So...who's going to run against him for the Democrats in 2020?
So...who's going to run against him for the Democrats in 2020?
Based Jim Webb
Kanye West
Kanye West
some random unqualified minority to play the white guilt game.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren
The Cuban heel named Mark.
Only a god can defeat Trump
If Trump plays his cards right, it won't matter. We are now in preservation mode and have to ensure that the wall gets built, get illegal immigrants amd unvetted rapefugees outta here, repeal ACA, ratify the anchor baby amendment and instill strict, clear voter ID laws.
If he gets that list done in his first four years, Trump WILL be reelected and Western Progressivism will finally be on lufe support, if not outright buried! MAGA!
This. It'll be Kanye West. Trump has just proven you need exactly 0 political experience to become the president under the current rules of election. We'll probably never get another politician in office after Trump, honestly, unless the rules change. That can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it.
I hope so. But the party is dead, at best we may get Mark Warner, but we will get some hippie bs commie candidate.
Already predicted his 2020 reelection.
According to our media it's going to be Michelle Obama.
Makes sense, libs love blacks, women and Obamas, so it's a no brainer
Bernie will be like 100 years old by then.
Can picture her rallies
>save this
>post it 4 years later
>it comes true
I don't see how the Democrats will be in any state to realistically win 2020 unless Trump fucks up bigly. They could try for the minority vote with a black or hispanic candidate, but after 4 years of Trump the political climate may have changed so much that that isn't a vote-swaying method anymore even to minorities, presuming Trump actually improves things. If they couldn't win this election on a "progressive" politically correct campaign i don't see how they can in 4 years.
Some nigger
Chief Warren or Michele Obongo.
Probably Tulsi Gabbard.
Reviewbrah 2020
Can hillary run again
But he likes Trump
Mel Gibson
Or Emma Watson
They aren't.
They don't actually have a viable candidate unless Biden runs.
naw hes with trump
KANYE 2020
Imagine how pissed Hillary would be if another Obama denied her a historical election
>those fucking Obamas ruin everything for me!
Jeb! 2020
She's dead already
Kim Kardashian probably has good chances.
Idris Elba
If they were smart. Truly, if they were smart. But they're not. They're dumb as dirt. I predicted a Trump victory way early, around Scott Adams prediction. And I'm predicting this. The party will spend two solid years in complete chaos and disorganization from the fallout of essentially losing it all. They lost everything, they are powerless outside of their metropolitan strongholds. They will splinter into several factions, as leftists do, as a struggle for control of the party occurs between the hardcore communist-populist wing, and the globalist establishment. The globalists will win that fight because the left's activist movements now are being carried out by dumb niggers and spics who have cucked the whites, and without white leadership they'll never organize anything top-down oriented or effective. Like Occupy. What a joke. They will then nominate Elizabeth Warren. Trump will schlong her and grab his 8 because he is literally a wizard that they have no answer for.
it literally wiill be kanye i mean what else can they do
I don't see how she could get away with it. She's lost two presidential elections and the people really really really did not want her as their party nominee anyway and the voter turnout shows that. If she couldn't beat Donald Trump now she can't beat him in another 4 years (or anyone else). Her best bet would be to go back to the senate.
Kanye West
Experience was just a stupid meme brought up by Hillary's campaign. A few US presidents have been elected with zero political experience.
Jeb Bush
Slow and steady
proofs please
JIDF detected.
This! It's over for the left. The impending demographic winter that they were counting on for votes is being reversed as we speak and they have no say otherwise.
Are you implying she'll be alive in 4 years?
Bernie will, to clamber for more money from naive Socialist cucks.
This is who it will be.
kanye west
and by god he will win
and it will be the end of everything
"Donald, you can't insult your way into the office" - Jeb Bush
Bernie will rise from the grave and lead a horde of zombies to the voting booths
more importantly who is going to run as a republican for congress in blue states, most blue states did not have a republican on the ticket and if there had been I am sure the republican candidates would have swept
It's a really, really good way to get the black and women's vote, and the disillusioned liberal and moderate vote.
If there's anyone that could take down Trump, it's probably her.
I doubt she'd run, she'd be 73 and already lost twice.
Kanye West.
>Chuck Norris
>a democrat
If you hand any understanding of American politics, you'd understand how crazy this is. She should run for mayor of Chicago, not president
Hillary Clinton; she's the perfect candidate, I think she could beat anyone the republicans field!
-Media, 2014
>get the black
i dont think they really need to try for that
The Democrats are finished.
Basically this, if things improve for most Americans trying to get the the black or latino vote will be irrelevant.
Nobody, we /monarchist/ now
He would have won last night. Hillary being anti-gun is a big part of the discussion not being had.
Genuinely curious, what presidents had zero political experience before being elected?
this would be hilarious, there would be almost no chance kanye would win because hes too much of a shitbag of a person so if he runs 2020 then it's basically confirmed 4 more years
No one. The Democrat Party is eating itself alive right now.
Martin OMalley 90% chance
Incidentally he was played in the Wire by Agent Bill Wilson