless).

Because despite what 90% of this fanbase believes none of the main characters are lesbians

I guess JauneXNora is canon now then

>in reality Jaune actually put her on a pedestal MORE than most characters.

This always bothered me. We Jaune learns about it he definitely makes a bigger deal of it than anyone.

The true Arkos killer.

>The true Arkos killer.


>this kills the lancaster

Cinder was looking out for her little brother by killing the hussie.

Pretty sure it killed Renora too

N-no homo, bro.


No spanked.

Jaune for all his faults is a six foot tall blond cutie.

You're all wrong. There is only one true ship killer of RWBYg

Not really. He still tries to ask them out.

Random note: We get a Camp Camp Christmas episode tomorrow.

Must be hard for Jaune to be around (wo)manlets all day.

Hes hot. Incredibly hot.

___YAY! ___[/spoiler

Nice Megumin edit.

Oh boy!


That's why i'm gonna get it.



¿Porque no los dos?

Hello there Anons!

Wanna hear a joke?

Go away Weiss, I only take jokes from Penny.

Is this a reference to the time in chibi when she hit nora with the pans? Is she startled by the flash?

Yes. That skit became a meme for some reason.

No, mucha bad, no good, bad

I wanna see her in MAYA :'[

I wanna see her IN HELL!

But user I am Penny! I even have he-I mean my own uniform! See?

>Ruby eagerly awaiting Christmas morning.
What did you get her,anons?

I revive this thread, with a rube!

im gonna main Weiss!

>Yang and Weiss reacting positively towards Jaune
Why is this allowed?

I'm holding out for the reboot in 10yrs. This isjust a rough draft, they'll fix it all later.

new tights


Haha, hope you enjoy RWBY: The next Generation

why wouldnt it be

>I totally trust this Professor Oscar guy!

>they'll fix it all later.

>I still wait for cute or cute-lewd RubyxOscar stories

I'm sick and hopeless.

I've made that joke too many times. I don't think it will happen again.

Sounds like it could be painful. That said if their is another generation of rwby would that mean that this current one failed to stop Salem nd all got dicked over? If so, I'd be more excited about that.

But really all i want is good character development and fight scenes. And passable graphics (season 4 is fine)

Well? What is our crazy Christmas plan this year?

>RWBY: The next Generation
>Not STRQ prequel

I don't know, she won't tell me

I'd like it if RWBY ends up becoming the next Ozluminati and have to stare down Salem's return.

my dick in a box

My crazy Christmas plan is to not get food poisoning the day before Christmas again

>STRQ prequel but's RWBY: The Next Generation filler