You have to go back
I'm not sure whether you should be thankful or not, Johnny.
Sure it's good to make them sad, but if they get angry, they might blow up and trust me you don't want that to happen.
Muslims are the least fun people there have ever been.
God, seeing sad muslims gets me so hard.
Fucking genocide all of them already.
I'll help.
Jesus they're even uglier when they're miserable, you'd think they would have learned to own it by now
>tfw you have to go back
>and you're originally from Rapeistan
Fuck having borders and law and shit
I apologize that she still hasn't bullet in her fucking head
its worth just two "fuck off"
Go back to ur sand
I don't think there are thousand different synonyms for ugly.
>picture of Muslim woman looking miserable
What is literally every candid picture of Muslim women ever.
Let her go back to a muslim country if she's not happy.
Damn, can't tell where she's from.
yeah maybe leave that religious cult
Oh no she's upset, burn the consitution!
>when the c4 doesnt detonate
Does "ha" count as a word?
This. There is no joy.
>picture is worth 1,000 words
muh dick x 500
She just remembered now that the election party is over she has to get her ass back home.
oh no .5% of americans want something, fuck the voters!
attacks like this will further galvanize trumps base and bring more people over to his side
>Absolutely haram
Cute redhead in the back. I'd date her.
^-this. We should kill their men and enslave + rape their women tbqh. Go biblical on their asses.
>her smile and optimism gone
time to go home, Fatima! why would you want to stay around such Islamophobic brutes anyway? ;^)
each of those words is "HA"
Indian fag here. Love seeing mudslimes upset.
You better fucking get out of our white countries or i swear I will be the greatest bacon thrower you'll ever see.
We never have to apologize again. We won brothers. This is our time.
shut up with your outdated memes you slav garbage
Laugh my ass off
They sure would.
But they galvanize the opposite side even more.
Even though it was not said well, your prime fuckbuddy had a point with his "hurr durr when u kill ur enema, they win" : muslims glorify martyrdom to such an extent, anyone who dies in a suicide attack is an instant hero and makes everybody arround radicalize furether.
thanks for all the mystic rituals pham
Why is she upset? Is it because tumblr told her that trump was going to send her back to whatever slime land she didn't even come from? Shut the fuck up. YOU AREN'T GOING TO GET DEPORTED OR ANYTHING SHUT THE FUCK UP! ONLY REASON WHY YOU ARE UPSET IS BECAUSE YOU REALLY WANTED TO SEE THAT ISIS FLAG ON THE WHITE HOUSE DIDNT YOU?
Muslims, GO HOME!
Good Bye Fatima
But please don't comme back to France
Thanks for incenses. Based Buddha.
Can you send us some sikhs to clean our kebab areas?
For what?
You're outta here shitskin, dune coon, mudslime, hijabi cunt, terrorist, faggot, LOSER.
Sorry you wasted your time. See ya later.
It's only worth one word:
I'm sorry you have the face of an Easter Island head and the stench goat shit.
I have no idea what he's saying so that picture is worth 0 words.
>when you forget to set when the bomb goes off
id rather they stay here so we can burn them alive
top kek
lel that nose
She looks like fucking Jonah Hill
Meh I'd still bang her
How terrible that someone who wants me stoned to death is upset.
I fucking love that photo.
Some invading bitch butthurt that Actual Americans are pushing back.
Go blow up somewhere else, sandnigger
Makes me happy. send them back. Rid us of this cancerous religion.
This is great
I didnt know you got transgender Muslims
Yes, you do. It will only make them that much easier to kick out or get rid of.
quality shitpost friend
rebbit tier meme
huh... apparently it's only worth 5
Did she fart?
Yeah, another person who has fuck all interest in being American and does not give a single flying fuck for your nation and culture is living right there and able to vote. Well done Libtards.
Top kek dude
Huma has turned to shit since Clinton kicked her out of CTR
Next time I see a Muslim woman I'm ripping that stupid scarf off her head.
you dont like it here?
go back...
oh god superKEK
Well they do hate everything so yeah.