I'm gonna lose my healthcare under the ACA and probably die due to my chronic condition. Thanks, Trump!
I'm gonna lose my healthcare under the ACA and probably die due to my chronic condition. Thanks, Trump!
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Repeal and replace, he's not just getting rid of health care
replace with what
No you won't.
He's going to fix the system. Four years from now you're going to be saying.... President Trump, you've got to stop it, we're so tired of winning all the time.
>wahhhh whos gunna take care of me!
Good, i hope you die you weak pussy.
He'll fix it. But, if for some reason the libs fuck that up to, at least we won't have to deal with your weakness. Hopefully you don't have any weak children that I'll have to pay for, either.
The weak have to die MAGA
He hasn't specified and he never will. That has pretty much been an ongoing theme of his campaign. But anons here will just blindly reassure you that you are wrong.
It's not the tax payers burden to keep you alive fuck off and die you're a genetic failure.
No one was using that shit. Premiums shot up like 500% you stupid shill lmao.
Conservatives told you retards that it would fail.
im quite aware
i just want them to say it
What an utter failure, and a total faggot you are.
You are only alive through the theft of other people's labor and livelihood.
Death is a better condition for you.
Lata bitch
The unaffordable affordable care act was and is a mistake.
Start by opening borders for healthcare providers. Get rid of the monoplized healthcare in the states creating a competitive atmosphere so prices go down and become affordable on their own.
Move to Canada or another 1st world country.
I also have a condition and Obamacare has been killing me financially. Trump says he will fix it. I believe him.
Only if you let grandpas and grandmas across the nation die in the streets first
single payer or bust
fucking useless sick fatty
>>You are only alive through the theft of other people's labor and livelihood.
t. (((((mises))))
>free baby market
>lol just let the kid starve
These. I have a chronic condition as well. Thankfully I have a very easy job and understanding bosses, but I've also decided never to have kids.
I recognize I'm an unlucky genetic failure and refuse to infect the rest of the human race with this shit.
Don't fucking have kids OP. Do what part you're capable of.
well just stop being poor then
If he does repeal it, then I'll lose my plan as well. That said, Obamacare in its current form is an unsustainable mess. May as well bite the bullet and fix it now rather than later.
bye bitch
competition doesnt lower prices
I'm so happy I live in a country with a health care system.
It might not be optimal, but we don't let people die because life fucked them over.
Someone working 60 hours a week, in America, in a factory, with a wife and two dependants, can get a sickness, lose their job, lose their insurance, and die broke with no family.
only in russia
Yes it dose.
In a closed border state you have maybe 3 companies that compete and then they set a standard and slowly go up but when there are no borders then places with lower costs will see a boom in people and then the other companies have to lower to meet that cost.
Supply and demand basically.
bye defective fucker
it's been horrible having you around
What? that's economics 101? You want more customers than your competitor so you cut your prices a little to have that edge and it becomes a price war
>not strong enought to live
It's that simple!
you'll get on medicaid dont worry youll be parsitic for years to come.
Fuck off boogie2988
Have fun!
Before the rest of you die out, I would actually love to meet one of you special snowflakes who doesn't have a "condition".
Maybe, if welfare state hadn't somewhat halted evolution, we wouldn't have the pleasure of your whining.
At least something funny, if not good, has come out from thieving governments.
For competition to lower prices (or indeed to seriously exist) customers need reasonable choice.
The sick are usually a captive market who can't really make a fair choice.
>mfw individual mandate was a conservative idea in the 90s
>mfw libtards infought themselves out of single payer and public option to enact a 25 year old plan
>mfw it failed
I got injured at work dumbass
You better go and take some republicans with you.
You got nothing to loose.
Tell the others. Its die quit and alone or share your pain.
Your dead any ways. Your dacrefice will make the world a better place.
same. Obamacare is only a good thing for useless people, I cant afford the hundreds a month they want from me.
How can the libs fuck up anything when they have no power now?
Gonna cry? Fuckin fag
is that really so? it seems to me that aside from newborn babies, the majority of patients are in a position to choose which clinic they get treated at.
>tfw fit and healthy but get chronic disease out of the blue
>tfw see others with your disease who have it way worse than you
>tfw always thinking about killing yourself before you reach those levels
>tfw knowing your family would not understand
Top kek, this one really got me
survival of the fittest
Maybe you should stop being subhuman.
Then your work should cover you under OSHA standards unless you were not a employee there or don't meet their standards.
Unless you didn't tell them and just assumed you have to do it yourself or waved it.
my gf has a lot of medical issues and obama care was actually taking care of her. most insurances won't take her onto the plan because too much money.
this actually sucks desu. i hope he replaces it with something good because there really wasn't anything wrong with what we had...
Think of it this way, you're giving up your life for the greatness of america. RIP sickbro.
Do you guys think they will keep the under 26 rule for staying in your parents' plan? I kind of rely on that.