I have been waiting all day to post this message to you all.
I am so, so proud and elated for all of us, but especially for you lot in the US. It was an uphill battle every step of the way, but Trump fucking won with a landslide.
They smeared him, they dug deep for shit, and when they hit the stony bedrock, they lied and misquoted shamelessly. They did everything in their power to bring down Trump, and he wiped the floor with them. I don't know how much the alt-right contributed to the victory, but I do know that the work of the collective community and a little sprinkling of meme magic help to win the day.
We've said fuck you to the SJW's, the numales, the bluepilled retards who don't care to looked beyond the headline of a Huffington Post article, and the parroted cliched opinions for social capital. We've said fuck you to the condescending celebrities who espouse the "correct opinions" because they know which way their bread is buttered; Lena Dunham, with all the womanly curves of a jacket potato, George Clooney and his smug half-squint, Hillary and her "Tales From The Crypt" face, and to that cunt John Oliver, to name a few.
As a britbong, I hate John Oliver; his rat-teeth, slouched posture, lack of chin. He is the Seth MacFarlane caricature of a British person, and for that I'd gladly volunteer to clean up our gene pool by beating him to death with a teaspoon.
As for the future, there are many battles to fight ahead; keeping the electoral college in check so they don't mutiny, the open goal for Front Nationale in France this coming spring, and more. This place should be a forum for discussion and planning for these future events. We've already started to get a few keen individuals on here, and many will follow in their wake.
Let the dust settle, have a drink and celebrate.
We've won this battle.