you just made an old lady cry. how do you feel Sup Forums?
You just made an old lady cry. how do you feel Sup Forums?
>Implying undercover lizard people can feel genuine emotions.
>how do you feel Sup Forums?
I feel the wall just got 10 inches higher.
great tbqh phamalamadam
Fucking great
My Smugness has reach unpresidented levels
she might be female, but this woman is no lady.
I want her imprisoned. I want her assets seized and I want Chelsea to get a fucking job. Only then will I be satisfied.
i feel great again
Ship her ass to Guantanamo Bay and then I will be happy
Great again!!
pretty good family
My grin grew wider t b h
>miley cyrus crying on twitter
top kek
Fan fucking tastic, you fucking leaf.
I hope you enjoy our dregs flocking to you like retards crashing against wavebreakers
>secret private faceook sites
My nipples are hard!
How do I feel? Leaf-faggot, I was fully prepared to set the goddamn world on fire just to see if liberals could shed enough tears to put it out, and I just saw the saltiest tears of all shed.
I feel incredible.
I feel like serving her desert and lynching the bitch for trying to sell out the us
its going to get worse when she goes to jail for emails and benghazi.
fuck that malicious cunt
>its going to get worse when she goes to jail for emails and benghazi.
Obama will issue Hillary and Huma blanket pardons before he leaves office.
That "cute old lady" is responsible for ISIS and massive human rights violations that she has convinced even the most kind hearted people to overlook.
Fuck her.
I feel ecstatic, man. If there's one thing I could have asked for it's to never see Hillary as President
And you people are the only people I can celebrate with. I love you guys.
>responsible for ISIS
Yeah not GW Bush
Yeah ok
Pic related her tits are worth more then your brains.
she's a disgusting witch who belongs in prison for the rest of her life
Maleficent is way sexier than Clinton.
can lizards cry?
That bitch is a lying sociopath and a career criminal who talks shit about her own supporters behind closed doors and then putting on a persona to pander to them. I don't give a fuck about her crying.
Let her fucking cry.
People were searching for a anti-establishment candidate. A candidate against corporate interests, special interest groups. A person who inspired people of different color and ethnicity. With a message that reached factory workers, that reached the suburbs. All these things Trump excelled against Hillary, Bernie excelled against Trump. And actually had experience at least. He's was more qualified than Trump.
But the shitty DNC rigged it for crooked Hillary, the only fucking candidate that is just as bad as Trump and now, we are stuck with the man for 4 years.
Hillary, Obama and the DNC deserve everything they're getting right now, I hope she gets put in jail. The party is now as divided as ever, and hopefully the DNC would transform to a better party after 4 years when people come crying back.
I would answer you but I do not rebuttal people who live in countries the size of a US landfill.
I still dont feel sorry for her like I did for Yeb last January.
I want to skin her alive for what she has done to this country and for what she wanted to do.
She is a disgusting excuse for a human being.
you can't do that. you have to lay out specific charges if there hasn't been a conviction.