The Jews have won once again
The Jews have won once again
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The jews are not all the same. Some are like Soros and want to destroy the western world or at least remove its culture and some just want some money like they're meant to. It's their natural instinct.
The Jew is found out oyy vey.
Israel isn't that bad.
טראמפ תשע"ז!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>implying they weren't behind Clinton as well.
With Jews you lose, but they win.
Are there any Jews in Brazil?
>that's what they think...
Yes, plenty of them, and they control everything here.
Jew ≠ Israeli
>Believing the jew meme
t. not a jew
well maybe if you went to school and studied instead of kicking a football around all day in the mud you could replace them
funny how jews involved with Trump are "good jews" and jews inolved with clinton or democrats are "gas the kikes race war now"
All Jews are Zionists.
It's funny that the one atheist candidate who wouldn't give a shit about the "chosen people" and their retarded nation used to be a jew.
Goyim do it for free.
>believing jews are evil
The Jews always win in the end, goyim
The world isn't black and white bro, it's a complex circuit of geopolitics.
Complete and utter B.S. Jews believe they are 'God's Chosen' and strive to expand their influence over the planet to build up their Jewish State.
Where the jews win.
That's zionists, not jews.
Orthodox jews hate zionism.
>user, global geopolitics are complicated
>no they're not, they're black and white
okay, retard
That's fine. Trump is a good boy who wants to help and protect American citizens and our allies. But he understands that we need to, at a certain point, put Americans first, with regards to how we conduct our own affairs.
Jews will burn in Hell.
No ones paying you anymore shill, why are you still doing this?