Fuck drumpf and fuck all white people

Fuck drumpf and fuck all white people

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What's the Trumplets got anything to do with his precedency?

All his kids are pretty attractive



Choose only one

Hey it's free spech

Fuck Obama and his ugly ass kids

>like you white folks did to Obama.
>Fuck him and his ugly ass kids.
Oh wow, that's no way to talk about his beautiful black children.

>like you white folk

el oh el the butthurt is real

A lot of Obama voters went Trump this cycle. I know that pisses lefties off but it's true. I'm in PA, Trump took all the rust belt zones the dems won over in previous cycles because he actually fucking showed up and cared and didn't attack us for having too little melanin and being le ebul oppressors despite making like 20k a year

But I guess we're all racists even though Obama won here anyway, twice.

Hahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahaha Hahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahaha Hahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha hahaha




Niggers aren't people. I don't care if you disrespect Trump, you're literally just slightly-more-upright apes who deserve sickle cell anemia.

>obama had good approval ratings with white people
>most people who voted for him were white
where does this imaginary hate come from anyways? sure people hate some of the stuff he did, but thats every president ever





twitter.com/search?q=literally shaking&src=typd

I took the day off to get drunk and to taste your tears.
Liquor store isn't open yet, but your tears are so delicious.

god it feels so good to see all these salty liberals today.
one of the best days of my life.
fuck you nigger!
gas the kikes! race war now!
make pol great again!
Heil Hitler!

Obammer's daughters really are ugly, just like his wife.

Someone needs to add a fourth panel where he parks up next to the white house


I'd give the twerking whore the BWC to set her straight.

But I'd definitely wear a condom.


finally a lib that’s using his head to reflect on things and not just criticise.