Why does everyone who hates trump make it sound like he's gonna go around and slaughter all the gays,trannies, muslims, etc.? Do people really believe just cause the big mean white man got elected it's gonna be like the wild welts or some shit?
Why does everyone who hates trump make it sound like he's gonna go around and slaughter all the gays,trannies, muslims...
I have the same god damn question. Everyone on normie book is crying and "literally shaking" for LGBTQ. I can't find anything he said that would elicit crying and shaking
because the people who voted for trump are, overwhelmingly, more traditional then the fags.
who are gay and like sodomy.
people here are convinced he will start ww3. I try telling them no, but it's pointless, msm has done its job I guess.
People are just afraid. Trump has said a lot of stupid shit and he has the power and the congress to back up whatever he says. He's not gonna, though, because why would he? He's gonna try to please as many people as possible. He ain't touching gays or trannies, nor is he gonna change anything about abortions.
He doesn't actually believe strongly in any of the shit he says. He just said whatever got him more votes and that's why he's the winner.
>I can't find anything he said
They haven't listened to anything he's said. They've listened to what SALON AND HUFFPO have (((implied))) he said or fear mongered them into believing he would do.
This started with day one of his candidacy when they started the "he said ALL MEXICANS are racist!" accusation despite the transcript not having a generalization in it.
It's self-reinforced hysteria. And it's nobody's fault but their own that they are gullible enough to have accepted it.
because of mike pence
They're emotional irrational retards.
Because they know the mandate is there should he be inclined to answer the call.
I hope he does
maybe because he literally said he was going to ban muslims
i'd honestly believe it if someone told me most trump voters didn't pay attention to anything he said.
Because they're insane
Its whats been pumped into their tiny minds.
Because they don't have real arguments so they have to create strawmen instead.
He said he was going to ban them from entering the country, didn't he? Not the ones that were already there.
this is honestly my biggest reservation.
Illegals are illegals but stopping legal immigration of an entire religion based on fear is absurd and I think the US is better than that.
>maybe because he literally said he was going to ban muslims
That's pro-gay as fuck, though.
The left took trump literally but not seriously.
The right took trump seriously but not literally.
Its called persuasion, but you are too dense.to understand.
Well considering such a large part of the muslim world is 'at war' with Western Ideals and America it's no so unreasonable.
Were the Americans accepting germans and japs during WW2?
wishful thinking
The right took Trump literally in every sense. As in, hook line and sinker for every charged statement he made. You're a fucking moron!!!
Yeah, for the most part.
The left though just made up their own fantasy and ran with it. This is the result. They think they're all about to have the SS drag them into the street and execute them.
I just don't buy the at war thing. redpill me I suppose but I just think America should be this bastion of religious freedom so long as people abide by constitution and laws. Framing Islam as Nazi Germany and WWII nips is insane.
>I just don't buy the at war thing
You have been systematically blowing them up from fucking Pakistan to Syria.
They really did not appreciate that.
Not gonna lie, this Never Come Down song the mod's put up gives me goose bumps.
People have really been treating this election like it's the last war between the inflexible nasty old male gorillas who want to shut off the music at 9 and make you go to catholic school and the fun, happy, energetic, girly, gay, color party that just wants everyone to smile. At its core, the resistance to Trump that causes people to call him Hitler and accuse him of genociding all the gays is just a juvenile desire to privilege playtime over serious time, which is characteristic of the liberal viewpoint and the female mindset.
>Germans and Japanese were trying to murder Americans during WW2
>Muslims are trying to murder Americans in the present day
Not exactly hard to connect the dots there, is it?
Well Trump changed his tune slightly on the Islamic immigration point to ''Just restricting immigration of muslims from 'compromised' countries.
I.e Countries with heavy presence of islamic terrorism and support.
Do you have a problem with this?
This is what the liberal indoctrination they received in (((university))) taught them. If you're white, male, rich and have power, you are racist, bigoted and hate gays and trannies. Doesn't matter if you never actually say anything of the sort, you are automatically labeled as such.
The jews have really fucked up our generation. We fought for the wrong side in WW2.
This. It's the only reason why he chose Mike Pence. He had to secure the social-restraining Evangelical vote.
I have much less problem with this yeah. But I fear that his supporters aren't fully on board with the new tune.
>They think they're all about to have the SS drag them into the street and execute them.
People wouldn't think this if it wasn't what trump supporters constantly say they want
Our cup runneth over with liberal tears
>slaughter all the gays,trannies, muslims, etc.
I'm hoping Trump will somehow remove the supreme court ruling on fag marriage and just let the states decide. Won't happen tho.
I'm more concerned that should Trump go do good things and go down as a good president who fought for the common man that the widespread Islamophobic banning is going to become normalized and justified.
It's what Sup Forums on a bad day wants.
We're not Trump though and even we know it's a pipe dream, MAGA or not.
Idk but I'm not gonna take any chances. Make some room canada we're coming over.
> slaughter all the gays,trannies, muslims
if only...
I expect the first priority for the Republicans now will be reversing everything done under Obama. Even the thing they agree with, they can't allow a Democrat to claim the success. I expect a health care reform repeal act to pass at some point in 2017.
Trump himself doesn't really have any policies, just powerful rhetoric, so I would expect him to just reflect the party positions on most issues. The country will march on, there will be a brief battle (which republicans will win) over at least one supreme court nominee when the Republicans insist on appointing someone who has pledged to overturn Roe given half a chance, and Trump will say something embarassing every couple of months that will need a bit of diplomatic skill from his underlings to downplay. America may become a bit of a laughing stock for a time, but it'll still carry on running. Food will be on the table, television will keep on running, and the people will grumble as usual.
>Exactly this
Mudslimes hate gays and women.
emotional outbursts are par for the course for your political power being deflated
people also made all sorts of idiotic claims about Obama being President
Theee are those leftists and gays who think islam is a religion of """peace""".
When is Death Grips ominous rock music?
but seriously though, follow your leader, retard
part of me hopes pence makes forced gay conversion therapy a thing so you closet homos get tortured
What if Islam isn't a religion, but a political movement dressed up as one?
The thing is, Trump supports LGBT people. He has no problem with gay marriage. He's a lot more progressive on that issue than Hillary is.
>>slaughter all the gays,trannies, muslims, etc.
That sounds like something Muslims would do, so I'm not sure why liberals are against banning them from entering the country.
no one cares about your tin foil hat theory
Even you seem to at least deep down understand that right and wrong is a matter of who's holding the stick, with your threat there.
You really shouldn't have de-constructed objective morality.
Media fearmongering. They won't even get an angry note though just like when they encourage mass shootings.
Because hate crime rose up by crazy numbers in Britain after Brexit.
Also the Senate, House and Supreme Court are basically all Republican now, so you can bet your ass that it's very likely that some conservative laws and belief practices are going to pull through.
Just look at the behavior of Muslims in European countries. They work to get themselves and their fellow adherents into positions of power, trading favors and all kinds of dirty deals, they engage in block voting and electoral fraud. You don't see that in any other "religion".
Because that's the narrative the media has shoved down their throats for 14 months.
Do you really think they try to think any more than what the media tells them to? If they did, Hillary wouldn't have been close.
that's literally every group of politicians including ones with religion as common ground.
That's what they've been told for a year straight, now. Same with the European "far right".
I compare it with the Japs during WWII. The civvies were convinced that the Americans would rape and torture the lot of them, so on Okinawa a lot of people committed suicide. On the home islands, they were preparing the Ketsu Go defense, which basically meant every jap got a bamboo spear or something with which they were told to attack American soldiers.
The Japs could only believe this because they already knew their own soldiers were fucking atrocious, and they were held up as an example of virtue. It's the same with the left. They are the one who riot, who attack people, who assassinate politicians and support terrorists. And they think we are all worse than that.
Even here I had someone on whatsapp say that they're fearing for some cousin or another who is black and gay in America. But they wouldn't worry about that same person if they lived in a muslim neighbourhood here!
Because they are the stupid people. That is how you get where they are. Being stupid. Not a very interesting answer, but there it is.
You've got to understand that for a lot of the super crazy SJW's they're college aged so they've only had one president in office since they've given a shit about politics. And their president was a cool black guy.
Their whole world view is that old white guys are evil and Donald Trump is like what Peter Parker would have turned into if he had been bitten by a radioactive white guy instead of a radioactive spider.
When the world doesn't end and everyone isn't shuttled into death camps they'll calm down.
Or maybe they won't, maybe they'll go all Red Dawn and become freedom fighters...no, they're pussies, they'll just keep bitching but with new resolve.
you're retarded. People here knew Hillary threatened to start a war with Russia over Syria.