On a scale of 1 (Ultimatum) to 19 (Multiversity), how comic books is Metal?

On a scale of 1 (Ultimatum) to 19 (Multiversity), how comic books is Metal?

10 (Axis). Fun but kind of dumb.

Holy Diver/10 Metal

Eh, I'd put it closer to Blackest Night. Cool character designs, a decent concept and good artists but ultimately boring and shitty execution

I can see why everyone is pretty middle of the road about it, but for me 12 maybe 13. It's fun, has great and awful moments, but pssst-I don't mind the Batwank- also I legitimately like that THIS SHIT is their explanation of dark matter. Some of the best/worst issues of the year, a hilariously dumb premise, and strong implications about comicbook meta ("what if" books) It's definitely NOT on par with Multiversity, but if the last half can end strong enough it will be close.

>how comic books

Comics are a medium not a genre you fucking casual. Use actual words to ask your question, not shit attempts at meme speak.

Maybe I have shit taste but I like it. A 12-14 somewhere.

it not done yet

>how comic books is Metal?
always said this shit was strictly for casuals. And it only seems ever more apparent every time someone posts about it.

>how comic books is Metal?
what are you trying to say?

unfortunately, no. by the looks of it it's going to be releasing into the fucking spring.

proofread mah boy, proofread

to be fair casuals very regularly do the "that's so comic books" type of phraseology when silly or stupid shit crops up. You usually see it with silver and golden age panels.

It'd be like me telling you to proofread for using "mah".

Do you need a hug, user? Having a rough day?



IT's not so much "comic books" as it is just edge.

How long till it's over anyway?

not soon enough. I don't think six gets here until march or april.

I am, can I have that hug?


13, give or take a point.
It's a hell of a lot better than I expected it to be, and I'd really like the Omni when it comes out.

Edge has been a part of comic books since the early 80s. Arguably earlier.