Why do libshits think Trump will go door to door and lynch black people and gays? Why does everyone keep saying they will lose gay rights?
What's happened to these people to make them so fucking blind, emotional and overreacting?
Why do libshits think Trump will go door to door and lynch black people and gays? Why does everyone keep saying they will lose gay rights?
What's happened to these people to make them so fucking blind, emotional and overreacting?
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Because he's a angry stupid racist
Because those people have been taught that their opinions are fact and that their moral high ground is massive and the idea that reality is so blatantly disagreeing with them is causing such mental strain that they're cracking.
Because they're stupid
Because they're women.
well said based user.
>Why do libshits think Trump will go door to door and lynch black people and gays?
I would say most don't.
A conservative SC nomination MIGHT over rule previous rulings. Happened before.
>What's happened to these people to make them so fucking blind, emotional and overreacting?
There were Sup Forumsfags threatening civil war.
It goes both ways: why do Sup Forums think this election will actually change anything or suddenly eradicate the feminists/BLM activists/whatever they consider to be cancer
Labels and fear are the soyrce of their power. Its not grounded in anything reasonable. If a whole nation is in prozac its actually a great plan, emotional instability being a sure bet
because he said he would ban muslims and build a big fucking wall to keep mexicans out
>he didn't mean that literally!
neither do the crying dems mean what they're saying literally, they just think trump will be a really, really bad president who will set back civil rights, the economy, and foreign relations.
He also represents a hidden portion of the voting population that is apparently OK with someone who acts blatantly racist, sexist, and crude in public being the face of America.
Who taught them? Schools? Twatter?
Personally I think social media had a big impact in this.
It's all hyperbole and they want to be victims.
>You get whatever you want if everyone sympathizes with you
>Why do people have this strawman opinion?
>Why is politics so polarized these days?
Because they're libshits and anyone who doesn't agree with them are literally Hitler.
Social media is a huge factor and I'd wager schools / colleges.
Muslims in general hate gays, they should be happy.
Illegal immigrants*
Jewish cultural infiltration going back to about 1920 and culminating in 90s television, film, and music coupled with public school indoctrination.
Same reason conservacucks thought Hillary would start WW3.
People are retarded.
The media pounded it into their dull, soft little heads for months that he is literally shitler and will destroy the world.
It does. Social media creates echo chambers. You thumbs up what you like and only see what you thumbs up. Disagreements are shut down.
Trump is the reality check.
So do schools not teach to inform yourself and reach logical conclusions anymore or what?
Is homeschooling the only uncucked option nowadays?
It's like this:
You win some, you lose some.
You lost. You all lost.
didn't you get the memo?
All white males are now de facto members of the Trump Gestapo and will be expected to monitor niggers and jews, and report any degeneracy.
(((Frankfurt School))) new Left (Communist heritage, derived from Karl Marx theories; this is ENTIRELY searchable with quotes from thinkers) (((subversion tactics)))
they want to have Identity Politics separating Whites from other Whites (and nonwhites warring against them), just as WW2 was a fratricidal war amongst European Races
little did they know that the JACK DONOVANs of America are tired of muslim terror and male feminism castrating the populace's youth
>What's happened to these people to make them so fucking blind, emotional and overreacting?
they can't into History and how homosexuality already is a part of the natural world (and blacks not building the same societal structures as whites, Wikipedia "Black Anarchism" (black peoples try to intellectually free themselves from white concepts), "Black Separatism" etc)
they won't get sumadat (((Correct The Record)))s paid-per-post Monies ... OR any Cheesey Pizza at Ping Pong Parties, no mo'
Because they are retards who only follow politics on sites like (((Salon))) and (((Huffington Post))) and have no touch with reality
Libs don't think that. There worried he'll crash the economy and honest working people will lose there 401ks. Hopefully it recovers.
The real question is how the fuck do we finally end the cancer of Marxism once and for all?
>Why does everyone keep saying they will lose gay rights?
nothing is "lost"
since Gay Rights is a leftist sham and 'Equality' a lie from any Traditional/Rightist viewpoint
School teaches history and the values of our Society like it's some linear Arrow. Whatever was in our yesterday is wrong and have no place anymore. It Will not and CANNOT go back. Now is right, yesterday is wrong.
And this is just wrong. Globalization can be thrown away, degeneracy can be frowned upon again. We can rebuilt on top of values that seemed Lost and this is Alien to them.
Trump had 40% of the female vote.
How will libs respond?
>sweden using cuck as an insult
you can't make this shit up
Is it a cuck is it a plane no it's Captain Sweden well ok it's still a cuck.
they'll be grabbed by the pussy...
... into jail :^)
Yeah, what's Trump going to do? Turn to Peter Thiel and Ben Carson and say "Hey guys, turns out we need to get on this. Put it on the list." to which they say "Sure Donald?"
They've got no idea what the world actually is outside their heads, and inside their heads is a fucked up place.
>How will libs respond?
*real, serious answer tho:
they will just move the goalposts, since they now have even MORE law-and-order "A fucking White Male" hierarchical societal structures to liberate themselves from
the diehard libs will have a more intensive of a liberal battle the coming 4 years
Tá falando merda, macaco
My gay friend thinks that because the Republicans have Congress and the Presidency that "A lot of the rights advances of the last decade will be undone." I think he's full of shit but even if I don't think there's a chance of that happening I can appreciate his concerns.
Sweden im pretty sure akmed is fucking yoir wife
>to make them so fucking blind, emotional and overreacting
They've been like this since the beginning though
How long until they argue themselves into a corner and everyone they once supported is now on the 'raycis mysoggynees' list?
What's the difference
My wife immigrated illegally with her family to America at the age of six. She voted Donald J. Trump, the man who will fix Mexico by crippling cartels and ending NAFTA
There once were a group of "libtards". This was not a group of smart people. The end.
Don't pretend you can even read it.
sounds like somebody is projecting
What's the solution to this social decay? Deus Vult?
Good point
Oh boy, back to the Jewposting
kek wills it lmao
that'll be our upcoming comedy geld on this board
Eu posso ler, macaco.
E por isso eu afirmo que vc disse merda.
Vc é motivo de chacota aqui
I thought last year that it would have happened by now but they seem to somehow stick together somewhat.
so we cant go door to door and hang niggers and gays?
>Why do libshits think Trump will go door to door and lynch black people and gays? Why does everyone keep saying they will lose gay rights?
because CNN says so.
It's a mix of people who want to be victims and those who are genuinely mentally ill congregating to tell each other ghost stories about the evil boogeyman until they all believe the ghost stories because feeling oppressed is more important than reality.
Let them all move to Canada or you could ask them why they chose Canada over Mexico.
id rather be less peaceful
They think we are all Ben Garrison for some reason
Nah stormfront
No one likes you once again
Based USA
>not knowing that was the plan all along.
Get over there Sup Forumsro He's getting us black and tan uniforms to do it in. Shit's gone be cash
Fuck off nicky crane
Populist nationalism has nothing to do with race other than the all inclusiveness of every race.... every man who earns his living.