pol will refute this.
fucking white men keep getting away with this
pol will refute this.
fucking white men keep getting away with this
Man... I can't. I think I might go out and rape.
>Rape and sexual assault allegations are about ruining men
Really says all that needs to be said. They aren't for justice, they are for bringing men down wether they are guilty or not
>men rape women because they don't get punished
>women don't report rape because the men don't get punished
When women claim that it does ruin a mans career even if it's not true
serious question: are these people fucking retarded?
I can almost guarantee you that both of these people have a positive opinion of Bill Clinton.
tell me again how being involved in a child sex trafficking business and receiving money from countries that slaughter women for revealing their face makes you progressive.
>Liberals mad false rape allegations didn't stop a man from defeating a woman at becoming president
Liberals here are considered as idiots. Dont listen to them, just ignore and move on.
There is no point to argue with them.
women can never be sexist, don't you know how the patriarchy works?
because secretly women like being objectified
actually, its not much of a secret
Funniest shit, the women that made the false rape accusations withdrew them two days ago.
Becuase it was really really important until polling day.
>boo hoo we can't ruin a man's life with baseless accusations, us women are truly powerless
Oh man she's right one outlier disproves the body of evidence.
How are they this retarded?
it only ruins the career of the weak beta males. if you are strong its just stick and stones.
that swimmer dude is not allowed to swim anymore
>accusing someone of something should be enough to ruin his career
These women have called wolf for too fucking long. No one believes their bullshit any more. All liberal buzzwords and false accusations are done for.
>make false rape accusations
>cant be charged because it would deter women from reporting real rapes
i guess no one loses, huh
because accusations arent convictions
it's almost as if he's innocent until proven guilty
ask bill how he made it this far
she's right - bill is still fine even though he raped over 20 women. accusations don't hurt women either because the woman who tried to intimidate his victims almost won presidency.
>I can ruin people's careers by accusing them of shit they didnt do
>be woman
>some rich man wants to grab my pussy
>allow him because i can get material wealth for it
>sometime later
>fellow vaginas start shitthrowing the man i willingly allowed to grope me
>revoke groping permit i gave him years ago and call rape/assault
why are women allowed to have opinions and vote
Because you have to be convicted, you delusional cow.
You can be taken to civil court over looking at someone funny: honestly if any accusations where meritorious, then it would have been taken to criminal court and the media would absolutely have torn him to shreds. He may have done it, but the timing and significance of character assassination, plus the lack of resolute proof, cleared his name
This ugly bitch actually raped me in an airplane bathroom 16 years ago. I've been to ashamed to say anything until now, I just felt so dirty.
Okay, ruin her career and toss her in jail now.
the claims were dismissed only because the entire American (and some international) mainstream media machine was working overtime to do a smear campaign in the last weeks of an election
It simply wasn't credible that these claims only came out at this exact moment of time
Trump is a rich man if they wanted to sue him or ruin his name they could have done so a long time ago
Can't fool Britain
>rape and sexual accusations
Try convictions. Everybody knows women lie all the time on accusations
Trump could make it through because all the voters had had enough and knew the accusers were full of shit. In short, things are different, or at least hopefully they will be
Why should accusations ruin anyone's career? They often do, but they shouldn't. By the way, this bitch raped me.
>fucking white men
Stop picking on minorities you bigot.
I can't stop cumming from all the tears. It's like the fountain of youth. I feel so much younger
You guys gotta give it to her... She gave the white man the template for it.
You go fucking attack mode on these accusations.
You take them head on until they run out of their fake energy, your real righteous energy will carry you forward.
those are two big recent ones
The thing about "accusations" is we will want "PROOFS" shortly after, or else "accusations" will be FUCKING DISMISSED YOU WILLY NONSENSICAL CUNT.
Fuck man. Logic is completely lost on folks.
You also need to be a litearl billionaire to fund eternal lawyers who will charge you hundreds of thousands to defend yourself.
You then need more millions to hire lawyers to sue media companies for defamation and libel, as well as random people who speak in the media or other public areas.
This will be incredibley costly for any person, and is out of reach for 99% of the population.
Fuck I hate vindictive women, for real
>accusations without evidence SHOULD ruin a man's career
God bless you based fuckers for taking the country away from headcases like this.
Lets blame the evil white men.
piss off!
People realize baseless accusations don't mean shit.
Oh right, women believe all it takes is to accuse a man of rape to make him guilty. Show me some proof and we'll talk. Accusations are nothing without proof. Not a single one of those women are the least bit credible.
On another note, when are we going to make a law against false rape accusations? This shit keeps happening and when it's found the women are full of shit nothing happens to them.
>accusations should ruin a person's life
They really don't think this through do they