Is yurop accepting american refugees?
I want out
Is yurop accepting american refugees?
I want out
Same. I can't below we just elected a failure of a businessman as president.
No, fuck off to canada stupid cuck.
I'm too poor to immigrate.
Sweden please sponsor my immigration! I have brown skin!
>I want out
Kill yourself.
But you'll probably fail at that, because you're a failure.
Fuck off to Mexico
>"man trump is such a racist asshole"
>im moving to canada
>not to mexico though fuck beaners
Implying anyone in Europe want some libtards
We are already full of them importing shitskins, we don't need more
Good riddance, we don't want you cucks.
Sure not every business of his is successful, but a master has failed more than the apprentice has even tried.
Believe in America, you cucks.
Trump hasn't succeeded many times lel.
remember Trump Steaks?
deliciously bad
Come to Canada.
Let's get all the cucks in one place so Trump knows where to send the nukes.
Why don't you come down here to Mexico? What's wrong with us? You're not like that racist Trump, are you? ;)
>a failure of a businessman
You do know he is a billionare right? And he didn't start out as a billionare.
>implying i give a fuck about identity politics
make the bed in the spare room juan
Pretty sure Canada is on his list anyways
you are always welcomed to Sweden unless you are a racist trump voter
>implying libtards have money to live in another country without ever having a job
Gtfo, we have enough liberal faggots here
We're full.
>libruls crying about racist Trump
>not a single one wants to emigrate to Mexico, they all want to move to even-whiter Canada
can't make that up.
I want in
No stay where you are you amerifat
>Not voted Trump
>Wants muh Europe
I'll believe when he shows fucking tax returns.
No fuck of we are full
random question: silent majority was for trump right? even though hillary clinton had the popular vote?
Yes, Europe is accepting leftist refugees. So get the fuck out!
Because they speak English and want to move to a English speaking country?
is USA accepting german refugees i want out
Dra åt helvete ut ut mitt land flytta till Afrika dra.
Why every liberal cuck in america thinks the sky is falling?
In israel we have a trump-like person in power for 10 years and everything is fine... well every year of his reign the economy has been declining... hmm.. hey legal weed in 4 more states! :)
Put that gun away Cyrus
Come here ameribro. We have happenings almost everyday and have fun as long as we keep the distance with shitskins
No. Try somalia
Yeah sure come in
>hey legal weed in 4 more states! :)
I just found out on reddit that Germany is accepting anyone who has relatives that fled Nazi Germany.
>all burger trump haters leave america for europe
>all euro trump lovers leave europe for america
What would happen?
Depends are you muslim
Maybe you can be exchange refugees with OP.
America would become the greatest nation on earth again while Europe continues to devolve into a liberal shithole.
Fuck off, we're full
Avoid slav countries, we don't want any dirty commies in here fagget
Fuck of cheese nigger
I'll glady swap with you.
If you are educated and not a gun-totting idiot.
No. Americans are seen as retards. Especially today. Sorry, your stereotype is too stronge.
Are you black enough to pass as Syrian?
I want you scum even less than the refugees.
Just fuck off to Canada.
>muslims fleeing from gibmedat germoney
Sure... unless you're an arab/muslim/gay, because then dresy might fuck you up.
Why are you so racist and culturally insensitive towards other languages user? Shame on you!
Yes, we're open to take Americans. All we ask is that you're not a young unemployable liberal under the age of 30.
why did u leave finmark out?
>I'll glady swap with you.
Really? Why?
Romania seems great.
And Killary couldn't even give her husband a proper BJ, just sayn.
not my oc
fucking idiot cunt. i bet your mom regrets not having had an abortion.
What about relatives that fled East Germany?
Europe reaches Africa levels of AIDS by 2030.
Go to fucking Somalia fgt
Haha, fat chance.
Fuck off we are full
Go to germany and claim that youre mexican intellectual
trump is going to destroy america and it will be glorious
not even mexicans like Mexico, Juancito.
Please fucking leave, we don't want you here anyways