Hillary won the popular vote...
Hillary won the popular vote
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She can go be president of California, then.
If Dems aren't anti electoral college at this point we should all be very very worried.
i was wondering: if trump had gotten more votes but lost the election because of a rigged electoral system, would you still accept hillary as president? obviously trump only won because white male votes are worth more than others... considering that people were preparing to march on washington if hillary won in a rigged election, is it justified for democrats to march on washington now? enlighten me...
The popular vote is bullshit because Republicans in California just don't bother to vote.
By 0.1%? lmao They were saying she was gonna win it by 3-4%
Those 100,00 are probably illegals/dead people anyway, so it's not like there's any injustice.
Gary Johnson took many of his on-the-fence votes. No third party candidate and Trump wins in a landside of popularity
If illegals couldnt vote in cali then she wouldnt have
They stopped counting states. Trump would have popular vote if all rhe states were accounted for.
Sure, they're entitled to march, just as we're entitled to march in front of them and prevent them from marching.
your understanding of democracy amazes me...
>mob rule by large cities (black people and leftists)
no thanks, go fuck yourself european fag
All they have to do is count the other ststes and he wins the popular vote, right? Wtf is this bullshit?
As a californian fuck no we dont want her. Only liberal havens like sf and la do, out in the rural north my entire family and nearly everyone in our town was pro trump
Your understanding of our democracy amazes me
Honorary Australian right here
No one cares
I guess she couldn't take it any more. All uncalled states were lost except for New Hampshire.
>Gary Johnson took many of his on-the-fence votes
Yeah, honestly, I consider Gary's votes to be Trump votes. Gary and Jill were nothing but spoilers.
They havent put in all the votes yet
Your understanding of the American constitutional system of government amazes me.
If you have a system that directly encourages a huge amount of people not to show up to the polls t all you can't pretend that the popular vote is in any way meaningful.
For the record I do think the electoral college is a bunch of bullshit and I would never want something like it introduced in my country (not that doing so would make sense given how small we are)
But as things stand the popular vote is a meaningless statistics for the purpose of knowing what the American people "actually" want, because a hefty portion of the people know that going out to tell people what they want wouldn't result in anything other than a wasted afternoon standing in a line
America is not a democracy, it's a republic
It's called "United STATES of America", not "United STATE of America".
The plural is important.
>All they have to do is count the other ststes and he wins the popular vote,
He could still win the popular vote, yes.
You have illegals voting for Clinton, their votes are meaningless anyway.
I'm still amazed how the system rigged the election and lost anyway. You're living on borrowed time, degenerates.
your amazement amazes me
And I thought people from Switzerland were smart.
The butthurt factor is about to increase 10-fold!
Massive left wing chimpouts will occur, which will lead to massive normie redpilling.
Popular vote isn't enough. What dont you get about it? If we focused on the popular vote, each president would just be the one from CA/NY and a handful of major cities.
shiiieeet, really? if you like fascism that much, why not move to north korea?
dude, i'm swiss... we have the only real democracy on this planet... you should take notes, faggot...
>You have illegals voting for Clinton, their votes are meaningless anyway.
This. There's so many fucking illegals. I can't believe Clinton even got to 214 Electoral votes.
>if we used the popular vote then the presidency would be determined by the will of the people
How horrifying.
This goes to show yet again why EC is a sham. Or so it would, but I believe he would've won the popular vote as well if Commiefornians knew their vote wasn't useless.
>if you like fascism that much, why not move to north korea?
you don't know what fascism is....
>Only liberal havens like sf and la do
We just lost Orange county
The background checks for ammo passed with over 60% of the vote
This state is finished
Say it with my now boys and girls...
>it's only a bad system when the Republican wins
>we have the only real democracy on this planet
get back to me in 20 years
HAHAHAHA!! Your tears are the best.
>If we focused on the popular vote, each president would just be the one from CA/NY and a handful of major cities.
Cities full of illegals and criminals, at that.
You have a population of 8million you faggot, you can't have a absolute democracy in a country of 300million people.
By the way, many states are still being counted, such as Michigan. He might still have the popular vote.
>the will of a single state is higher then the remaining because population
fuck off
The Democrats definitely have the whole "democratic" part down pat, now they just need to work on the "republic" part.
Retard. The Electoral College is in place because people are retarded. The Founding Fathers knew that people of similar ideologies would crowd together in states. The College is designed to protect states rights by allowed the States to have a say in the election. Just how our Congress is divided into the House and Senate, one based on population and one based on equality between states. That's why the presidential election is divided into the electoral and popular vote.
Why don't you fucks get this? If popular vote determined it, they would just try super hard to make everyone in California and New York vote Blue, and boom. Those two states now determine executive powers for the entire country.
It's a bad system in general, but it's a system Americans have taken responsibility for, so it's all fair and square.
Stop cucks. The senate represents states. The EC makes zero sense. There is no argument to keep it. All votes should be equal.
The electoral college does nothing of the sort. It's blatant cronyism and nothing else, fucking retard.
Brexit has shown that a million people shouldn't decide the vote, but instead an archaic system put in place to solidify those in power
makes sense to me
Don't bother having an opposing opinion here. This place is pretty r/the_donald for at least the next 4 years.
This is because Republicans allowed "early voting" to be allowed which gives a window to lazy niggers and mexicans to be bused to polling places.
If we had only 1 election day, Trump would overwhelmingly win the popular vote.
Hopefully Trump will get rid of early voting.
>implying our founding fathers thought president should be decided by popular vote
>If popular vote determined it, they would just try super hard to make everyone in California and New York vote Blue, and boom. Those two states now determine executive powers for the entire country.
Jews and cucks would love this, but it will never happen. California shouldn't decide the President of Rhode Island.
Popular vote is meaningless these days because many Republicans in places like NY and California don't bother voting because they know their state can't win.
The argument is that it keeps states with low populations relevant in the selection of a leader, rather than just being satellites slaved to a state that is lucky enough to have had a city that has been artificially inflated over the decades by importing illegals to inflate the population census and thereby altering the popular vote because voting ID laws are basically non-existent.
They also stopped counting when Trump was declared the winner
Do the current numbers for the popular vote include states that haven't finished reporting yet?
>All votes should be equal.
Not when you have states that aren't equal. All you have to do is attract more people to your state and 1 state can run the entire country.
because switzerland and austria are totally different from that, right? what is a "kanton" again? oh right... it's a state... and CH stands for confederatio helvetica which translates to helvetic confederation... totally different from the USA... amirite?
> 4 years of endless meme
And some SJW are still whining
You have no argument here. We have writings from the Founding Fathers themselves outlaying why the Electoral College is a defense against tyranny. They realized democracy is just mob rule, and they realized that back then (and even today, shocker), most voters are completely uninformed on a candidates issues and simply listen to the smear campaigns.
The Electoral College counterbalances this by giving the States a say in the election. Indiana and 30 other states should not have to be governed by a candidate they didn't want just because two or three states with huge populations all voted for one.
But yeah, go ahead and cry more. Some day a liberal party will win the electoral but lose the popular by a huge margin, like millions of votes, but I'm sure you won't be bitching about it then.
barely, who gives a fuck, proably 100,000+ illegal votes in there somewhere
>state should matter, not votes, cuz I said so
Fuck off.
The EC is a sham. The senate gives states an disproportional representation.
>Do the current numbers for the popular vote include states that haven't finished reporting yet?
No. The popular vote isn't final yet. Clinton is only leading by 150k now and that can change.
You sound like you're pretty shaken up..PS pal America isn't a democracy and this is exactly why!
It is different because we place more emphasis on states rights than you do. I am an immigrant in this country and I have never seen a nation more united under the idea that individual states can tell the Fed to go fuck itself. If America was a democracy, candidates would only ever bother to campaign and pander to NYC, Cali, and Chicago.
She "won" the popular vote despite being by far the worst presidential candidate of all time. That isn't possible without massive rigging. There are tons of reports of Democrats voting more than once, Democrats voting in other people's names, illegals voting without IDs, polling centers in Democrat areas staying open longer than they were supposed to, voting machines turning Trump votes into Hillary votes, Trump votes being thrown away, Republican polling center workers being kicked out so the Democrats can rig away, suspiciously high Democrat vote totals in certain Democrat counties run by major DNC officials, and of course all the fake polls oversampling Democrats to demoralize Trump voters. We already have huge amounts of proof they rigged the Democratic primary. You can be damn sure there was a ton of Democrat fraud in the general election, and yet Trump still won in an electoral landslide. Fuck Democrats and their massive globalist-sponsored corruption.
It will be at least ten more days for all of the absentee and provisional ballots to be counted.
>The EC is a sham.
Not according to you liberals.
>Hillary won the popular vote...
Good. That just makes the tears saltier.
Your understanding of anything amazes me.
But seriously, can you not recognize sarcasm, you cocoa-chugging chalet slut?
>We have writings from the Founding Fathers themselves outlaying why the Electoral College is a defense against tyranny.
Explain to me unders what circumstances this well trained gentry you love sucking the cock of should steal the vote from the people.
The EC does nothing of the sort. It's cronyism. It's an excuse for politicians to divvy out comfy positions as favors. That's it.
>cry more
wew, nice argument there bro. It's funny how suddenly you are pro EC just because our candidate won. Not hypocritical of you at all.
You didnt get enough illegals and dead people to vote enough. Try harder next time.
They're also offset by the states that throw away early or mail-in votes when there is a clear winner on election day voting.
this, and illegals can vote in many blue states
her popular vote amount is just a fraction of the amount of illegals
>If America was a democracy, candidates would only ever bother to campaign and pander to NYC, Cali, and Chicago.
Exactly. People who want the EC abolished are people who live in major cities run by a liberal machine and filled with illegals and crooks who can manipulate the vote.
It's not done counting yet.
Do you think a state with a lower population should be worth less then one with more?
Do you think a state full of farmers should be worth less then a welfare state with thousands of illegals?
So you think that he would have won if it was a straight up popular contest
No, it's totally fucking rigged.
Hillary can't fill a cafeteria but she gets 50 million votes? Complete bullshit
Also no way 80% of niggers vote for a bitch
You think I'm stupid. You're so fucking cucked you rigged it but didn't give yourself the win.
>this click bait list
Fuck Slate. No one likes swing states and they don't even argue for swing states being a good thing. They just added it because four points isn't much of a list... and it has to be a list because it's a clickbait site.
>She "won" the popular vote despite being by far the worst presidential candidate of all time.
If Gary Johnson didn't run, most of his votes would have gone to Trump.
3rd party candidates shouldn't be allowed to run.
If anything, Jill Stein took away votes from Clinton. Jill Stein got 1.2 million votes, which is 5 times bigger than how much Clinton's current lead is.
>living in big cities
Fuck off, Frenchy.
the popular vote doesnt mean shit
Suddenly? I have always supported the Electoral College because I'm not a retard. I am actually well read on matters of politics and the founding literature of our nation.
Unlike you.
Sorry, but maybe if you want to win the presidency, liberals need to move into conservative states rather than staying buttoned up in their strongholds.
>What is the Constitution
>t. mountain jew
Guarantee that Trump pulls ahead in the popular vote after a few states have recounts
Helps when millions of fucking ILLEGALS vote ILLEGALLY.
>No one likes swing states
You are absolutely braindead. Swing states are the ones that decide what the major issues are that the country needs to deal with. They're the ones filled with people from both sides from vast walks of life.
Guess who the people were in those Midwestern swing states? They were workers, industrialists, and tradesmen/women that got fucked in the ass hardcore by liberal policies and had their healthcare stolen from them by Obamacare.
Good thing we're a republic and not a democracy, eh? :^)
those ads with spanish subtitles sure paid off
This is why the electoral college is actually beneficial.
Fuck the illegal spics and lefty faggots in the cities.
Illegals can vote?
I'm not a clairvoyant.
>100 million votes
>300 million citizens
>1 in 3 supposedly a voter
>1 in 6 a hillary supporter
>Hillary can't fill a school gym
Total bullshit fantasy numbers. Complete jewish trick. Fuck kikes, I'm going to kill them in the streets.
I live in Mendo county, and so many liberal tears are running through the streets, I can barely talk politics with people without them getting upset.
>Swing states are the ones that decide what the major issues are that the country needs to deal with.
That isn't an argument. There is absolutely no reason to keep the issues geographically confined. The issues are relevant everywhere. You are grasping at straws.