I'm confused

Why are liberals already breaking down saying their lives are over and years of "progress" have been destroyed? They are all protesting and crying without Trump even entering office. How the fuck are their lives affected exactly?
Also Trump clearly says he is willingly to work with those he disagrees so they can reach a common ground but I guess they are too dense to acknowledge that.

Other urls found in this thread:


they only care that he hurt their feelings. I may not have voted for him (I don't like bullies) but people didnt care about that kind of stuff. The president has no real power anyway but a lot of the libs dont really realize that

>literally man-babies

What did you expect?

They ate lies from the media.

Trump isn't really big on lifestyle and things like that. His platform was focused on:
But media spewed the poison about him being next Hitler and confirmation bias made those people think it's true.

Trump was called "not true conservative" during the primaries for this very reason.

>no power

back to HS with you bud.

In all likelyhood the already racist/homophobic people in america are going to confront minorities more in public and harass them because Trump won.

But people are acting like this is the day after 9/11

Because they're pathetic tantrum babies who operate on emotion and feelings rather than logic and reasoning.

The media has brainwashed the manchildren millennials into believing that not getting what you want means it's literally the end of the world.

Republicans currently control the senate, house, and White House, so if they worked together they could get a lot done. I'm not saying they will since conservatives are a bit fractured right now, but if they did the president could do a lot since basically his biggest tool is the power of veto.

CNN and HuffPo didn't tell them Trump was willing to find common ground.

Because what they see as progress is forcing liberal indoctrination on people. They don't want real progress they want domination and submission.

Same thing that happened with Brexit.
It's the r/K selection theory. They see this as a threat, they lose their shit, they spazz out, because they simply don't understand what's going on.
It's like if you have a rabbit in a cage and you decide to put the cage somewhere else. The rabbit freaks out, has no idea what's going on. To it it's his world being literally shaken. Then you put the cage somewhere else and they go back to eating grass and fucking.

We saw the same exact thing with Brexit. They freaked out for no reason whatsoever. A month later they don't even care.
A month or two passes
>Yeee, Pokemon GO was released! So cool, got to catch dem pokemon XD

Instinct 4 life nigguh

Because he is completely full of shit.

When Trump says he will work with those he disagrees with it's just the words a conman. He conned the republican voter base by feeding them a lie.

They bought it. Liberals are not so stupid that they're going to believe it for one single second.

Let me know when he builds the wall.
Let me know when Mexico pays for it.
Let me know when his economic "plan" succeeds bigly.
Let me know when he bans the bad Muslims.
Let me know when he puts Hillary in jail.
Let me know when he rips up NAFTA and TPP.

He's not going to accomplish a single thing he promised in office. All he's going to do is foster this idea that we can grow stronger through anger and hate. They're pissed off because their illusion that the country is full of generally smart, sane, rational, caring people has been shattered.

More than Trump, they're pissed that this is a sign that 49% of the country is retarded, bigoted, gullible, and most importantly willing to act more on hate than on hope.

Thinking isn't their strong suit

Here's your 0.02 shekels. You can go now

Grow a pair you weak little faggot.

Imagine taking away a child's favorite toy. There ya go.

Even if he does absolutely nothing that is better than what was planned.

That's just some fag from other boards.
CTR has stopped working. I checked their Twitter. The moment they realize it was over they pulled the plug and went silent.

They know there's no point anymore.

>They're pissed off because their illusion that the country is full of generally smart, sane, rational, caring people has been shattered.

All of those adjectives are just code for leftist.

Liberals don't know how to compromise

It's either their way or
>literally Hitler's way

The fragility of the left today is astounding. Buncha 3 year olds throwing tantrums

They are all a bunch of spoiled brats who know shit about how life works.

They'll eventually grow up.

>he's a liar
Way to describe every politician/leader ever.

And why do you think that is?
And why are dumb, crazy, irrational, and asshole all code words for the right?

Calling something "leftist" isn't a rebuttal you retarded fag.

Is this pasta?

>we can grow stronger trought anger and hate

ah , yes trully hillary "i want to go to war with iran" Clinton was better choice

trump is gonna do amazing thing for the world tensions :
>him and putin are gonna get along and put us out of the cold war we are in
>finally be the first president to want to go meet kim jong un to go talk some sense into him
>tell nato that they need to pay up so that he can use nato used money for something else more important at home
>america stop sending troops to die in middle easter shitholes for at least 4 years

I'd rather have an idiot who's working in my best interest than an """""""""intellectual"""""""""" who's not.

Even if he doesn't achieve anything he said, it'd be better than Hillary doing so instead.

He needs new policies to get passed by congress anyways right? He can't just reinstate whatever he wants whenever right?

Sorry, I'm a /lit/ poster and art history student, I don't know much about how the American political system works. All my colleagues are obviously losing their shit but it seems dumb to think he's the next Hitler who'll burn the country to the ground


The thing is that Repbulicans now have the majority in the two governing bodies that have to approve his policies. It would be different if the Dems had kept control of at least one.

election time is over, CTR scum. go back to your containment cage

I think a lot of people are less worried about Trump, and more worried about general trends of the people who voted for Trump.

The xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, even racism is now completely in the open, almost vindicated. We have a future president who openly believes that vaccines cause autism. The left failed to estimate the sleeping red monster of of rural America.

I voted for Hillary Clinton. But I can see the benefits of Trump and a republican majority in all 3 branches. At least things will actually get done now. Relations with Russia will be better. and I guess taking jobs back from china would be nice too. If trump really wants to unite everyone well, that would be good.

He doesn't have to work with democrats though. He'll have a republican majority in both houses of congress.

but that doesn't mean it'll necessarily mean a bill will pass right? I thought a fair amount of Republicans don't support Trump

>The xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, even racism is now completely in the open, almost vindicated. We have a future president who openly believes that vaccines cause autism. The left failed to estimate the sleeping red monster of of rural America.

Does any of this have any basis in reality or is this all just CNN BBC NBC bullshit?
Actually asking.

That's where things will get interesting, yes.

I don't see Trump getting much done in the next four years. He has too much oppostion from both parties.

haha nice bait

Because they literally know nothing about Trump and his policies other than, "HE IS AN EVIL BAD RACIST MAN"

how are they unable to comprehend the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration? That's what won it for him. He wants to tighten up the borders and I agree with him. He's even said he has no problem with immigrants as long as they come to the country LEGALLY.

Trump isn't racist. He just isn't "politically correct"

You'd think they'd want jobs and the rebirth of the American dream.

Msm needs to be dismantled, its destroyed these kids minds.

kneejerk reaction. a couple days and it'll be ok.

hell, germany and uk stocks closed in the positive after all this. north american markets on route to have a good day as well....which may be the first post election-day gain in 20 elections. people are slowly coming to their senses.

This is why Hillary lost the election by the way

it just means your a ideologue cunt not worth talking too. faggot

They have whipped themselves into rage and they aren't calming down anytime soon.

If you actually wanted something done you should stop the cultural war because it will only lead to endless tug of war where the party in control reverses the policies of previous government.

Meme me up scotty, maga gents we did it

Ah but here's the thing: we already saw this election having a ton of anti-trump people get defeated or nearly so all over the country once they did, in fact, declared themselves anti-trump. Also, the next 2018 election is crucial because it will give the voting district drawing powers to whoever wins it. Should the Republicans and Trump not work together, they will lose the senate as they almost did this year and perhaps even the house. And redistricting the country to benefit them benefits Trump for the 2020 run. Trump elections came at the worse time possible for the establishment and it's going to be a crucial two years if the party doesn't want to be swallowed up.

Some of us are old enough to remember what happened the last time a republican idiot got control of the country. Peoples memories are short as fuck. Was Clinton ideal, no. Would have been a far better outcome than watching the tards torch the place for the next 4 to 8 though.

Basically because the chains of white guilt were broken. Trump is a white nationalist president. Having seen that they can vote for their self-interest, they'll continue to do so. The republicans now simply have to run Trump II, Trump III, etc to win this vote. Many undecided people will jump aboard the Trump-train now that he's the winner. The hispanic vote was already such that only people who could get deported voted for Hitlery - the citizen hispanic vote will always go Trump.

And about that wall... Regardless of whether it actually get's built, Trump can deport millions and prevent any more from coming in. Without this expected flood of immigrants, the future of the democratic base evaporates.

Many conservatives painted this as a last stand for this reason. For Trump to have won entails that the last stand was successful. Republicans now control everything and can pass anything they want.

The country has swung irreversibly to the right, and he alt-right at that. Gay marriage can't be rolled back, but gay rights is now stalled forever.

>I'm confused
me too. just watched some interviews. trump supporters want people oriented Government and to reduce corporation power and for that they are voting for multi millionaire ? doesn't make any sense.

>retarded, bigoted, gullible, and most importantly willing to act more on hate than on hope.

and there it is. that's why you lost.

because of the comments he has made.

he said that he can grab womens pussy and do whatever he wants with them
he said that all mexicans are racists
he is anti-abortion

at least that's why my girlfriend is sad as fuck. things that don't affect you user that's why.

Growing a pair is when nothing that bullies say offends you but you still recognize them as insecure assholes

>no power
>will literally have control of the senate and the house


“Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country.”

If that fat cunt thinks she is going to getting let of easy by the one she tried so desperately to ridicule, the must be full on retarded.

Basically if Trump can get away with treating women/minorities and everyone else like shit that means americans will hold it as a standard and are allowed to be hateful to everyone as well.

There have been studies:


The media exaggerates, but the stuff they are saying about Trump supporters is still there.

Why are Trump voters so quick to deny their own tendencies? They should "say it as it is," like the buffoon they just brought into office.

why do people unironically keep calling Trump a fascist

>Everyone acting like this is either the end of the world, or a new golden age.

Somehow I'm going to be disappointed no matter what side I take here....

This fucking hit me like a sack of bricks last night as I was going to sleep. I was lying down, happy Trump had won and it hit me that the problem isn't Trump, it's the people who saw all the lies about him, the "Make Muslims wear ID" propaganda bullshit stuff, and said "FUCK YEAH THATS THE GUY I WANT". Those people are the problem, not Trump himself. They just "came out of the closet" and are about to be really open about it, and this is going to cause a huge rift between them and the minorities. I think it's going to be a pretty crazy, potentially scary couple of years, not because of Trump, but because of the people who elected him.

cause they're spoiled brats who have no idea what that actually looks like

we've seen this train wreck coming before

Well, it's not entirely media bullshit, Trump's most vocal supporters have a lot of issues with anti-intellectualism and xenophobia, but most of Trump's supporters were obviously just normal people who don't constantly shitpost social media.

Since mainstream media sources are relying more and more on social media in the last few years, it meant they were pretty much reporting solely on the basis of the most noticeable Trump supporters, who were also the most extreme.

Same goes the other way too I guess, it's not like the Correct the Record brigade represented anything more than a tiny fraction of her overall voter base, but that's what springs to mind when people on the right think of Hillary supporters.

It's almost as if 99% of liberals on the internet are histrionic attention whores that don't care about politics so much as the attention gained from whining about them.

oh really? those are such good news sites too................

They have put literally zero thought into this election and have let the media do their thinking for them.


That's not a problem, but a solution. Perhaps even a Final Solution, if you will.

I have been through that phase a long time ago.
Now im just amused about it all.

Still glad trump won

>Implying liberals don't always whine over nothing
Why are you surprised by this behavior coming from the same group of people saying you can be raped without being touched

I don't think people were that enthused about Trump, I think they just loathed Hillary and if the DNC hadn't been so far up their own ass trying to crown her Queen of America and had chosen a half decent candidate Trump would have gotten nowhere.

>Being this bluepilled about vaccines

Get a load of this guy

They cry because the globalist plans have stopped, and people are brainwashed so they consider the globalist plans as them. Plain and simple

Because they're basically children, mentally. They haven't actually read anything Trump has planned and have allowed themselves to be fed a bunch of lies via their professors, their colleagues, and the media.

Trump was sold to them as literally Hitler and they never questioned that line, and now they ACTUALLY believe we've elected Hitler. If you had talked to them over the course of this election, liberals that is, you'd better understand why they're literally flipping their shit.

It's also why the liberal media and the liberal politicians are working overtime to calm down their base after whipping the useful idiots into a frenzy of violence and fear and psychopathy. They know they need to keep shit calm if they're ever going to keep their heads.

Enjoy your smallpox and polio.

*theirs. Sorry

Virtue signalling and attention getting

thats it

Fuck off

I think perhaps that shitting on you was their life, and they can't do that anymore.

Could write essay on this but they went too fucking far. If any have a brain and get over being emotional hysterics maybe...


You realize that we WANT a next Hitler?

most of them probably aren't.

average response to donald trump pres: "huh, no shit?"

They have been brainwashed into believing they are white devils and a white man in office will awake their inner Hitler.

If the following quote isnt a troll it's the perfect proof of the fearmongering these people buy into.
>and most importantly willing to act more on hate

Trump rallies radiated positivity, even i had to fight the compulsion to chant "USA!" sometimes. The worst that can happen is things will stay the same.

Hive minds. Their queen was not elected.

>They know they need to keep shit calm if they're ever going to keep their heads.

I don't know if that is the correct move. Trump monetized anger in amazing way. The political lessons are clear. Using his methods works.

Not to learn that lesson is foolish.

Fuck the cool heads, Yelling about burning down the system works. USE IT.

Scream from the left at the top of your lungs and get people angry. It is what trump would do in our position

You must love your work CTR, so much in fact that you'll do it for free!

It is now.

Is this your first election. The real political operatives will learn from this election.

Will you or will you stand still and scream CTR when 2 and 4 years from now the ground starts to shift.

what really gets me is, republicans voted for dumb down, trickle down, nafta, union busting,
money is free speech, the rich and corporations should be able to do whatever they want, a renewed love on the mic, tax cut for the rich, ect ect ect. and now that they've won the election they think they have a right to punish everyone else for the consequences of their previous votes.

I wonder what idiocy they'll drag us into this time. I wonder if this time it'll be civil war

hitler didnt exterminate the jews first day in office.
it took years. but it was similar to the situation with trump: hitler was also a populist douche, with his dumbass manifesto "mein kampf" detailing pretty well what he thought should be done with the jews.

so jews being very worried the day he was elected is not weird at all, even if their lives werent over that very day.

you are just being dense here

Am I banned for posting my dick? Testing.

bill mahar is right, and he's only scratching the surface

republicans voted for all the problems we are fighting today

The sad fact is that racism is in the open now because the Left elected to drop their pretensions for building a better, post-racial society and instead decided to reach back in time for grievances to justify their very own petty hatred while having the nerve to insult everyone's intelligence by labeling it with a number of sweet-smelling platitudes.

The Progressives that just could not shut the fuck up about any manner of privileges obtained from their cozy upper-middle class dorms. The costume police making it their undying quest to kill any amount of fun if it so much as had a scent of taboo to it. The globalists who were always just so giddy at the prospect of countries with white majorities becoming multicultural Balkanesque tubs.

538 noted that for the first time in a long time, the white working class voted the same way a minority group would. The Left was so busy racializing the political identity of minority groups they forgot that would in turn racialize whites and now that that has happened, it puts their plans for demographic shift into immediate jeopardy by a USA with a sudden de-facto one-party rule.

If anyone's to blame for this, it's the sniveling little cunts who turned into Red Guards and driving people into the arms of people and ideas they would have never associated with otherwise.


It's as simple as that. In less then 10 hours liberals across the country have forgotten how out government actually works and are convinced we are now a dictatorship.

Everyone talked about the republicans running a campaign of fear mongering, but the democrats did the exact same fucking thing, and now there is mass hysteria.

Yeah, that's the problem you stupid fuck.

u should be
try reading the rulez
no porn
no porn means NO DICK u stupid fuck

>money is free speech

I can normally understand why the left thinks the way they do but this is baffling. Why exactly should I not be allowed to give whatever amount of my money to anybody I want for whatever reason I want?

Is it safe to say that after eight years of pandering to the nth degree and passive-aggressive infighting against your best interest, that maybe being honest with your feelings towards your political allies and enemies might actually rally support in your favor? Seemed to work for President Trump.

Are you really comparing Hitler and Trump ?

Krauts and their Fuhrer shadow will never end...

trump and his republic senate can remove lgbt rights.

No it is the solution, you stupid fuck.

Not us, I'm talking about the democrats trying to calm down the useful idiots they've worked up into a frenzy.

We need to bask in our win, we deserve a break, but also need to remember EVERYTHING we've gone through. So I agree. Anger is our strength and will be for the next 4 years.