In hindsight, how the FUCK did he do it? He literally had the entire world against him. Aren't you the least bit.. baffled?
In hindsight, how the FUCK did he do it? He literally had the entire world against him. Aren't you the least bit...
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Meme magic my friend, meme magic.
>he still believes in the flawed polls and MSM
In KEK we trust
>He literally had the entire world against him.
You should stop listening to the mainstream media.
The electorate turned against Hillary. They saw through all the bullshit she's done and decided she can't possibly suicide all of them.
Meme magic.
Helps when you run against a horrible candidate like Hillary
He was always winning. It wasn't rigged intentionally, but democrats were oversampled and people were often afraid to admit support for him.
Same with Brexit. I don't bother telling people I worked with I'd vote for Trump and even if I got robocalled I'd probably say Clinton to avoid thugs coming around
>Not trusting in KEK even when he blesses you with digits.
Meme magic and the GamerGate.
Without gamergate this couldn't have happened
They won a battle, we're winning the war (brexit and this)
Was it dumb luck or are Trump and his team political geniuses?
Classic tortoise and hare
All the hare did was shit talk the tortoise and revel in the fact that they were so sure to win
While the tortoise minded his own business and kept going at it.
Look who won.
He may have had the whole globalist scheme against him, but there is one thing they didn't plan for.
Beliefs become reality.
And now, for the final frontier!
>He literally had the entire world against him
The entire world, minus the people
some people are just born to win
and some people are just born to lose
The elite, higher ups, media and SJWs. In other words the vocal minority.
There is a huge gulf between what people think and what they feel they are allowed to say publicly. While the media was acting with shock at Trumps locker room comments, they average person knows they've probably said worse. Trump kind of makes it safer for people to be honest
Two words, bucko: meme magic.
>While the tortoise minded his own business and kept going at it.
Oh come on, that doesn't fit at all. The tortoise promised to put the hare in jail if he wins
I'm waiting for him to visit Jerusalem, where he may survive a headshot. Then I'll know for sure that he's the antichrist.
Who said they needed bluebeam in the first place?
It had to be Trump vs the world. It wouldn't have been a fair fight otherwise.
Meme magic > Moloch
Hillary and her jewish friends should have known better. Moloch is a loser's god. It didn't help her when she ran against Obama and it didn't help the jews when they were stuck in the desert.
>how the FUCK did he do it?
To put it simply, he knew all their (((tricks))).
He knew who he had to influence to get secrets and levity. The military was a huge part of his leverage against bullshit.
Oh and several dozen more expert skills of his.
Allow him to explain:
He got PA because of the Amish and Mennonite vote.
I live in PA and say a shit ton of them when I went to vote. They rented buses or someone did for them because I saw several buses of them, men and women.
I didnt think they would actually turn the state red at the time but they did.
Where I live I see them a lot because I live next to a eye doctor office. Next time I see one I will go up and thank them.
White awakening, like Brexit.
Meme's my friend. He literally meme'd himself into one of the most powerful positions in the entire world.
But people at this point are tired of bullshit, and there was definetely a point in which we should have stopped, but we're going a full 20 on the 10 scale and theres no stopping us, because we honestly just want to see this how crazy it can actually get.
Actual reasons:
>DNC being retards who pushed criminal Shillary over Bernie
>RNC being retards who let an oomba loomba be a candidate because they had zero other viable candidates with Jeb/Ted/Ran/whoever the fuck else
>unruly populous after eight years of Democratic government that accomplished little
>people being fed up about the regressive left
>Trump being a say-anything-to-win Demagogue who could best anyone in the short term by just being as loud as possible and getting his name out there
>people thinking a moron as president is better than a criminal
The competition wasn't very big in the first place
Leverage not levity
yes i do
The main thing was he went out and talked to the people...the Clinton campaine did nothing but dig up old tapes while he was on the road legit listening to the voters no matter how big or small the issue was ...hell he was out there when the two hurricanes struck the US giving out aid himself
Nah, once a generation the establishment gets fucked back to square one.
I guess Americans are sick and tired of being told who to vote for
PA largely went red because of Amish voters. They were like half his advantage in the end. Lucky that Philly had poor turnout.
It's because his adversaries found ways to be infinitely more incompetent than he's ever been.
The opposition was so corrupt, all you had to do was tell the truth.
>In hindsight, how the FUCK did he do it? He literally had the entire world against him. Aren't you the least bit.. baffled?
I have a underdog complex, and it has never been sweeter
>blacks didn't turn out to vote
>women didn't side with Hillary as much as thought
>white males turned out in record number
Basically was that simple.
This. The establishment cycle either ends in an electoral massacre or a real one.
Another user shared this article, basically libs got overly smug and trump played them like a tune. Even the stuff about G W Bush is fascinating insight on how they always underestimate their opponents, because smug.
If Trump can overcome the worldwide MSM anything is truly possible.
I really hope this starts a political shift from left to right all over the world.
He campaigned in areas that Clinton had already wrote off as a victory for her and abandoned, it made the people feel as if they were nothing but votes to her while they felt Trump wanted to really know what the people wanted
Also, Clinton's TIDINGS OF DOOM campaign completely backfired, as people that aren't retarded saw it as pointless fearmongering
underated post
Meme magic and 64-D chess-shitposting by the God-emperor himself.
Alot of people supported him. They just where not vocal about it.
let's just say we owe kek some major praising
Michel Moore really understood why Trump was going to win.
I guess black people find it too difficult to vote when it is between two white people.
>He was always winning. It wasn't rigged intentionally, but democrats were oversampled and people were often afraid to admit support for him.
>Same with Brexit. I don't bother telling people I worked with I'd vote for Trump and even if I got robocalled I'd probably say Clinton to avoid thugs coming around
This gets to the heart of the matter.
You also have the phenomenon in which people also start to dislike what's being pushed on them and then go to the other side.
The fact that the media (not just MSM but entertainment) was so hardcore anti-Trump meant a lot of people were dissuaded from talking about how they wanted to vote for him. Same thing happened with Brexit.
>He literally had the entire world against him
Yeah, everybody but the people who mattered. The people.
Everyone likes an underdog.
no. and cry more it will lubricate your uncle's dick.
He hasn't won yet retards. sigh.
everything trump did whether good or bad was all apart of his plan. he knew he had to be so completely off the wall, it would throw off voters, but in a good way. all we did was hear about what he did and said for almost 2 years, everyone knew he was running for president. worth mentioning wikileaks and project veritas, but too be honest i think he could have still beat her without them.
This. Just because the kike run media told you he couldn't win obviously doesn't make it true. If anything this shows you their lies and deceit.
Now that's a Canadian post!
Worst list of "real reasons" I have seen yet. Careful xir next we MCGA
>how the FUCK did he do it?
Meme Magic...
Not baffled one bit. We knew the polls and media were up to their old, tired tricks. We preached to not pay attention to the skewed numbers, Trump stayed on message and our beloved citizens showed up to stop the madness. Done Deal.
And I agree. They didn't count that we, when decided, are really powerful.
The fuck are you on about?
>Has all the votes he needs
>Opposition conceded
>Party controls the ENTIRE government
What does he have left to win?
>In hindsight, how the FUCK did he do it?
He didn't forget that white men can and will vote. Sure as fuck they wouldn't allow killary as a president.
>He literally had the entire world against him
It wouldn't be fair otherwise
But Jeb lost
Motherfucker, do you not understand the phrase "WILL OF GOD"?
>he doesn't know how the original version of that fable ends
>spoiler alert
>the hare goes to fucking jail
Are the globalists even trying?
Of course I am. For a few months I had been thinking
>okay, memes are fun, but it's probably going to be Hillary, and I've always known this deep down
I was not expecting him to win.
He had the entire system against him, but he had the people in his favor. And that's all you need to win an election
Except he didnt
Let me explain.
Whites were going to vote for him anyway. You guys are sexist and racist. Bare with me, thats not why he won, but thats just true. You guys are uncivilized.
Blacks have not forgotten about the Super predators despite what you may have thought, and really dont fuck with that devil worshipping shit. ALso no Obama (Sponsored by Citibank) to bring them out
Mexicans, contrary to popular belief, are very prideful people and we fuckin love this country. We DO want to make America great again, and a lot of us are here legally despite the large amount who arent. Ask any illegal if they love America and they do. Catholicism is also huge in us, we also do not fuck with satanists. Not at ALL.
Chinese people voted Hillary, if youre going to deport people you fuckers better make sure they go first.
The world wasnt against Trump, we were all for it because we have all been getting screwed by the same system. What you were falling for was the fake polls.
"Corporate America hates Trump. Wall Street hates Trump. The career politicians hate Trump. The media hates Trump, after they loved him and created him, and now hate."
If by world you mean a bunch of overly loud and obnoxious liberaltards/SJWs
Except it wasn't the entire world.
It is just a handful of key people who control the elites and media telling people what to think.
Slow and steady user....
Trump had a large amount of actual followers, people who fervently believed in him. Meanwhile, the best that Hillary and the democratic party could manage was making people feel like at least she'd be less of a monster than Trump. Guess what translates best into actual turnout?
Trump had a pretty awful campaign, but Hillary was the perfect opponent for him. She was/is a perfect symbol for the neoliberal status quo so he had the disenfranchied/disillusioned white people in the bag from the get go. Also, she is riddled with weaknesses for him to set upon in order to shift focus from his own obvious flaws.
Against someone like Bernie he'd have a much harder time, but the neoliberal elite plainly would rather lose to Trump than have someone like him in.
Because he believed in us who believed in him.
Do you get it now? His is the tower that will pierce the heavens.
kill yourself nigger
But also he's smarter than them. All of them. He really did outsmart them. They're stupid because they really believe stupid things. For example, they built Obama election black turnout into 2016 polling models. Why would they do that? Because they don't see the obvious racial truth we see: The blacks aren't going to turn out for Hillary like they did Obama. 'She white.' We saw that coming a mile away, they really didn't. Because they believe the equality fairy tale and will never concede that Obama's sole qualification for being elected and re-elected was being black.
pride blinds
greed destroys
wrath divides
The democrats believed they could create an Artificial 2008 Obama out of Hillary and never expected people to see straight through it.
Also, the working class man/womam (on all sides because Trump actually did well with minorities compared to other republicans) has been screwed for the past 16 years, with ccompanies, sometimes with the graces of our government (NAFTA), giving their jobs away to a country that pays it's worker 2 dollars every 24 hours,making the American worker who at the minimum works 7.25 an hour non competitive.
AND you had a highly marketed and highly supported social movement groups (SJWs) in usually and ironically high levels of society that blamed the erican working class for problems it could not control, creating a pissed off populace that wanted nothing more than a good Molotov Cocktail to throw at these fucks
Shillary shit the bed waaay too often too much.
Because democrats nominated candidate hated by significant part of their electorate
He spoke truth to power.
Personally, his stance on recognizing Assad as someone who is fighting ISIS, and being against fighting Russia over the Maidan in Ukriane sold him for me.
Obama and Hillary did so much damage to the world with their policies in Ukraine, Syria and Libya, Trump is a complete reversal of that and it will be refreshing to see things done right in these regions for once.
Kek demanded that Trump shall be the vessel who carries our His will. There are no other questions beyond this.
do you think he planned double majority to go with supreme justice picks? You think this kind of deal is what got the RNC to finally back him?
Did he pave the way to a kanye 2020 landslide?
Kanye literally has no experience, is black, has really fucking radical ideas but 'le black man can't be raciss'. I can see a bunch of white lib cucks voting for him.
>entire world vs kek being fed chaotic energy via pol
Is this bait
The media and SJWs have made it impossible for there to be any political discussion in this country.
Therefore, there was no way to gauge Trump's support. He was always in the lead.
not the ENTIRE world
>entire world is against him
>he has Sup Forums
So how does it feel to know that anthropomorphous green frog has more power than the media, politicians and big businesses in the world.
Yup, the shout down criticism so relentlessly that many Trump supporters just stayed quiet until election day.