What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
>lol the media was lying all along, all the conspiracy theories were right: the post
That data forecasting is as good as horoscope
They didn't actually base it on anything. They thought they could shape reality by first lying about what the reality is.
They meant they have no goddamn clue what Americans actually want.
Thats what happens when you silence the oposition.
If the real numbers where out crt would have known how to counter the lose.
Now its to late.
Forecasting is legit but not when you knowingly use wrong initial state.
These models were half wishful thinking and half posturing for intimidation purposes.
the guilty white liberal douchbag hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth are strong at the Huff Post this AM. Let their tears nourish you...
This reminds me a lot of the polls published on the morning of the brexit vote. Weird that.
That's XCOM, baby.
they seem mad
>They literally only cared about her getting elected because "muh first female president"
What fucking idiots. Their tears will sustain me for months.
This. Polls were skewed left, leading to poor projection modeling. Those numbers were never accurate. Huffpo was purposely using skewed piling to try to intimidate repubs into not voting, and unintentionally lulled their minority voter base into a sense of false confidence.
If only they figured out how to summon Kek.
Thanks, I was thinking about this picture. I'm going to fucking frame it on my wall.
(((Poll Master)))
This really makes the neurons fire.
Did media have a pro-Trump bias? Did we just fail to interpret the genius master plan? Was Sup Forums wrong?
Basically the leftard equivalent of 'muh unskewed polls.'
Well, I have to say I was on a thread on Sup Forumsmblr during election day where everyone was sandbagging Trump chances of winning. I made a post asking how man people in the actual thread had went out and actually voted for her, and got only one response from an early voter in 300+ thread.
Polling isn't accurate because fewer people have landline phones. Those that have landlines don't answer calls that they don't recognize.
I have an app on my smartphone that automatically hangs up on my landline's spam calls.
NY times polled pretty damn accurate all along. Remember that for future reference, NY times is unbiased.
Oh boy, I love liberal tears
Their plan backfired.
They wanted trump to look like he had low support. Demoralize the voters, make it look like it dont even matter so they wouldnt vote for him. And even if he won by a miracle something like 270-268, he would have too low acceptance, and that would mean he gets cockblocked everytime by the congress.
However, trump fans are diehard, mostly older people with responsibilities that see voting as important. Plus the underdog always get more support. The hillary supporters, college kiddies, blacks, and other scum are lazy and though it was won already so they didnt vote.
When the stars align, something magical happens, doesnt it?
This only happened when Trump started holding Virginia and was doing well in OH and FL. It started with 80% chance for Clinton.
Nice try nyt. It was listed as 90% Clinton before results started coming in.
I mean their polls have been pretty accurate for the past months. The pic was unrelated, just a handy thing they had on their site during election.
Anyone have the graph they had tracking percent chance to win?
It's still on their site I believe.
We need an user to compile all of the polls and predictions against Trump and put it into one conglomerate image. Many keks to come the next few months
Cuckington post BTFO
>Global Recession With No End In Sight
What the fuck do you expect to happen when former administrations continuously artificially inflate the markets????
reading front page of huffington is like a glimpse into the liberal mind
they're so delusional that they'll probably start fucking up things around
this is so bad
It was literally 80% Clinton/20% Trump before 9:30PM. They're just as retarded
unbiased? hell no. They are left leaning as fuck. Thats why all of Sup Forums celebrated when their own predictor tilted in his direction. It proved that it was really happening
That trump is a legendary rare drop? that or maybe they had no fucking clue on what people really wants
They said results can be skewed early in the evening, and that it will be more accurate when more votes are coming in.
Congratulations my fellow Americans, for the sake of petty revenge you have elected one of the most stupid men to ever grace this earth. I hope you'll be able to tell your children how happy you were for voting in a maniac
Do you have the ones that cover the last months and had a massive shift yesterday?
No, they were just retarded. They rigged the polls making the voters overconfident which caused this. Also they had no passion and the "absolute majority" didn't help to wake up and move their asses
Hillary looks like a Sectoid desu
People seriously thought like this when it came to voting for Brexit. It really fired my pork scratchings.
Nate hasn't changed the site yet lmao
the Huff Post editorial board. Hummm... wonder why they were so pro Shillary??
Stay mad out of work ctr faggot, stay mad
Yet no one will accept it except for the ones who voted Trump.
Praise Lord Kek
>america elected a man who said 'grab them by the pussy' over the first female president
>america elected a man who said 'i'll make this country so great even you would be proud of it' over a corrupt politician who backs ISIS
that changed throughtout the night, they had Hillary @ 86% going into the final day.
Chance of losing the election
While at the same time making Republicans worried about their chances and causing them to get out more to vote. It did literally the exact opposite of what they wanted.
That's Nate's final prediction. I have to give him props for leaving the final prediction as is up rather than changing it as the race developed.
This is why all the butthurt liberals are suicidal this morning. They never once questioned any of these ridiculous polls.
>muh education
These " highly educated" Hillary supporters weren't smart enough to objectively look at the reality of the situation.
it's called gaslighting
Over confidence is a bitch. Clinton didn't even have a concession speech prepared.
I had been wondering for so long why the polls were lying and the only reasonable explanation was they were going to rig the election and the polls owuld indicate anyone that quesiton it was a sore loser.
I'm sure others wondered the same but never asked so morons like these people would think "she's going to beat him, I'm so tired after work and can't stand in a 2 hour line."