Thanks, Sup Forums

Thanks, Sup Forums.



You're welcome.

Buy stock while it's low, sit on it for 2 years.

You should have sold and put that money into the VIX, then sold and wait for your former stocks to bottom

>2 years
kys boomer

Poor fag

Should have bet on gold with NUGT

Should've doubled down on aumn. #maga

Dear /biz/,
Remember the basics of finance.
-Sup Forums

Volatility got crushed today and all my December options came in beautifully.

Was not expecting that while looking at the futures last night.

They might be propping it up to get their money's worth before doing a massive sell off later in the day.

the market is offering free money right now, the downturn is meant to purge simpletons like (You)




I'm confused. I thought for sure the economy was going to collapse hard this morning... but nothing.
Vix isn't changing and my biopharma stocks aren't tanking. What gives?

I've already taken my profits and am reloading again.


I made some mad $$$ tonight. Considering USD/RUB, I'm going to live like a king for at least a year.

Fucking buy into Pfizer man. Stock is rallying probably because there will be less regulations regarding medication prices.

>tfw stockmarket was supposed to go down based on futures
>tfw it started up and keeps going up more today
>tfw the pound is rising and the euro is falling

Could be adblocker.

Mine says the same

No problem senpai, you'll see plenty more business success in the future too, Trump is going to put America back on top.

If truly were a poster you would know day to day performance doesn't matter

Nah I don't tend to buy straight into stocks. I'm product indifferent and neutral trader.

Berkshire Class B stock NOW NOW NOW BUY BUY BUY

>smith and wesson down 6.3% overnight
>600 in the hole right now

God fucking damn it.

biz is full of the most financially illiterate people on the web, they're worse than lefty pol

how much
what did you invest on

Lol get fucked kikes

Literally, I knew Trump would win so I put money in UVXY (basically predicting the market would crash when he won a la Brexit). Last night, I looked like a genius, but I woke up today and I'm losing money. The markets are actually going fucking up.

Trump is just too good at winning.

To be expected. There's no panic buying now so their sales are down.

You knew this was comming
Should have sold out before

2 days.

not him, but I make $900 a month part time while in school.

I put about a week's pay in, $200, at odds of 11 to 1. You do the math.

I am now car shopping.

I know, I was just banking on Clinton winning. Ah well, sales will go up again sometime soon I imagine

What you trade in?