Knowledge Bomb. Obama might have deserved that Nobel Peace Prize afterall

Hillary didn't get in.

thanks for your service through this election user

So what happens with Obama now


So now what?

If 4plebs wasn't down right now, I would be urging people to dig into my threads & look at the big picture of all the information.

Now keep in mind, I've talked about many things besides this Election & its results.

I'll keep making threads when I can.

Also we still have a road ahead of us, and it needs to be repaved/paved and a Wall needs to be built.

How will the Clinton foundation investigation proceed do you think?

If he can make the last months smooth & kick Hillary to the curve even more, He can have a rough but intact legacy.

I don't just drop the knowledge, I can drop some banter aswell.

Do you think the elites will face time for what they have done?

It's not over, whats next anon5?

The drama...yes...yes let it happen!

ANON5, this was too easy.
What's the catch?

The Globalists fucked themselves.

They supported a women who has a history of backstabbing/destroying things.(Which means she would eventually bite the hand that feeds her)

They also doubled down so hard that it screwed themselves and exposed them.

Globalists inorder to do what they do and work with what they have to work with(systems, etc) they have to be smart.

Its quite clear that the globalists who backed Hillary were not the smartest, but definitely were crazy.

Soros group profits/takes advantage of chaos. Female Globalist groups want to destroy the Western Patriarchy.

Mix them together and you have the cocktail of what was backing Hillary.


The next step in saving the West, is breaking the EU up & defeating feminism.

Easy? Sortof.

The real Reality can break the fake reality if enough people wake up to it.

SJW groups are flipping the fuck out, but they will settle down and take a nap after there tempter tantrums are over.

WB A5,

think the globalists will try to tank the western economy/market before Jan 20?

Hillary indictment during obama term to save face? or will we be waiting.

1)What can Hillary do right now?(run or suicide by Soros)

2)Soros/globalist's reaction and plans? Will they try do do something or lay low and full panic mode?

3)How closeare we to the public reveal of all conspiracies including "pizza/pedowood" ?

4)Lady Gaga is protesting. Is she guilty of pedo stuff?

So the threads involving the pedo stuff show that the true depth of this is larger than even we may currently suspect, will it all come crumbling down or will they pin this soley on clinton & co? (what a wild ride)

Is the White Dragon Society involved in this election? Or they totally washed their hands off as per agreement with the Rothschild?

What? You're still here?

We were hoping you'd leave after the election and lurk amid the shadows.

I've been right this whole time because my information/sources about every single thing has been correct.

Not my fault if people don't want to listen.

1) More then likely run to somewhere. Shes got a avalanche of corruption following her around.

2) Shock/acceptance, but remember all the other things I've talked about.

3) Keep up the good work on it.

4) Very, As I said before all Celebs that support Hillary were into it.

1) Remember what happened in Britain. Fear made things drop, and then things started to rise up quickly.

2) That all depends on Obama, but Trump will certainly focus on it.

Its already crumbling down.

But I'm telling you guys..... Hollywood is a big center of it. Don't focus on the Politicians(DC) solely.

Celebs brainwash the public, if you expose the Celebs , the Public wakes up.

Operation Hornets Nest when?
Any clues on its new name or any tips on finding this place?

Don't really know.

Course I'm still here.

But that doesn't mean I won't lurk around.

So Clinton in her concession speech just mentioned something about

>secret private facebook sites

What in the what, A5?

High 5 Anon5! It is a better day!

The feminized are showing their hypocrisy today and I imagine for a while to come. Once the tantrum is over, how can we begin to undue the brainwashing and bring them back to reality so they can be net contributors to society rather than net drains?

Reminds me of LOTR Two Towers when Gandalf exorcises Saruman from King Theodin.

Perhaps we will get some legitimate help on the pedo stuff from the FBI going forward.

What's your take on where the Clinton Foundation investigation goes from here? Criminal is criminal but I do see the potential for the perceived witch hunt hurting resolve.

Thank you for your dedication and to help keep spirits high when things were looking their darkest.

Who are you really?

Woooooaaah any more info on this amazing leak you have once again provided us?

So, tell us.
How have you avoid "suicide"?

In your opinion, will we see terrorist cells exposed and arrested here in the US? The ones responsible for all of the "gas leaks"?

For things like that its hard nailing down a timeframe for various reasons.

But it definitely exists, Meccas been a big target for a long time.

I'm sure they just talk about Pizza on them.......

The Hollywood pedo shit makes sense to me, for the past 50 or so years it's been glorified for teens to run away to hollywood and try to become famous, most would fail and do what ever they could to "salvage" the situation or just seem to disapear.

So with the SJW types, the frontal labe damage makes them more sensitive to Neuro-Linguistic Programing I'm guessing?

With the new administration in place they'll hopefully reopen it quickly and assign agents to it who haven't worked on it before and have been screened to ensure they don't have ties with the Clintons

back to the cage in the zoo i guess

bitch please. is this a threat or are you a retard?

There was some private pantsuit Facebook group you had to be invited to join

Shillary BTFO

sup fellow redditors

Will Saudi Arabia revenge unleashing ISIS on us? They failed the carrot, they are left only with the stick

I told you guys yesterday who would win(it was quite clear if you saw through Hillary's artificial ballooning).......and in previous knowledge bombs I've told you about a wide array of stuff.

Merely someone trying to get information out.

1) EU needs to be broken up first, and then we can tackle feminism much better.

2) The CF has alot of eyes on it now.


Also I don't know how much my info has spread.

How much information from these various ivestigations will the FBI release?
Full disclosure or just enough to justify charges?

Its possible.

1) Hollywood is also related to eachother if you get what I mean(Swingers, bi-products of Child sex rings being raised in the Truman Show)

2) Yes, especially the females.

They already have(long before the election)....... have you not been keeping track of the networks around the US & EU?


That I do not know, but what I do know is that the FBI isn't the only group involved.

1. Do you agree that Obama can use Clinton as scapegoat for his failed presidency if he plays his cards right?
2. How much were the poll results rigged?
After Podesta made a speech to the public to wait for further results. You could see that the prior 99% counted state Philadelphia changed to 89%.
After 15 min they backed from rigging the results further.
3. To yesterdays topic about human farms. Am I right to assume that some pharmaceutical companies operate these human farms?
4. Do the clones have the same cognitive skills such as humans or more like potatos?


Western Women & "Weaponized Wombs" have done more damage to the West then Islam.

Which is extremely interesting if you consider Western Women is so out of control that Islam is going in to try to balance it out.

what would be a good starting point to start research into hollywood? its history, certain individuals/studios, ??

>They already have
This is obvious, but a network can be used as a menace.
I'm wondering if they'll activate it at the maximum level to say to west "buy our oil or face chaos"

Ok so now it goes back to EU
Governments of EU countries now will try to fasten the processes associated with ISIS right('cause of USA elections results)?
Targets will be London, Rome(?) , Paris , Germany , Belgium, Sweden (or will SWE act just as home for ISIS so not much shit will go down there?)

I'm not.

1) I do agree & there is alot of evidence that she did make him fail. He could have did a decent job if she was never involved.

2) Some democratic strongholds had rigging/fraud but that was a given.

3) Yes

4) Same.

Hey knowledgeable bro!
So tell me about world's plan now.. Still trying to start ww3 and such?

1)Is the queen of England a globalist(good or evil) or just a queen? If so, how much is she aware/controls?

2)Any chance the globalists won't use a crazed sjw to kill Trump? Even without the globalists, there can still be a socially engineered liberal mad enough to shoot Trump on his own? Should we worry?

3)How panicked are the corrupt guys in DC? Can we expect many US politicians and celebrities "leaving the US" ?

Ive noticed that in "black america" the male/female dynamics are nowhere near as bad/feminized.

Is this because of black male america's refusal to concede to any form of feminism? (rappers can still literally call women whatever the fuck bitch hoe etc)
Kind of like how you said islam would balance out femenism in europe

You are on to something, I will say that. But the Election had nothing to do with it. Gears have been in motion for a while now.

Sweden is literally turning into a Safehouse for ISIS.

I did say Mosul would be a trap/ambush.

I also said that ISIS is not "losing" the middle east, they are merely relocating there forces around to the enemies doorsteps.

aight, so can you talk about what you know on DMT now?

You say celebrities are involved in Pedo rings but what level of celebrities? Mid list celebrities? Low list celebrities? YouTube and online celebrities?

Same question for how related celebrities are.

I am sorry.. Soros's not worlds. Autocorrect