Tell us user, are you affraid to say something on social media today? Do you hide your powerlevel? have you lost any """"friend""""?
Tell us user, are you affraid to say something on social media today? Do you hide your powerlevel...
I dont partake of social media.
I did a little but kept it more neutral. I only reveal my full power level here.
Finished relations with 3 acquaintances due to their true colors.
Good change, it's beginning of new era. Make sure to note who is a SJW now because they all came out crying.
These are the people that would get you done, Snakes.
I agree with you there. SJW can be decent people, even making good friends occasionally.
But keep an eye on them, because if burning you lets them get ahead, they'll do it in a heartbeat
It's a violent cult mentality
Of course
Rubbed it in their face
you bunch of sperglord pussies.
I called all the people who are ended our relationship over this election just to laugh at them and hang up.
What's a SJW?
Nope, saved my power level till the last 10 days of the US election, then posted pro Trump, was funny seeing my friends list on fakebook slowly dip when doing say on a daily basis.
Nah check out my twitter @antnylopz
I swear to god I have no fucking decency anymore
I world where a satire website is taboo from the workplace is not a world I want to live in. Censorship is bullshit and only money pigs care about it.
all i said was "praise kek"
people will gather im happy from it
because every fucking person is posting about it
but won't understand my power level
Very nice centipede
top kek
It's fun to have your keks, but remember that if the Trumpening is to be permanent, we need to be gracious winners.
I took a huge risk by repeatedly stating that Trump will win by a clear margin - no one believed me. lets just say that as Old Nigel eloquently put: THEY ARE NOT LAUGHING NOW.
Everyone blew me off and called me retarded/racist. Now I can be ultra smug.
I memed like a motherfucker, almost felt like cumming on the butthurt comments
post butthurt fags
My family is in grief. Hard to hide power level when I'm weeping with joy.
I literally just said MAGA and nothing happend
yes. especially the hot girls on my social media friendslist are exclusively against trump due to mainstream media trash propaganda. Need to hide powerlevel in order to keep the pussy game stronk.
learn to talk back germany, is pussy really worth that much?
My power level is so high I convinced my history class that concentration camps are a viable option
I don't have to say anything. We won.
I'm just bathing in the tears. It's a glorious day.
Feels pretty fucking good living in a country where you can freely express Trump support and most people would probably side with you.
>those trips
Normies don't know what MAGA means.
Mine's not that high, but I made sure to explain the German revolution and the events leading up to WW2
And then I mentioned how the number of people who actually died while being in concentration is greatly exaggerated.
How? Why? If you look at who was at Clinton HQ on tv and who was at Trump HQ last night, ALLLL of the cuties were with Trump.